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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    No, I don't have any kind of tape measure, and I never did any "before" measurements.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    Thank you!!! Just what I needed. I know in my brain that it'll pass, but MAN, when you're in it (especially for the first time) it's hard to remember that.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    It's day 12, and it feels like there's no end in sight. Who knew this would be the worst part of the surgery???
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    I'm now on day 12 of this stupid stall. I'm just so over it. This really is the pits.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    Especially now. Crime has gone up, it's become a tent city, there's trash everywhere, and panhandlers on every corner. So....apartment gym it is...
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    I'm trying. Who knew the worst part of the surgery was the stall??? Not the liquid diet, not the pain, not the recovery, not the learning how to eat. The STALL!!!!! lol
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    I don't really live anywhere that I can go walking outside (I live right in downtown, and if you know anything about downtown Denver right now, you know you can't go walking there) so I use my apartment complex's gym. I want to add inclines to the treadmill but my surgeon said no until I hit 6 weeks post op. I can't lift any weights (I only do 3 and 5 pound weights) until then, too. And no running or jogging until then. So I'm kinda stuck at just speed walking on the treadmill and riding the exercise bike. If that means I'm gonna be in this stall another 2 weeks, I might very well lose my mind lol But I'm happy you finally broke the stall!!! How much did you lose when you saw the stall broke?
  8. When have you guys started the shakes? I was thinking of trying today because I'm really struggling getting my protein in with just the water, and the shakes I got have 30g of protein per bottle. But I'm nervous because I'm afraid they might be a little too thick 3 days post op. What do you guys think? And if I DO try and it IS too thick, what will happen? Will it hurt or feel over-full or will I throw up?
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bad abdominal pain/nausea

    It sounds like maybe you're having gas pain (only things for that are a heating pad and walking, walking, walking) and maybe some stomach acid. Did your doctor give you anything for it? Most do for at least the first 6 weeks while you're fully healing. But definitely call your surgeon's office. They need to know about this.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    asthma and allergies

    I had seasonal allergies and asthma before surgery. But I think I developed a shellfish allergy after surgery. I have an appointment with an allergist on Thursday, so we'll get to the bottom it for sure. But I was able to take the krill oil supplements before surgery and now I have a really bad reaction to them. Every time, it's worse. First it was a rash. Then it was a rash, headache and numb tongue. Then I took pills that I forgot to change out (they had merely touched the supplements) and I had rash, numb tongue, tingly lips, headache, and nausea. I now have an epi pen with me at all times and I'm not allowed to have any seafood at all until we figure out exactly what I'm allergic to (shrimp is easy to know, since krill are tiny shrimp). That might also include crab, lobster, and crawfish since they are all in the same shellfish type. But we'll see for sure.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    OMG day 10 of my stall and I think I'm losing my mind LOL These things are horrible!!!
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    I think I'm gonna reset my scale with the cat lol This stall stuff is for the birds!!!!
  13. So I discovered I have a brand spanking new allergy to shellfish. I had a weird rash on Monday and Tuesday. I couldn't figure it out, and then Wednesday it hit me. I started taking my krill oil supplement again (I always took it before with no issues at all, and my surgeon recommended it again once I hit 3 weeks post op). So since there had never been any issues with it in the past, I didn't even consider it an issue when the rash started. Anyway, on Wednesday I remembered it and decided to take it out of my pills and see how things go. Lo and behold, no rash. No redness, no itching, nothing. So I looked it up and the rash/hives are part of an allergic reaction to shellfish (and krill oil pills are made from krill which are shellfish). I read those allergies can happen at any time, but when they do, you always need an epi pen with you because the more times it happens, the worse the reactions will be, and a shellfish allergy is one that never goes away, no matter when it starts. I reached out to my primary doctor and she is having me come in for blood work and a skin test for allergies. She's also prescribing me an epi pen, because the 2nd time I took the supplement my tongue was tingly and numb and my throat felt a little tight for a bit. Has this happened to anyone? I've never had a food allergy ever in my life, and now I suddenly get a big one? What the heck???
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Best Fast Food Bets after Bariatric Surgery

    I just found this, and it's AWESOME!!!!!!! Thank you so much for posting it!!!!!
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Man I am torn........

    What is your current weight (your info shows you below your goal right now). I would say nevermind the doctors and their pressure or sales tactics. Have you fully researched both procedures? Which has the largest success rate? Which has the lowest complication rates? Which is more affordable (if you're out of pocket)? And there's threads here for both procedures, I think. I would reach out to folks on those and pick their brains about recovery time, pain levels, malabsorption, complications, costs, etc.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Anyone suddenly get new food allergies after surgery?

    My PCP called me in an epi pen. I removed the supplements from my med holder in less than an hour later I broke out horribly, was nauseaus, and had a headache. She's also referring me to an allergist. This is really making me mad because I LOVE seafood. Crabs, lobster, crawfish, shrimp, fish, etc.... She told me to avoid all seafood until the allergist can pinpoint specifically what all I'm allergic to. Is it all shellfish, certain shellfish, all seafood, etc... So so bummed. Was looking forward to going to Red Lobster on my birthday on June 16th because it's the day I'm officially allowed to eat solids, and I have been dreaming about thier crab legs and stuffed mushrooms (stuffed with cheese and crab meat). I could cry
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    LOL I feel the same way. My normal weigh in day is Sunday, but I think I'll wait until Tuesday (my 4 week post op day) and hope I see something other than 363. I swear if I see 363 AGAIN the scale is going over the balcony (and I live on the 4th floor lol)
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Anyone suddenly get new food allergies after surgery?

    So so weird. I wonder what it is about the surgery that causes this.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    I'm on day 8 of my stall, and it's really annoying me. I stopped gaining weight several days ago (gained 4 pounds) but now I'm just sitting here not moving at all. Hoping it's over in the next week. I've seen a few people on here say theirs last 3 or even 4 weeks, and that would just freak me out lol
  20. So I just had my first solid food. I had chicken. Not the canned stuff, but chicken legs. I had 2 of them. They were amazing. But I'm only 19 days post op and I had NO restriction, NO fullness, NO discomfort, nothing. WHY am I able to eat this much already? And I thought once solid food was introduced, that's where restriction would come into play. So what's going on with me? Did my doctor leave too much stomach? WHERE IS MY RESTRICTION??? After eating my normal mushy lunch, it was about an hour later that I had the 2 chicken legs. And now I feel comfortable, but not full. Why do I still have so much hunger? And why am I able to eat so much? I keep trying not to, but I get so hungry!!! Not for anything specific, but actually hungry. Eating 5x a day was too much, but lowering it keeps me hungry all day. And it's hard to ignore the hunger. It's not stomach acid (I never had reflux or gerd before but I'm on Prilosec through my 1st 6 weeks anyway). So now I'm in tears because I went through all of that pain and discomfort, and it feels like it was all for nothing. I'm really trying to stick to eating small amounts. And yes, in the past I could eat 6 or 7 chicken legs in one sitting. So I'm happy it's less. But at the same time, I wonder if I could have eaten more tonight if I let myself. I don't want to find out, and I'm not going to. But I'm beside myself right now. Starting tomorrow I'm going to try and do a full reset and see if I can't figure this out. I walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes a day twice a day. But I'm going to try to go back to basics, if I can. I've been able to progress through the diet stages faster than anyone thought I could, and my stomach has been completely fine. I'm so upset. I really am. This is the first time I've eaten more than I should, and I honestly didn't think I would be able to. I won't be doing it again, but I'm so mad that I could at all!!!!!
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Pain after surgery

    I had the sleeve and the pain on the left where they removed my stomach HUUUURT. Had pain for 2 1/2 weeks. I'm exactly 3 weeks post op today and I finally don't have pain anymore. It definitely takes time to feel better.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Literally crying right now

    That could be. I just know when I eat certain things, I get a very distinct "hard stop" feeling, but then with actual solid foods like chicken, I could just eat and eat and feel nothing at all. It freaked me out.
  23. Man, you are SO lucky!!!!! I never lost the hunger hormone at all, so it's a real struggle trying to stick to the plan. Not to mention, I get a little restriction on eggs or hummus and avocado spread, but nothing on skinless chicken drumsticks. Makes all of this really confusing and hard.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Literally crying right now

    Thanks, everybody. I was more worried because I was 19 days out and could eat literally anything. But I didn't even think about the nerves being cut and not feeling the restriction. It's weird, tho, because I feel it if I eat 1 egg, or if I eat too much hummus and avocado spread together. But absolutely nothing for chicken drumsticks. I'm going to ease up on the solids since technically i shouldn't be on them yet, and just kind of reset my plan. Thanks again for all the encouragement and help!!!!
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Literally crying right now

    I didn't have to take my time. I ate normally because I actually forgot to go slow. And being that I'm only 19 days out, I didn't think I would be able to eat this much this soon with absolutely no issues at all.

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