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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Best Fast Food Bets after Bariatric Surgery

    I just went and picked up the steak Power Menu Bowl, no rice or cheese that I saw on this list. I've never had it before, and there's still lots of toppings that are apparently ok to have with it (comes on it) so I'm excited to dig in. Everyone else got Taco Bell, and I was feeling kinda down because I didn't want to be left out lol Then I remembered this thread and YAY I am able to stick to my diet and be included with the fam!!!!!
  2. I knew it was coming and yet it still bothers me. Now that my weight hasn't gone down (and I actually gained a pound) in the last 2 days, I'm going to not weigh myself for at least a week. I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing, keep exercising, keep watching what I eat, and try not to think about it too much. It's not easy, because of course it bothers me that my progress is stopping, but I can't let it get my anxiety going. So....fun times....
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    4 months out and stalled all month!

    Carbs are, at least for me, the VERY worst thing I can eat if I want to lose weight. But it's not really possible to eat a balanced diet and cut out ALL carbs. My dietician said to consume 60-80g of protein per day, less than 50g of carbs per day, and less than 50g of fats per day. She said food should be half a cup or less per meal, and for those meals that I can't measure in a measuring cup, I bought a food scale and make sure not to go over 4oz per meal (I typically stay around the 3oz mark, just o be safe). When I had my stall, it happened at 2 1/2 weeks and lasted a full 2 weeks. I actually gained 5 pounds during it and then just got stuck. Now I'm 7 weeks post op today and I'm losing between 5-7 pounds per week (before my stall I literally lost 30 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks, it was crazy!!!) so while the weight loss has slowed a lot from pre stall, I like the pace I'm at. It's easier to manage and even with the dietary restrictions, I still get to order yummy stuff and not feel left out (and I end up with at least 1 or 2 more meals with my leftovers LOL. My husband calls me a cheap date).
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just need to moan, whine and vent -- Sorry

    For me, Miralax has never worked. I swear by Milk of Magnesia (if I have a drink nearby to wash away the taste) or Colace (I have to take 4 a day to get it to work, but once it kicks in, I'm good for 2-3 days lol). I was also taken off my bp meds as well as diabetes meds by by surgeon, the day I had my surgery. It's worked out well so far (I'm 7 weeks out today) but I did find it odd that the surgeon took me off and not my PCP. I had my stall at 2/2 weeks, and it lasted for 2 full weeks. I actually gained 5 pounds on it before I just got stuck. I wanted to cry almost everyday. I'm sorry you're dealing with that. It never occurred to me that stalls would be the worst part of the surgery lol I'm confused why they won't let you have your diuretic. Was it prescribed for something that had nothing to do with weight specifically? If so, the surgeon's office had no business messing with it. I have MS, and they were looking at what meds to stop and I called my neurologist from the hospital and told them and they contacted my surgeon and said in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS that any meds related to MS are not to be touched in any way, and if they refuse to let me have them, he would come to the hospital everyday twice a day to administer them to me and bill the surgeon's office for the visits lol Needless to say, my MS meds were left alone.
  5. I just had my shower with the hibiclens stuff they told me to use, but while I was in there (before I used it) I did a hair mask. Then when IO got out I did a face mask and used toner and serum and moisturizer (my "special occasion" stuff, not my daily ones). I also exfoliated my lips and have on a lip mask. I know I can't have anything on my face when I leave for surgery, but I kind of wanted to go all out tonight. I can't have nail polish on, but I was told i can paint my toes, so I did that, too. I also have foot masks on right now. Not sure why I feel the need to have a mini spa day the night before surgery, but it just seemed like a good idea. Did any of you do this, too?
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    3 rd after surgery

    Walk, walk, walk. That's the quickest and most effective way to dispel the gas. Also, when you're resting or sleeping, a heating pad also works wonders. That's really all you can do. It WILL get better, but it can be really annoying and painful until it does.
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Best Multivitamin for Gastric Sleeve

    I take this one: https://store.bariatricpal.com/products/bariatricpal-multivitamin-one-day-bariatric-capsule-18mg-iron?variant=32469011169357 and an extra 5000mcg of biotin. And I haven't had any issues with it at all. Really like it.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is smoking marijuana safe after surgery?

    THIS.....I don't use any form of drug at all (refused all pain meds after 2 days and only took Tylenol) so I can't help with that part. BUT, I remember in my pre op appt, in the hospital, and my 1st post op appt I was told not to smoke ANYTHING (cigarettes or weed or vaping) for 1 week before surgery and 2 weeks after. I was told no edibles or anything a week prior because of the all liquid diet, and none for 2 weeks after for the same reason. So 3 total weeks of nothing, then could slowly introduce gummies once the mushy stage started and could smoke once the sutures and abdominal muscles fully healed (again, none of this applied to me, but I guess they have to say it multiple times anyway). The best people to really talk about this with is your surgical team. They will give you the best advice for your specific situation, surgery, and health. Good luck!!
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    About 4 days out of surgery

    I didn't have any buyers remorse until I hit my first stall. It lasted 2 weeks and I actually gained 5 pounds and then was just stuck. Once the stall broke, I started losing weight really slowly compared to before my stall, and I got SO upset. You can find my posts about it somewhere on here. Now things have picked up a little bit again (not as much as pre stall, but definitely better than right after) and I'm happy as can be again. I'm 6 1/2 weeks out, and I can eat what I want. But I'm very careful on making sure it sits right with my stomach and I only eat the amount I'm supposed to. I also make sure I'm taking in between 60-80g of Protein per day, less than 50g of carbs per day, and less than 50g of fats per day. I also eat 3 meals and sometimes 1 snack per day, and I eat less than 1/2 a cup of food per meal (or no more than 4oz of food if I need to use my food scale instead of a measuring cup). I never had a sweet tooth, and I never really cared for bread, Pasta, rolls, etc. So none of that has been an issue for me. MY big vices have always been fried, greasy, savory, tart, slightly sour flavors (for sour, think green olives). I also used to salt EVERYTHING....a LOT. Now I'm much more sensitive to salt and only use a very small amount on the rare occasions I use it at all. I will say this....if you are thinking about the same thing, or same types of things, over and over then it's head hunger and not real hunger. I know I'm hungry when my stomach starts to hurt a little and I would eat anything you put in front of me. It's usually after about 4 hours from the last time I ate. When I start thinking "I would sell my teenager for some tater tots and chili cheese fries" then I know it's a craving, which is head hunger. So I drink through it (protein shake or a smoothie or whatever I have on hand) and busy myself so I don't focus on it. When it's genuine hunger, then I eat. Eventually you WILL be able to eat what you want. But you have to hold yourself accountable and make yourself stick to your diet and portion sizes. No grazing. I never lost my hunger hormone and I never had an aversion to food like a lot of people on here do. So it's been a real struggle to stay on track. But it's possible, and sloooooowly my brain and body are learning that I AM actually eating enough and I DON'T need to eat until I feel like I'm going to pop. I promise you'll get there. And when you get on the scale and see it move every day or every few days (depending on how often you choose to weigh yourself) it'll give you that extra motivation to stick with it and keep going. You got this, and it'll definitely all be worth it in the end
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Buyer remorse and emotional

    I didn't have any buyers remorse until I hit my first stall. It lasted 2 weeks and I actually gained 5 pounds and then was just stuck. Once the stall broke, I started losing weight really slowly compared to before my stall, and I got SO upset. You can find my posts about it somewhere on here. Now things have picked up a little bit again (not as much as pre stall, but definitely better than right after) and I'm happy as can be again. I'm 6 1/2 weeks out, and I can eat what I want. But I'm very careful on making sure it sits right with my stomach and I only eat the amount I'm supposed to. I also make sure I'm taking in between 60-80g of protein per day, less than 50g of carbs per day, and less than 50g of fats per day. I also eat 3 meals and sometimes 1 snack per day, and I eat less than 1/2 a cup of food per meal (or no more than 4oz of food if I need to use my food scale instead of a measuring cup). I never had a sweet tooth, and I never really cared for bread, pasta, rolls, etc. So none of that has been an issue for me. MY big vices have always been fried, greasy, savory, tart, slightly sour flavors (for sour, think green olives). I also used to salt EVERYTHING....a LOT. Now I'm much more sensitive to salt and only use a very small amount on the rare occasions I use it at all. I will say this....if you are thinking about the same thing, or same types of things, over and over then it's head hunger and not real hunger. I know I'm hungry when my stomach starts to hurt a little and I would eat anything you put in front of me. It's usually after about 4 hours from the last time I ate. When I start thinking "I would sell my teenager for some tater tots and chili cheese fries" then I know it's a craving, which is head hunger. So I drink through it (protein shake or a smoothie or whatever I have on hand) and busy myself so I don't focus on it. When it's genuine hunger, then I eat. Eventually you WILL be able to eat what you want. But you have to hold yourself accountable and make yourself stick to your diet and portion sizes. No grazing. I never lost my hunger hormone and I never had an aversion to food like a lot of people on here do. So it's been a real struggle to stay on track. But it's possible, and sloooooowly my brain and body are learning that I AM actually eating enough and I DON'T need to eat until I feel like I'm going to pop. I promise you'll get there. And when you get on the scale and see it move every day or every few days (depending on how often you choose to weigh yourself) it'll give you that extra motivation to stick with it and keep going. You got this, and it'll definitely all be worth it in the end
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Thing I miss most

    I don't even think about soda anymore, or anything with bubbles. But I do love sugar free juice, sugar free gatorade, etc...
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    I'm sad VERY SAD!

    Since you're so early out from surgery, I can tell you this is normal. Hormones are wacky because this is a MAJOR surgery. The first 2 weeks I couldn't drink very well at all. I was on an all liquid diet for 2 weeks post op and it really hurt to drink. But, and I know you don't want to hear this, but it got better. IT WILL GET BETTER. Once you get to the mushy stage, it'll be Heaven. I'm 6 weeks out, and I can eat normal foods. The trick for me, since I never lost my hunger hormone and don't have restriction, is to stick super close to my bariatric diet. But I can tell you, you will be able to eat normal foods again. Maybe not rice or breads or pasts (or if you do, extremely small amounts), but meats, veggies, etc will definitely be ok. You just gotta get there. I know it's hard, but the end results are so worth it. I've lost 33 pounds in 6 weeks (an average of 5 1/2 pounds per week). And I had a miserable 2 week stall where I actually gained 5 pounds. And since then, once the stall broke, I lost those 5 pounds plus more. So while it's tough right now, make sure you get in your protein (shakes, protein water, etc), and make sure you're walking everyday. It really will get better. It took 3 weeks before all of my pain went away, but now I can do whatever I want exercise wise, and I can eat what I want as long as I make sure A) I don't eat portions that are too big I don't graze throughout the day C) I only eat what my stomach can tolerate (lettuce is a no no for me), and D) I stick to 60-80g of protein a day, less than 50g of carbs a day, and less than 50g of fats per day. You'll get there, and you'll look back on how you feel right now and really feel proud of yourself for how far you've come.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Over 2 month pre-op diet!?! Anyone else?

    My surgeon didn't allow me to have any food at all. So the stuff I mentioed is what I was told I can have. If you can have a meal, I would look at some ideas of what others had that were allowed to. I saw a lot of fish, steamed veggies, chicken, lean proteins (lean ground beef), etc... They also made sure not to have more than 4oz of food during their 1 meal. I wish you lots of luck. You got this
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Over 2 month pre-op diet!?! Anyone else?

    When i had to do the total of 3 weeks, I made sure to have a variety of protein shakes (my favorites are from Fairlife and Premier) as well as a variety of protein flavored waters, sugar free protein gatorades, and protein smoothies. There's also sugar free jello you can have. And sugar free tropical popsicles. This is what got me through, helped me get my fluids in, and got me to my protein goals. I still drink a protein shake in the morning (has 30g of protein and caffeine). Make sure you give yourself variety so you don't get bored.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Thing I miss most

    THIS is what I was hoping to hear somewhere on here. I'm really struggling with not drinking while I eat. I have dry mouth because of meds I take, so I tend to drink a lot ALL this time. It's hard to eat without drinking anything at all, but I was told it's just something I'm going to have to learn to deal with it. At least I can look forward to maybe being able to drink, even a little, with my food further down the road.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Over 2 month pre-op diet!?! Anyone else?

    That's a long time!!! I had to do a week of all liquid diet before surgery and 2 weeks of liquids after. I wasn't allowed to have any food at all in my pre and post op liquid diet, and if you look at my posts on here, I was MISERABLE lol I could never do 2 months. No way, no how. I give you huge props for it, and I wish you all the best and all the luck with it.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    Maybe change up what you're eating. Your calories don't sound bad, but my dietician said to get 60-80g of protein per day, less than 50g of carbs per day, and less than 50g of fats per day. She didn't say anything about counting calories. Maybe try counting the protein, carbs, and fats instead of calories. Maybe that'll help. And chair exercises sound excellent. Any additional movement is good, although I'm finding my body holds weight if I work out too much. So chair exercises might give you the movement you need to drop weight without overdoing it. If you can't eat enough food to get your protein in, drink protein shakes and protein water. I also found protein gatorade that's sugar free and only has 1 carb, which helps with hydration and protein. While you should be getting your protein from food, at this point just getting it and hitting your fluid goals is more important. So definitely look into that and see if it helps.
  18. I'm so frustrated. I lost 30 pounds the first 2 weeks after surgery. Then I hit a stall for 2 weeks. Lost 5 pounds when the stall broke, and then literally lost nothing else. Stayed at that weight for a week, and now I'm gaining weight!!!!! I don't understand it. I bought a food scale and I weigh everything. I check the labels on everything to make sure protein is high and carbs and fats are low. I work out once, sometimes twice, a day. I never have restriction, so I make sure to set alarms for when I can eat so I don't graze or eat too much (I eat 3 meals and 1 snack per day). I'm always hungry, but I do my best to ignore it and stick to the diet and eating schedule. I did a journal of what I eat and I sent it to my dietician and she said "it looks good, you're doing what you're supposed to. It might be that you have PCOS and it's holding on to your weight and even putting some back on. We see this a lot in PCOS patients." Wait....what??? I lost 100 pounds in 8 months on keto, but I can't lose more than 30 with WLS??? And it took 2 months before the weight came back with keto, but I can't even make it to 6 weeks post op before the weight starts coming back with WLS??? I went down from a size 30 in clothing to a size 22 before the weight came back with keto. I haven't gone down any clothing sizes with WLS and my clothes are still fitting pretty much the same (I've gained 6 pounds back from the 30 I lost). I can drink as much as I want, eat anything I want, don't have to eat slow because there's no restriction and nothing to make me slow down, I could only eat 1/3 of a burger a week or so ago, now I can eat a whole one with no issues and not quite feel comfortable yet (I still stop, even though I'm still hungry). I know everyone says my stomach is still healing, but I never lost my hunger hormone, I never had food aversion, I never really had any restriction. After the first 2 weeks (my stomach was still very sensitive and I had to crush pills and be careful what I ate because PAIN), I never had any other ANYTHING that would even indicate I had surgery. Literally nothing has changed. So I follow the diet, weigh my food, eat only at my designated times, work out, journal what I eat, stay hungry, gain weight back, and basically just live miserably every day.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    Awww thanks Yeah, I'm pretty active on here because I love it here. The staycation was a last minute thing, and it really worked wonders for me. I'm kinda in a weird place because I have to exercise because I have MS and have to keep moving to keep my mobility and muscles going. but when I do a lot of exercising, my weight slows down. So i have to find a happy medium to do the exercising my neurologist wants (my bariatric surgeon wants me to exercise, too) while being mindful of how my body responds to working out. I've only been doing the treadmill and exercise bike. Now I'm cleared to add cardio and working with weights. So I'm trying to figure out where the sweet spot is for everything. But at least I have the food down, finally lol
  20. No worries at all!!! When I feel a certain way, sometimes I don't explain things correctly. I can completely see why you thought I meant a full on burger. And that's awesome that you didn't feel bothered at all by not ordering anything!!!! I still miss Burger King patties, but I leave them alone and just make mine at home. I can season them the way I want, and I like to have avocado with the patties sometimes. Not a lot, but here and there.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    Oh wow. So did you just lose weight pre op and maybe the first week post op? Have you called your dietician? Have you tried changing up your exercise and diet at all?
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Blah...my first stall...

    Sorry I was gone and didn't respond. I was on a staycation with my family for a few days. I don't know how it happened, but I dropped several pounds while I was gone. I'm mindful of what I eat. 60-80 oz of protein per day, less than 50g of carbs and less than 50g of fat per day. I also make sure I eat half a cup or less of food per meal and weigh my food if it's not something that can be measured via a measuring cup (I make sure not to go over 3-4 oz which is what I was told I can have). I didn't do any exercise while I was gone, so I really thought I gained weight. Again, I was stunned I lost weight.
  23. Sorry I was gone and didn't respond. I was on a staycation with my family for a few days. I don't know how it happened, but I dropped several pounds while I was gone. I'm mindful of what I eat. 60-80 oz of protein per day, less than 50g of carbs and less than 50g of fat per day. I also make sure I eat half a cup or less of food per meal and weigh my food if it's not something that can be measured via a measuring cup (I make sure not to go over 3-4 oz which is what I was told I can have). I didn't do any exercise while I was gone, so I really thought I gained weight. Again, I was stunned I lost weight.
  24. It's just the patty. No bun, none of the junk that usually goes on it. Just the patty with a little seasoning. And they are homemade patties, not fast food or anything.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    How much calcium??

    Ok, so I completely lost my booklet that tells me how much I need to take of certain supplements after surgery. I'm ordering everything I need now because my surgery is about a week and a half away and I want it all here and ready. BUTY, I completely forgot how much calcium I need. I know I need calcium citrate (per my dietician) but no idea how many mg. Can anyone help me? Also, what kind of fiber will I need to take (I remember she said I'll need it, but again, can't remember the amount). Thanks for your help!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
