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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023


    I avoid them. I'm almost 9 weeks out, and I know that they can add a lot of carbs and calories (I like fries with ketchup, mashed potatoes with butter, cheese, and salt, and baked potatoes with butter, sour cream, and salt). I do like the skins, as well, but my dietician said no potatoes for the first 3 months, then only once per day and a very small amount, with none of that extra stuff on it. I can't eat plain potatoes, so I just stay away from them.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023


    So you sound like me. I lost 30 pounds in 2 weeks (yes, you read that right....2 weeks) and then hit the mother of all stalls. I gained 5 pounds and it lasted 2 weeks and I was MISERABLE. I vented a lot on here, I changed up my work out (longer walking, more frequently), I really watched what I was consuming (stall started at the very end of my liquid diet and then during my soft food stage). Once it broke, it BROKE. I lost 6 pounds lol Now I lose at a much slower rate (about 4-6 pounds a week on average) but I'm seeing changes in my body. Stalls, for me anyway, are the WORST part of the surgery. And my surgeon said the more you lose pre-stall, the slower you'll lost post-stall (and he was right!!). Now I'm 2 months out and have lost 43 pounds (so an average of 21.5 pounds per month) and I'll take that all day long. You'll get on the other side of this and when you see the scale move again, you'll be so happy lol It's hard because I know you're used to seeing huge weight loss every day/week. And while it'll be slower, it'll be steady and manageable. Just keep yourself busy. Distract yourself. Don't weigh yourself every day. Stick to your bariatric diet and keep exercising. And look for non-scale victories. Those will really make a big difference.
  3. It took a week for all but 1 of my incisions to stop hurting. It took another week for my biggest one (the one they removed my stomach from) to stop. And then it was another week before the abdominal muscle under that incision to stop hurting. I took my Oxy pain meds for the first week. After that, just Tylenol, except for when I bumped my incision into the corner of our island. I was in agony, so I took it for another 2 days after that lol But that first week? Oh yeah, pain meds all the way. You have them, that's what they're for, use em and give yourself some relief.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Can’t keep anything down

    I agree with the above posters. Definitely reach out to your surgeon. Something isn't right. You're 3 1/2 months post op. You should be eating all normal foods and keeping it down. It sounds like a stricture, and while it's a fairly easy fix, it's something you should absolutely have taken care of right away. I worry that you've lost 72 pounds in 3 1/2 months because you're malnourished and your body is literally starving. Please reach out to your surgeon.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bowel Movement after Sleeve

    It was day 5 post op before I went, and honestly, it was very little. I tried Miralax, didn't help at all. Took Colace, it took a day to work, but OH MAN, when it kicked in, I was worshipping the porcelain gods all day LOL Now I seem to go every other day on my own, but if I go more than 2 days, then on day 3 I either take Colace (if I don't have to be anywhere that day lol ) or I take Milk of Magnesia (works within an hour, tastes NASTY nasty nasty, but I go a respectable amount and not like I'm trying to set a world record like with the Colace). I will say, when on the liquid diet, I really didn't go a lot. There just isn't much to poop out. Once I hit soft foods, it got a bit better. Now at 2 months out, it all depends on what I eat as to how often I need to use something to help it along.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Struggling hard 3 weeks out

    you should still have access to the nutritionist at your surgeons office.
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Struggling hard 3 weeks out

    Wait, your surgeon's office doesn't have a dietician/nutritionist?
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Am I doing this right am I broken?

    The first few weeks are brutal, especially the parts that are all liquid. You'll get through it. But maybe try drinking warm broth (bone broth has more protein than regular broth), soups, etc. They're warm, which can make things easier, and can also help you get your protein in.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    Struggling hard 3 weeks out

    Your doctor shouldn't be mad at you, they should be helping you figure out what's going on. Have you talked to your dietician? Maybe they can help you.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Spousal support?

    I completely agree with @ms.sss This is definitely a statement of support and opinion. My husband also didn't think I need the surgery (he loves the way I look when I'm heavy or thin) but still accepted that I was having the surgery and would be able to correct health issues, get off some of my meds, and feel better. He loves me no matter what, and that's something I love and cherish about him. It sounds like your husband is the same. That's a good thing.
  11. Looking at your title of the post, did you say you're 2 weeks post op??? If so, that may be a big part of your issue. In no way is your stomach healed enough to tolerate alcohol. That comes much later. At this stage you're either still on an all liquid diet (like I was) or you're on mushy foods. At 6 weeks, you'll be able to eat small amounts of normal food, and maybe at that point you can try alcohol or whatever. But at 2 weeks out, no way no how.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Why why why did I do this? Slow suicide.

    Was it your surgeon who took you off the anti depressant? If so, they had no business doing that. Here in the US, we have surgeons that do that, too. Mine tried to stop my meds for MS, but my neurologist put a stop to that. I would talk to your psychiatrist about going back on your meds and work with THEM about the depression and suicidal feelings and keep your surgeon out of that. It's not his call to make about coming off meds.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????

    Thanks I try to tune this kind of stuff out. It just really annoyed me and caught me off guard. We've been friends for the better part of 30 years. I wasn't expecting it from them, that's all.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????

    I actually had my gallbladder out back in 97, when I was 4 months pregnant with my son. They knew it, they came and visited me, and never had a bad word to say about it. Maybe they were confusing this with plastic surgery or something, idk. I just know it was the weirdest and most annoying chat I've ever had lol
  15. So today is my weekly weigh in day, and I weigh 349!!! It's the first time in 2 years I have been below 350 (1st time was when I did keto, but as soon as I hit 320 it literally came back up and I never lost a single pound after I went back to my original weight). I'm figuring out the food portions, timing, measurements and I think I have it down!!! You guys have all been so amazing with all the meltdowns, crazy questions, doubting myself, etc I've done on here (I know, I was a bit loco lol ). But I seem to be losing at a nice steady pace (5-7 pounds per week) and I have to say, I'm really liking it. I feel like this is much more sustainable and maintainable than when I was doing keto (and surprisingly, a lot less restrictive! ) I'm 7 weeks post op today and honestly, other than my scars on my tummy, I would never know I had surgery. No pain, no more limitations, no problems at all. I still have to be mindful of how much I eat and how often, because as I have said before, I never lost any of my hunger hormone. But I make homemade smoothies with fruit or I drink a protein shake if I need a little extra protein, or I just keep busy until I can teach my stomach and body that I'm NOT hungry and I HAVE eaten enough and I will NOT be eating anymore because I had my allotted amount and that's it. It's harder when you're still hungry, but it CAN be done. Especially when I see the progress on the scale. So so glad I had this surgery. I don't regret it at all. Not even a tiny bit. I just wish I had done it sooner. But I guess we all do, don't we? lol
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    GUYS....I cried today....for a good reason

    I really wish I knew. I was so excited to have no hunger for a while, and then minimal hunger for a while after that. But it never happened for me. It makes things so much harder, but i can do this.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023


    I had that for about 2 weeks. My stomach seemed to be extra sensitive to anything I drank. I had hoped after the 1st week it would feel better, but nope. It was literally day 15 or so before I stopped having pain every time I drank anything.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    just venting

    Days 1-3 were the WORST for me. Day 4 was when it was easier. But those first 3 days?? Oh man, they were miserable. Pre-op and post-op liquid diets are the worst. Luckily they only last a short time.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    First Post-Op Dr Visit

    My scale at home is 3 pounds more than my surgeon's office and 6 pounds less than my PCP's office lol Once I figured out the difference, it made it easier to calculate my actual weight.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    What do YOU order at Starbucks?

    I've never had the skinny vanilla latte. Is it really good? I always worry because there's no actual sweetener in them. Is the sugar free vanilla syrup sweet tasting at all? I don't really have a sweet tooth at all, but certain things taste better with a little sweet taste to them. Also, are the egg white bites good? I'm not a big fan of egg whites normally, but I'm trying to branch out more these days.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Eaten solids on Day 4

    Pay close attention to your doctor's diet for you and resist the temptation to cheat, no matter how hard it is. It's dangerous to do anything your doctor hasn't told you is ok to do.
  22. I know the feeling of meeting the yearly deductible and wanting to get this done while it's free. BUT...your health is the most important thing in this. If your doctor wants you to wait 6 months, then as hard as it is to do, that's what you have to do. A stroke is very serious. And the fact that it's because of a hole in your heart is also very serious. I would definitely do what your doctors want. It may cost a little more money, but you'll be healthier and safer for it.
  23. I used Dr John Weaver in Denver, Co. My insurance covered everything, and the sleeve cost a total of $20k. If I had paid cash, I was told it would be around $14k.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Best Fast Food Bets after Bariatric Surgery

    Avocado ranch sauce, tomatoes, reduced fat sour cream, lettuce, black beans, guacamole. I got the steak option with no cheese or seasoned rice and I didn't do any of their optional add ons. It tasted SOOOOO good!!!!!!!!! Total of 260 calories the way I got it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
