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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. Have they thought about a feeding tube temporarily? I know it seems extreme, but he has to get the calories and nutrients his body needs. If they can't figure this out, and he's not able to keep anything down, that might be the way to go for now.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Does Anything Help Hair Loss?

    This is something I'm nervous about. I've never heard of Viviscal but I'm going to look into it for when the time comes.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Lost about revision

    Why were you told no to a revision? Are there health concerns, or does that surgeon just not do them? I wouldn't worry about stepping on toes. This is your body and health. Talk to as many doctors as you need to until you find one that understands your needs and concerns and makes you feel comfortable. Also, I started with my PCP. She signed off right away for me to do the surgery. I contacted a few surgeons until I found one I liked. My PCP was very good at getting all the blood work, ECG, and pre op stats like blood sugar, bp, etc... She communicated really well with the surgeon's office and it made things go so much smoother.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Stop loosing WAY too early

    Quite a few of us had to change up our routine a little to get things going again. Not everybody has to, but it's worth a try. Can't hurt.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Stop loosing WAY too early

    Oh man, I'm so jealous of your progress!!! I lost 30 pounds in the first 2 weeks. Then I hit a 2 week stall and have lost much slower after that. In the last 5 weeks, I've lost 13 pounds. I lost weight faster when I did keto, so this has been frustrating. But congrats on your numbers!!!!
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Stop loosing WAY too early

    I lost 30 pounds in the first 2 weeks. Then I hit a 2 week stall and have lost much slower after that. In the last 5 weeks, I've lost 13 pounds. I'm not one of the lucky ones that started losing quickly again after a stall, but I DO still lose. Just slower. But it sounds like you're in a stall. Try changing up what you eat or your exercising. I added extra exercise and changed up what I do, and that broke the stall. Good luck!!
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    2 Weeks Post op

    I did hummus and avocado spread. Just a spoonful of each. Maybe even try some sugar free pudding or greek yogurt. Definitely start off slow and go from there.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Stand still for 3-4 months now

    Your info says you had the surgery on May 20th of this year. That puts you at 6 1/2 weeks out. Maybe you need to just update your info. Beyond that, I would cut out the snacks, make sure you're watching your protein, carbs, and fats, and maybe increase your exercising. If you do it once a day, try twice a day. If you already do it twice a day, try doing different things per exercise session. Maybe add stretching or yoga.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    My taste buds are weird now LOL

    So I've some time to taste more stuff. Pineapple is super sweet and not tart anymore lol I just don't care for bacon, but I like sausage. I don't like ham, but I like porkchops. I don't care for avocado but love guacamole. Used to love steak, now it's just ok. Still like chicken (dark meat, now white). Can't do lettuce at all. Used to love cottage cheese and sour cream but they taste sour and almost rotten now. Have almost no tolerance at all for salt and sugar. I figured this kind of stuff happened with bypass, not the sleeve. It's really weird. And then there's my sense of smell. What is going on?? I smell things like stuff burning, poop, rotten stuff, etc. And of course, there's nothing there. And my sense of smell is so much more sensitive to the stuff that's actually there. My husband was changing the cat litter and the smell of the urine had me literally gagging (and it gets scooped twice a week and changed every Sunday. So it's not like it was horrible and nasty). The smell of my daughter's paints had me gagging. And the smell of house cleaning supplies just does me in. UGH. I hope this passes soon. It's horrible!!!!!!
  10. Ya'll wanna hear something weird? Since I had my sleeve surgery on May 3rd, I've noticed my tastes are different. I used to be OBSESSED with bacon. Now I'm kinda meh about it. I could honestly take it or leave it. Don't really care either way. It just doesn't taste the same to me anymore. I rarely use salt anymore because it tastes REALLY strong to me now (I used to salt everything). I also used to be completely head over heels for pickles. And while I still like them, the taste is SO strong now that I can only nurse one every once in a great while (when I used to be able to eat like half a jar in 1 sitting). Sour and tarte flavors used to be my absolute FAVORITE, and now I can only tolerate them in very small amounts every once in a great while. I still don't have a sweet tooth (never really did) so I'm glad that didn't change. Now I'm LOVING pineapple, watermelon (OMG sooooo gooood), grapes, etc... Gimme some hummus with sliced cucumbers and bell peppers and I'm in Heaven. Still love mild guacamole and mild chunky salsa but not a big fan of something that also used to be a huge favorite of mine, AVOCADO. I mean, I'm still ok with it, but I can kinda take it or leave it now. So, so weird the things this surgery has changed lol Cool, but weird.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Trying to get out of my head....

    I wonder if my surgeon left too much stomach in. I've never lost the hunger and I've always been able to comfortably eat more than I should be able to. And there's little to no restriction, no full feeling to speak of so I have to rely on myself to not eat too much or too often. Even though I'm always hungry and never full. So....me being me, I went to the extreme on it and don't eat enough. If I ate until I was full, or even very comfortable, I worry the amount I would be able to eat is more than I should and I would undo the progress I've made so far.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Trying to get out of my head....

    My nutritionist is kinda trash. But my surgeon and the nurse practitioner are fantastic, and they said not to count calories at all. Just watch the protein, carbs, and fats. So that's what I do. I may need to try that fitness app. I just worry because I can look at what I'm eating, and how much, and I know I'm not getting enough in. But my mind just has such a hold on me right now that I literally can't force myself to eat more. Even when I know I need to. I'm hungry, I'm under what I should be eating, but it's like I won't allow it. I need to figure out how to break that. I wonder if I keep hitting stalls because I'm not eating enough......is that a thing??
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Trying to get out of my head....

    I'm looking into therapists. Not sure if it's a food issue or a trauma issue since I had a horrific childhood. My surgeon's office said not to worry about calories, also. They said to do 60-80g of protein, less than 50 carbs per day, and less than 50 fats per day. I'm more obsessive with the labels now than I was when I was on keto. It's also frustrating because in the 9 months I was on keto, I lost 100 pounds with only 1 short stall about 3 months in. It was so much easier to lose the weight back then than it is now. I'm fighting tooth and nail for every pound and hitting stall after stall. I worked out then and I work out now. But since it's such a struggle now, I'm finding I get panicky and start REALLY restricting what I eat. I've upped my work outs in both length and intensity, I religiously watch the labels and count every carb and fat in everything that goes in my mouth, and I not only don't eat junk but I don't think I even eat enough PERIOD. Yet here I am, day 4 of the same weight again. No matter what I do, I lose 5-7 pounds, then sit at a weight for a week, then lose 3 or 4, then sit another week, then lose 2 or 3 and the sit again. I have no issue with doing the work, but somehow I thought it would come a bit easier with only 20% of my stomach. It's harder to lose weight now than it was before the surgery!!!! Just freaks me out and my mind goes to not so good places.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Trying to get out of my head....

    I'm 9 weeks out on Tuesday.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Trying to get out of my head....

    My concern isn't that I'm going to start over eating. My concern is that I'm so afraid of gaining weight that I under eat and then exercise it all off. The protein pack is a small snack pack that I have as breakfast. Every time I have something more substantial, I'm so freaked out that it's going to cause weight gain that I restrict even more and ignore more hunger. Clearly I went from over eating to not eating enough or more substantial foods. My friend said I need to eat more than just enough to survive, that I have to actually eat to live properly and happily. It's just hard to do that these days.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Covid Positive

    Nowadays if you test positive for covid you only have to quarantine 5-7 days instead of 2 weeks. If you tested positive on the 1st and your screening is the 9th, I would think you'd be ok, as long as you don't have any symptoms. If you start to have any, then I'm pretty sure all bets are off.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Trying to get out of my head....

    That's definitely something I'm going to look into. I hope to get some other advice or suggestions while I wait to find, and talk to, a bariatric therapist. This mindset is something that I really started to notice yesterday and I talked to a couple of my friends about it and they were worried that I could easily fall down the rabbit hole of ED if I'm not careful. I was stunned when I heard this, and new right away I wanted to come post here and see what others think.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Emotional hurdles / Marriage issues

    Yep, I'm there now. Or at least, heading that way. We've been together for 17 years, and the first 3 weeks after surgery, he was great. Now he's always yelling, literally screeches at me, picks fights, is miserable for who knows what reason. He was going to so the surgery and changed his mind. He went back to a vegan diet that he did years ago when he lost 120 pounds in 1 year. He's already cheated on it multiple times and lost motivation. I think he's on the verge of quitting. He was working out with me, then decided he's too tired or has other things to do or doesn't feel good or doesn't feel like it. So he quit. He's done this throughout his life. He starts something, it gets hard, he quits. Did it with work, did it with college, does it with everything. It's always bothered me, but I overlooked it because he was funny and sweet and fun and loving. Now it's getting harder and harder to overlook it. I try every day to remember what I love about him and why I'm still here. But that, too, is getting harder.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023


  20. So I'm actually enjoying working out!!! Who knew?? lol I work out twice a day. I do 20 minutes on the treadmill on speed 3.5 (running is 4.0 and I'm not there yet lol ) then I do 15 minutes on the bike at speed 12 (most resistance is 15, but again, not there yet) and 10 minutes doing sit-ups and stomach crunches. Those are the hardest, so I only do 5 minutes of each, but it's a decent start, anyway. I just finished my work out and even though I'm tired, I feel GOOD. Really accomplished and actually have energy. And even though the scale is moving slowly, I see a real difference. My size 26 clothes are too big now and I almost fit into size 24!!!! I haven't been in a size 24 since I did keto a few years ago. The lowest size I got to was 22. I can't wait to hit size 20 and know I did it!!! I beat my keto size and weight and this time it'll stick. This has been the hardest, greatest, most frustrating, wonderful journey I've ever been on lol
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Having fun working out...WHAT?!?!?!

    Mine gets to about 115. I'll push to get it to 125 or so. My resting heart rate is normally in the low to mid 60's.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023


    If you have a WalMart, try the hummus with Chilean olive oil. It's a game changer. I mixed it with avocado spread and had it that way.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Best OTC Acid Blocker

    I take Omeprazole (Prilosec) and I know there's Esomeprazole (Nexium). I don't know about any others, but I know those work well.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Having fun working out...WHAT?!?!?!

    I just turned 44. There's no incline, but there's programs on there that can mimic a physical incline. I think I'll try that when I go work out again in about an hour. Thanks!!
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    I can’t drink enough liquids

    The first 2 weeks I hit my protein goals because I bought the protein shakes and flavored protein water. But I could only get about 48oz of fluids. And it took all day and into the evening before I could even do that. Around week 3 I was able to hit the right amount of fluids, and now, and almost 9 weeks out, I drink way over the required amount. Your stomach is still healing, so if you can't hit the goal within the first couple of weeks, don't be hard on yourself. Just do your best. You'll get there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
