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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    I know it's normal, but it's still SUPER annoying!!

    My hair was down to my butt, but once it started shedding, I cut it to just touching my shoulders. It's actually pretty cute, I like it. I also use volumizing shampoo and conditioner in hopes that it'll hide it a bit. Not sure if it actually helps, but it makes my brain feel better about it lol I have PCOS so I was already used to shedding, but this is next level. Can't wait for it to stop.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023


    Ok, I'm the rare weirdo that was absolutely not worried about anything. I was so excited and so ready that there was no room for nerves. When I got to the hospital that day, my surgeon said they could give me something for my nerves if I needed it and he was shocked that I didn't lol I was laughing and chatting and just ready. I haven't regretted it at all. I'm 5 1/2 months out, and I will say the week before and 2 weeks after the surgery were the hardest. Week before because of the liquid diet and 2 weeks after because my stomach was ultra sensitive and I had a lot of pain at my incisions. Week 3 was better, and by week 4 I was completely fine. There will be some pain, and you will absolutely have to relearn how to properly eat and drink. But I promise you, this will absolutely improve your life so much if you follow the plan and put in the work. It's a very useful tool.
  3. I did chewables the first 2 weeks. Started those the day I got home. At the 2 week mark, I started slowly taking regular pills and vitamins (spaced them all out through the day, with meals) and at the 4 week mark, I could take them at the start of my day, with breakfast, like normal.
  4. Um, what? Why is this a thing? What are you doing???
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    No weight loss

    Yes that's me lol I'm actually at a 4 now for incline and speed at 5. Try adding the stationary bike, maybe get some ankle and wrist weights, and try some stomach crunches. Adding new things, and changing up what you do, can make all the difference.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    A1C levels?

    Mine was 7.3 and my bp was 156/92 and they still did my surgery. I think you'll be ok.
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    No weight loss

    Are you exercising? Maybe change up what you're doing. Log and weigh everything you eat. And watch for non scale victories.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023


    How are things going now? Have you seen any changes? Are you getting in exercise? Even if it on a bike or walks, it all helps.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    Back to work after one week??

    I had to have the full 2 weeks off because of the pain from 2 of the incisions and because I was so tired and would just randomly fall asleep. No way could I have gone back after 1 week.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    How much can you eat?

    After the first 2 or 3 weeks, I never had any restriction at all and my hunger hormone never went away. It's about training your brain to know that you've had enough, you're not starving, and even though you CAN eat more doesn't mean you SHOULD. I can eat a lot more than I thought I would be able to, at months out. But I just don't.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023


    It's normal, and it'll eventually slow down and then stop. Takes several months, but it'll happen. Make sure you eat plenty of protein, take biotin (helps with the hair you have, won't make it regrow or not fall out) and I make sure to treat my hair with hair masks and whatnot. Helps me feel better and I know it helps the hair I still have look better. Keep what you have nice and healthy and when you stop losing it, you'll look and feel great. Also, I had hair down to my butt and when it started coming out a lot, I cut it to just above my shoulders. Helped SO much with looking thin. I also use a volumizing shampoo and conditioner, which also helps. Just hang in there, it'll be over soon. It's all for a good cause.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    I feel guilty eating

    Every hour to eat seems excessive. I was told to drink every 30-45 minutes and eat a small meal every 3 hours 4-5x per day. Now I eat 3 small meals and a snack at night and I'm good. Also, at this stage you can also add a protein shake which will give you protein to help with that goal, fluids for that goal, and some extra calories (not a lot, but like 110 or 130 or something). I can't stand plain water, so I bought the water flavorings (Walmart has em) with no sugar and no calories or carbs, and let me tell you...they help SO much. I bought Propel flavored water and protein gatorade zero (no sugar but has protein in it). I also drink tea (sweetened and flavored with Jordan's skinny syrup with no sugar, no calories, no carbs, delicious taste). I don't drink caffeine anymore, but when I was coming off it, I drank tea with caffeine. Now I just drink regular tea (or herbal tea, depending on my mood).
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Food allergies

    For dairy, go with alternative milk (my favorite is unsweetened vanilla almond milk) but there's also cashew milk, hemp milk, soy milk, etc... Healthier and non dairy. Avoiding sunflower products actually isn't too hard at all, and being that you will have a dietician, you should be fine. I have a shellfish allergy, which sucks since I LOVE shrimp and lobster and crab legs. But all in all, it's not been an issue to eat around the food allergy and be compliant with my diet and feel full and satisfied.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Nausea and Taste issues

    It gets better. I'm 5 months and 1 week out, and things finally taste normal again, although my aversion to certain things that I used to love (like pickles, olives, cottage cheese) are still there. I never had much of a sweet tooth, but now I literally can't stand any part of chocolate or sweet stuff. Also, the nausea with eating definitely gets better as time goes on. You're still pretty new post surgery, but I noticed by 8-9 weeks post op, I was totally fine.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Always cold!!!!

    YES!!!! Like, why? It's annoying. We're in Fall right now, but I live in Colorado. By the time full blown winter hits, holy cow I'm gonna be a popsicle lol
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    I feel guilty eating

    Ok, I can speak on this since I literally went through this exact thing. First of all, you are in a stall. The first one usually hits around 3 weeks, but it can be a little earlier (like it was for me) or a little later. Keep eating what's in the plan, no more and no less, and get your walking in (maybe look into getting some ankle and wrist weights). That leads me to my 2nd point. Look for non scale victories. Anytime I hit a stall, I started trying on clothes and rings and looking at my neck and face and chin. The scale may not be moving, but that doesn't mean things aren't happening. The first time I was able to sit in a booth and there was space between my stomach and the table, I was elated. When my clothes were literally falling off me and my ring came off twice, I was ecstatic. Just because the scale is being stubborn doesn't mean progress isn't being made. Third, you have to eat. This will sound crazy, but if you restrict too much, your body will think it's starving and it will hold on to every little bit of weight it can. My dietician wanted me to stay at 700-800 calories per day, 50 or less carbs, 50 or less fats, and 60-80g protein. My body didn't like that at all. Not one bit. I hit stall after stall, would drop maybe 1 or 2 pounds, then nothing. I started experimenting and found that between 1050 - 1200 calories per day, 25-35 carbs per day, 70-90 fats per day, and 90-95g protein per day was where my body was happiest. I work out for 45 min - 1 hour 5 days per week. And then I started seeing MUCH better results, both on and off the scale. Now, I'm not saying that works for everyone, and those amounts are specific to MY body, and my body alone. But at about 3 1/2 months post op, I knew I had to do something. You body NEEDS food. It's like depriving your car of gas and then being surprised it won't go. Same thing. Lastly, I was in such a disordered way of thinking and behaving that I HAD to go to therapy. I'm still in it, actually. I had myself working out 2 hours per day every single day, living on flavored water, 300-400 calories per day, 10-15 carbs per day, almost no fats at all, and 40 or so grams of protein. And the less weight I lost, the harder I pushed my body and restricted what I gave it. I was so afraid of eating because I was convinced every bite would put all the weight back on. I was, at one point, eating 1 meal per day that I would make stretch all day and loading up on flavored water to curb the hunger pains. It's scary to think about what I was doing to myself. Find a therapist that specializes in bariatric surgery, and if you can find one that also works with people with eating disorders, that's even better. That's what I did. I still struggle sometimes, but I remember how far I've come and how much healthier and stronger my body is, and it helps me push past the feelings of wanting to cut my food and load up on water again. But a therapist is really important right now. I waited until I was in the thick of it before I even posted about it here, and I was encouraged to find a therapist, which was the best thing I could have done. I swapped one disordered way of thinking for another. I'm making my way back from it, but I'm still a work in progress. You can do this. I wish you all the luck
  17. Um...what??? I don't think you and the OP are talking about the same thing. The sleeve being discussed is a weight loss surgery where 70-80% of the stomach is removed. Has nothing to do with amputation.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    8 weeks out and scared

    Take note of what you did, don't do it again, and from this point on follow your diet to the letter. Head hunger is the worst, so maybe get some sugar free gum to chew if that helps. But you'll have to train your brain that you aren't actually hungry and you're not eating again before your designated time. And above all, stick to your diet. This is a critical time and it's important to get yourself back on track. Maybe talk to your dietician and get some ideas, if you aren't liking what you have available to eat. Everyone slips up at some point, but for it to happen this soon after surgery is a little concerning. But you can come back from it if you dedicate yourself to the process.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Men are so frustrating!!!!

    My husband of 17 years is just really driving me CRAZY!!!! I've made a lengthy post about some health stuff I have going on right now (reflux, esophagitis, gastritis, esophageal spasms, and esophageal dysmotility which they think is caused by a hernia...waiting for appt for scope) and he's using it as an excuse to just stop working out, stop eating right, stop everything. None of what I have going on is from my surgery. I don't have any leaks, strictures, blockages, nothing. BUT, this started after I did an insanely intense workout, so everyone is thinking that's the cause. ANYWAY, he has a pattern of quitting stuff when he starts, as soon as it gets hard. College, 3 different side businesses, working out, keto, vegan, low/no fat, calorie counting, bariatric surgery (had 1 consult, set up the nutritionist appt and backed out. Did this 3x before they said he couldn't come back), etc etc etc. He's always been like this, but it's gotten worse over the last year or so. He literally follows through on NOTHING. Not one single thing. OH, unless it's involving wrestling or gaming. Oh THEN his follow-through is on point. Can't let his guild down!! Can't let his buddies down!! Can't miss wrestling (he literally watches Mon - Fri, and if there's pay per view on the weekend, he watches that, too). I work full time and pay all the bills. The deal we have is I will work and he is to take care of the house, grocery shopping, etc (I have a much higher earning potential than he does, and I love what i do, and he doesn't like to work, and I hate household stuff, so in theory the deal works) but he's been slacking on that, too. I'm cleaning up behind him, doing chores, grocery shopping. He's sleeping or gaming or whatever. We've argued about it and I told him if I have to take care of the house AND work, then he needs to go get a job too. If I have to work full time, do the cooking and cleaning and shopping then what the heck is he even here for? He's not supportive anymore, we don't do anything together, we argue a lot, and he has NO FOLLOW THROUGH ON ANYTHING. He gets all excited "I'm gonna start a youtube channel" or "I'm gonna start streaming on Twitch" or "I'm going to design websites for a living" or "I'm gonna go to school and get my degree in Early Childhood Education and work as a teacher online" etc. And he ends up doing NOTHING. "I'm gonna work out and get healthy so we can lose weight and have better health together" and "I'm gonna eat right and make sure we have healthy food in the house so neither of us are tempted to cheat" and then he goes to Burger King and buys 2 double whoppers with fries and eats it all. I'm just so sick of it all. I hate even being around him sometimes. He's just so LAZY and has zero motivation for anything at all. It's infuriating!!!
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    No medical support

    Maybe your mom could drive you and your daughter there and keep an eye on her while you get fluids. That would make the most sense, if she's willing.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    No medical support

    Can your mom stay with your little one when you need to go to the out of town clinic for hydration? Dehydration is a major issue with this surgery, and it's nothing to play with. I'm so angry for you that the ER doctor treated you that way. In no way was that ok.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Weight loss meds after surgery!

    I take an appetite suppressant and a metabolism booster. I was taking a carb blocker, too, but it wasn't really doing anything for me so I stopped it after 2 months (wanted to give it a proper chance). I don't take anything prescribed.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Need help with husbands post op eating

    I never lost my hunger or had much of any kind of restriction. I didn't skip stages but I did move through them faster than a lot of others. No foods have given me issues or pain (although carbonation makes me very nauseous and lettuce sits very heavy in my stomach) so I have to make myself not over eat, eat too often, or eat the wrong stuff. I can eat a full happy meal sized meal (not that specific meal because I avoid all of that) but I don't let myself, even though I stay hungry most days. Talk to him and find out if he has hunger still, if he feels any restriction, and then talk about your concerns with him. If nothing changes, then I would reach out to the nutritionist and ask what you should do. Good luck!!!
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Feeling defeated 10 months post op

    Literally me right now. I also have PCOS, and it is definitely sabotaging me. It makes you gain weight and then hangs on to it for dear life. As if the hormone, menstrual cycle, and fertility issues aren't enough, right?
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Feeling defeated 10 months post op

    Literally me right now. I also have PCOS, and it is definitely sabotaging me. It makes you gain weight and then hangs on to it for dear life. As if the hormone, menstrual cycle, and fertility issues aren't enough, right?

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