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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Going on 3 weeks in this stupid stall

    My dietician told me to keep my calories between 1100 - 1200 per day and add 2 days of weight training to my workout routine. I was doing light weights and cardio 5 days per week and she said to add the weight training to the 2 days I'm not working out. She said my diet and drinks and snacks are all good, the amount and frequency I'm eating are good. So hopefully this will help. This stall is driving me nuts. She also said if I get to 5 weeks, it's considered a plateau at that point and not a stall anymore. And then there's different things I would need to do if I'm at a plateau. Hope it doesn't get to that. I know stalls are normal, but I haven't even lost 100 pounds yet, and I'm nowhere near my goal, so slowing down this much at this point is really frustrating.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023


    I do what is considered bariatric keto. Low carbs, high protein, moderate healthy fats (higher amount than carb amount but less than protein amount). My body responded to keto really well before surgery but not well after. My body didn't like the bariatric diet at all. But a happy medium (bariatric keto) seems to be right where my body is happy and responds well. You just have to make sure you do HEALTHY fats, not tons of eggs, bacon, sausage, etc every day. And all the diets require very low to no sugar. I also gave up caffeine, which was the hardest part of all of it.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Goal Weight?

    I'm 6 months out and have been stuck in a stall a little over 3 weeks now. I'm not even halfway to my goal yet.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Going on 3 weeks in this stupid stall

    Had my 6 month post op appt today. Went FANTASTIC, but still in this stupid stall. Officially 3 weeks today. So so annoying. Really ready to have it break so i can get on with it. Oh well. Have to get bloodwork done, but all vitals and stats look excellent. Happy with my progress and my NSVs and my improved health. Just gonna keep on keepin on until the stall breaks and the scale makes me happy again.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    6 months post op blood work

    I know elevated Bilirubin can be concerning, but your doctor is being proactive, and I have confidence everything will work out. Congrats on the weight loss and the rest of your tests coming back good!!!
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Going on 3 weeks in this stupid stall

    Well, I've lost 82 in 6 months. If I wasn't in a 3 week stall, I probably could have gotten there. Stupid stall....
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Going on 3 weeks in this stupid stall

    SAAAAAAME!!!!!!!!!! I keep waiting, but so far I'm peeing the same Let me pee a lot!!!! LOL
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Going on 3 weeks in this stupid stall

    The last time I had a 2 week stall, I came out of it and dropped 9 pounds in a week, then 4 pounds the following week, then my body freaked out lol When I lose slowly, my body is ok. But when I lose a lot quickly, my body freaks out and I hit a stall. I know it, I recognize it, but it still sucks LOL
  9. SleeveToBypass2023


    I only said that about carbs because OP said they have difficulty eating too many, which tells me they are eating more than they are supposed to.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Getting back on track!!

    That looks really good. What is the carb/calorie count?
  11. SleeveToBypass2023


    Part of it, besides being in a stall, is that you're eating too many carbs. That's definitely something you have to watch. Stick to the diet very closely, make sure you're exercising, drink plenty of fluids, and the stall will break. They happen a lot, and they suck. But you GOTTA watch the carbs.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    high wbc in preop labs

    I have leukocytosis, so I know what elevated wbc count is like. Luckily I was diagnosed with it 10 years ago so it's noted and highlighted in my chart. If you were sick this month, they might still be up from it. Since you normally have elevated wbc, maybe see if you have leukocytosis, too, and have them highlight it in your chart, as well.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Medical Clearances

    I didn't have to do an xray but I did have to do an EKG and a slew of bloodwork. Also, had to get clearance from my neuro and my PCP and had to do a full physical. I have insurance and from start to surgery day took 2 1/2 months. I don't think self pay would delay it. If anything, I would think it would be faster since less hoops have to be jumped through.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    The Dreaded Plateau

    Yep, definitely a stall. I get them a lot. Literally every time I drop more than 5 or 6 pounds in a 2 week period, my body freaks out for 1-3 weeks. It's ANNOYING. Makes things frustrating and very sloooow.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    VERY noisy stomach?

    Yep, about 3 or 4 months out my stomach sounded like something from the movie Alien lol It's really annoying, and a little embarrassing, but it is what it is.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hunger Day of Surgery

    Same, and I was in tears because I was always hungry. I felt like I got ripped off. And I also never had any restriction after the first 2 weeks at all. So I had to completely teach myself that I had to avoid slider foods, teach my stomach and brain that eating the designed portions ARE enough and I WON'T starve. I also had to work on head hunger. When my stomach wasn't hungry but I looked at the time and realized I hadn't eaten in a couple hours, I immediately became starving. OR....I would know I had a snack in there, and had already had one, and then decided I was starving if I didn't eat it right then. There's a huge difference between true hunger and head hunger, and I had to deal with both. But I did it. A lot of trial and error, but at almost 6 months out, I feel like I got there and can ignore head hunger (for the most part). But it was an uphill battle, and not an easy one, but it IS possible. But you have to be determined and dedicated and not give up.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Pre Op Urine - HELP

    From what my surgeon told me, if you test positive for anything associated with a drug (nicotine, thc, cannabinoids, hard drugs, alcohol, etc) then the surgery is postponed until you can pee completely clean.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hunger Day of Surgery

    I never lost my hunger at all. With the sleeve, they normally remove the hunger hormone, but not only was I still hungry, I was RAVENOUS. Never did get to have that "I have to make myself eat because I'm never hungry" that so many others had. You can overcome it, but it takes A LOT of work.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Goal change!

    I love that!!! Half of my starting weight would be 194, which is only 6 pounds from my goal. Maybe I'll change my goal to 190 so I can say I lost MORE than half of me lol I'm really happy for you and the progress you're making!!!
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Feeling Defeated

    The pre-op diet is the absolute worst. You have the hunger and stomach size of an obese person but none of the solid, filling food to satisfy it. It's really rough. But just keep reminding yourself that it won't be like that after the surgery. Yes, you'll be on the liquid diet after, but only for a short while, and your stomach will be so small and sensitive you won't want, or be able, to eat regular food. It'll definitely get better. And by the time you hit 6 weeks out, you can eat normal (albeit healthier, smaller portions) of food.
  21. Really having a hard time not falling back into my old way of thinking and eating (or not eating, as it were). My husband pointed out today that I'm restricting again. He said he noticed it Friday and all through the weekend. I've been in a lot of pain because I pulled 2 muscles in my back, have had a lot of stress the last week, and instead of going to over eating like I used to, I fell back into my new "old" habit of restricting. I was worrying I would overeat, and I guess I went right back into my new "fall back" habit of just not eating much of anything. My husband made notes on what he saw me eating and I had 450 calories and 18 carbs on Friday, 413 calories and 14 carbs on Saturday and 344 calories and 10 carbs on Sunday. I honestly didn't even notice it, and that really freaks me out. I can fall back into it that easily and it doesn't even faze me. I drink so much water now (flavored only, because plain water is EW) that I honestly didn't even feel hungry. I hate that I swapped one disordered way of thinking for another. PLEASE pay close attention to your feelings, thoughts, and habits. DO NOT tell yourself that because you're fat/obese/overweight or whatever that you can't develop an ED. Trust me, you can. And it can sneak up on you and smack you in the head when you don't expect it to. I thought I was doing so well. Been logging my food, not cheating, not restricting, doing my therapy, and then BAM. Here we go again. Be kind to yourself, but be mindful and aware.
  22. I'm really ready for my hair to stop shedding!!! I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to, and I know it's normal and will eventually stop. But I really wish it would hurry up and get to it. I'm 5 1/2 months post op, and I started shedding around 3 months out, so I know I still have a ways to go. But OMG my hair just gets EVERYWHERE!!! Couch, bed, pillows, shower, floor, my clothes, EVERYWHERE. So, so annoying. My NP at the surgeon's office said I've lost so much weight in such a short amount of time that she's not surprised that I'm shedding like crazy. I know that, and I know it'll stop. But honestly, I'm shocked I'm not bald!!! Ugh....
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Am I weird?

    I noticed quite a few people don't want to admit to having WLS, and I totally get it. But when hubby and I go to a restaurant, I always tell the server that I had gastric sleeve surgery and I will definitely need to make a couple of substitutions on my meal and I will need a to-go box (any time we go out to eat, my meal is good for that night and at least 1, sometimes 2, more). I've had a few ask questions about it, and they all have always congratulated me and were more than happy to accommodate my needs for the substitution (typically I swap out potatoes and/or rice for a side salad or extra veggies). I'm always proud to tell them I had the surgery, and I usually include how far out I am from surgery and how much weight I've lost so far. Is that weird? I don't feel the slightest bit awkward or uncomfortable about it. Not at all. My family and friends all know and cheer me on. I was never shy or worried about telling people, and I don't particularly care if anyone has a problem with the fact that I had the surgery. Again, is that weird?
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Am I weird?

    Part of the reason I'm so vocal about it is because I know (from when I was a waitress for 3 years a LONG time ago) that as soon as an obese person is seated, they start talking about them. I use to feel so bad for the customer, because we didn't know why they were overweight, if they had surgery or not, if there was a health reason for the weight, yet some of the waitresses would talk crap. If I can be open and share why I order the way I do, even though I look big still, maybe that will stop some of the jumping to conclusions and making assumptions. I'm proud of my success so far, and I'm proud I had the surgery, but I also know what it's like being thin and being obese. And if I can change even 1 person's way of thinking, then I'm all about it. I'm thankful and grateful I have the support I've had, but I know not everyone does. And I hate that. So if some of the stigma can be lifted, even a tiny bit, I'll do what I can. Even if it's over-sharing with my waitress lol
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Am I weird?

    I absolutely understand why some people don't want to tell anyone, and it makes me sad that they have to feel that way. This shouldn't be something we need to feel bad about. This is an amazing, lifesaving procedure and should be celebrated as such.

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