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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Regret Doing This

    When did you have your surgery? Can you update your info so we can see your stats? It really does get better, but depending on how far out you are will depend how long it's still gonna take. Also, everyone heals at a different rate. Have you talked to a therapist? It sounds like that could be a big help.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Failed RNY and RNY Revision & Constant Hunger

    Have you tried any other appetite suppressants? If you go on Wegovy, it'll work but if you ever have to go off it (like if there's a nation wide back log again) you'll gain everything back and then some. My friend was on Ozempic and this happened to her. It might be better to look at an appetite suppressant and a metabolism booster and carb blocker (I use those) and do a reset on your stomach to get it used to eating smaller portions and better foods, and try drinking some brewed teas (I drink hibiscus tea, green tea, white tea, yerba mate tea, and black tea. Sometimes I switch some of those out for oolong tea and pu-erh tea.) They help with fat burning, suppressing appetite, some have a bit of caffeine in them for a natural energy boost. I would try that stuff before you go on a medication that will likely go back out of stock, and will cause major weight regain as soon as you have to stop taking it (my friend was working out, changed her diet, and taking Ozempic and within 10 days of being off the Ozempic, she had already regained 5 pounds. After a month, she gained back everything she lost, and after 2 months, she gained an extra 5 pounds).
  3. SleeveToBypass2023


    I take biotin, but that's more for my current hair. Helps it to be healthier but doesn't do a thing for slowing loss or speeding up regrowth. I've been thinking about Nioxin, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to go that route or Nutrifol. Or if I can do both. Not really sure yet. I do hair masks and take biotin and collagen to keep the hair I have looking and feeling good and healthy. So we'll see. I'll let you guys know what I decide to do!!!
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Medical Glue

    Yes, I had the glue, as well. But since you're allergic, I'm sure something else could have been done. I would load up on Benadryl and call their office complaining about it. It's not cool to ignore a patient's allergies.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Working Out After WLS

    I would definitely work with a trainer. At first, I did a lot of stretching and treadmill and exercise bike. Once I was told to add weight training, I reached out to my cousin (who is a professional personal trainer) and she worked with me to design workouts tailored to my needs and limitations (I have MS, so I can't do all the things everyone else can do, such as running and jumping, so we worked around that). It's been tough but really rewarding. I would look at going to a gym and having a few (think at least 3-4) sessions with a trainer to learn about your body, your strengths and weaknesses, your limitations, etc. Once you have that, and a work out routine, down pat, you can do your thing on your own.
  6. I have been crazy busy, but I love it here and wanted to update you guys on what's new with me. And hopefully some of you will give updates on yourselves here, too So I am getting used to the work outs I've been doing (and by that I mean I don't need 2-3 days between working out now. I can do 6 days and take 1 rest day). I do cardio twice per week for an hour and a half each time, I do strength and core training twice per week for an hour and 15 minutes each time, and I do weight training twice per week for an hour each time (that's my least favorite lol) On my rest day, I literally do nothing. I work and do college from home, so I either lay in bed or on my love seat and get stuff done. I'm a complete veg head lol I made my rest day on Mondays because...well...Monday lol I drink three 16oz bottles of propel electrolyte water everyday (my favorite) and one 20oz bottle of gatorade zero each day. I also drink 2-4 cups of tea (sweetened with monkfruit sweetener, or not sweetened at all, depending on the tea). Specifically, I drink green tea in the morning, black tea in the afternoon, white tea in the evening, and if I'm in the mood, I drink either oolong tea or yerba mate tea at night. Helps suppress appetite, burn fat, and the green and black teas give a little caffeine boost (not a lot, but juuuuust enough). I usually make a protein shake in the morning for breakfast (never been a big breakfast eater). I have several different protein powders to choose from, and I typically add my greens powder to it, turmeric powder, moringa powder, matcha powder, mct oil, black seed oil, collagen powder, soluble fiber, avocado, unsweetened vanilla almond milk, gut health powder (digestive enzymes with pre and probiotics), and vitamin c powder. If needed, I add some monk fruit sweetener for a little extra sweetness, and it's really yummy and filling. For lunch I typically have some kind of salad (I have a few different ones that I like) and I add a protein to it, and then dinner is always some kind of protein and veggie. On weight training days, I have a P3 protein pack for a snack, but I don't usually have a snack on other days. On cardio and strengthening days I tend to have about 1200 calories and 20 carbs. On weight training days I have around 1300 calories and 25ish carbs. On my rest day I have between 900 - 1000 calories and 15 or so carbs. I also found a new salt to use (I rarely use salt, but this is much healthier for when I do) called Kala Namak Himalayan salt (it's black). Black salt has antioxidant properties and has surprisingly low sodium levels. It also contains important minerals like iron, calcium, and magnesium, which are essential to healthy bodies. Black salt stimulates bile production in the liver, and helps control heartburn and bloating. Its sulfurous, salty, mineral taste works great in cooking or as a finishing salt. I'm firmly in a size 20 clothing now, and my ring size is an 8 (but it's starting to get loose, so I'm looking at 7 1/2 now). I'm also in a stall again, but I honestly don't even care. I'm getting so healthy and strong and I can see a difference, so the scale will move when it moves, and until then, I'm just gonna focus on what I'm doing. I'm working full time and I'm in college full time (I'm finishing up my bachelor's degree - I have 8 more classes now) so between that and my more fit lifestyle, I'm always busy with something lol I really love it, though. I finished my Associate's degree in October and decided that I was going to finish the rest of my dream and get the bachelor's degree. I already have my dream job, but it's for ME, you know? I'll be the first one in my family to have a degree, and I want that. It means a lot to me to have it, and I graduated with a 4.0 with my associate's degree, and I still have a 4.0 so far now. I'm going to do my best to keep it, too. I'm noticing I have zero boobs to speak of now LOL I wasn't really expecting that at all, but it's fine. That's what padded bras are for until I get em done later on lol I'm more than ready for my hair to stop falling out and to start growing back. I'll be 8 months post op on the 3rd. How much longer will this go on before it finally calms down? That's really my biggest gripe right now. I'm just ready to not lose so much hair. I knew it was coming, so I never freaked out, but it's getting on my nerves now lol That's really it. All in all, things are going pretty well. How is everyone else doing?
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just a "small" update lol

    I only drink 1 Gatorade per day. It's zero sugar and has protein. What I drink a lot of is Propel flavored water. And tea. I never drink Powerade.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just a "small" update lol

    Thank you
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just a "small" update lol

    Just got done with cardio day and feeling great!!!
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    The last supper

    I would say no. On top of possibly having the surgery cancelled while you're on the table, you're embracing a negative view of food and your new lifestyle. The idea is to work on having a better, more normal, healthier relationship with food. You will be able to eat relatively normally a few months after surgery, but you have to adopt a healthier way of eating, move your body, drink lots of fluids, and change your mindset to look at food as fuel instead of losing a bestfriend and coping mechanism. Maybe go into therapy to start getting your thoughts and feelings cared for. Otherwise you will sabotage this whole thing. Stick to the diet you were given. There's a reason they gave it.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just a "small" update lol

    I appreciate the concerns about my working out. I'm working with a professional trainer (my cousin, so it's free...yay!!!) And she designed my workouts. I was doing 2-3 hour work outs 6 days a week, and she had me change that because she said it was too much. She also said to target specific areas each day instead of trying to do everything everyday. My surgeon and nutritionist are also aware of my work outs as well as what I eat and they are ok with it as long as I don't overdo it and I stop and rest if I'm sore or if something hurts. I always do stretches before any work out and I take long, hot showers to help my muscles after. My husband usually gives me a massage after weight training, too. I also relax after my work outs. I do them after work so I can enjoy my rest time watching tv or a movie with my hubby and daughter. I do appreciate the concern!!!
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just a "small" update lol

    You're so lucky!!! I'm really over it, at this point.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just a "small" update lol

    I make sure to use any greens that have at least 2 of the 4 super foods and as few carbs as possible. Right now I use Ancient Nutrition. I don't like drinking my greens, so I add them to my morning protein shakes because the other stuff I put in it kind of covers the taste lol I'll eat healthy, but I don't necessarily want it to taste healthy, you know? lol
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    I can't believe my eyes, or is my scale wrong?

    Yes it's possible. I lost 30 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks when I first had the surgery. Just keep in mind, the larger you are, the more (and faster) you lose. BUT...that can also mean you'll hit more stalls (I hit one every time I lose more than 3 pounds in a week lol).
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    do you ever just feel huge? lol

    Yep. Dealing with that now. Feel like I haven't made any progress and getting fatter, even though that's not the case. Almost 8 months out and the weight loss has definitely slowed. I'm still trying to focus on the non scale victories, but it gets hard when I don't FEEL like I am making progress. My head thinks I'm 388 pounds and size 28/30 again, even though I'm 285 and size 20.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Always cold!!!!

    Way back, when I weighed what I do now, I don't remember always being cold like this!!! I'm not skinny, or even thin. I'm still considered morbidly obese. Yet before, I was always feeling overheated, and now I'm always cold!!! I wear thick socks around the house, pants, long sleeved shirts, and I'm still cold lol It's so weird to me. Also, my bp (which I used to be on meds for) now stays around 105/63 - 110/72 all the time now. That's awesome, but still takes some getting used to. I'm 5 months and 1 week out from surgery, and the changes are just wild!!!
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Weird tummy noise

    Yep lol My husband jokes that he's waiting for an alien to push its way out of my stomach. As you get further out, the noises won't just be when eating or drinking. They'll happen at the movies, during sexy time, when watching tv, when trying to sleep, when you have people over....lol It's the new normal 'round these parts
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is this normal?

    Yep, totally normal. I had the sleeve and it took me a week. And once I went, it was a whole production lol Took forever, painful, the whole thing. Constipation is a pretty normal thing with these surgeries, so you will have to make sure you get plenty of fluids, have enough fiber (I took a supplement and added soluble fiber to my protein shakes for the first 6-7 weeks, until I could be sure to get enough with my normal diet), and the first 4 weeks or so, I was taking Colace every 2-3 days as needed.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Holy moly!!!!

    Man I'm tired!!! I did 50 sit ups, 50 stomach crunches (thinking I'll do those everyday because I REALLY need to tighten my stomach muscles), I did 40 step ups, and then I did an hour on the bike at resistance 15. Burned 318 calories, went 12 1/2 miles, and got my heart rate up to 131. Cardio day is always my favorite. Tomorrow is strength/core training!!!
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Post-op day 3 and struggling

    I was always able to tolerate them, as long as I popped them in the microwave for like 30 seconds (if they had been sitting out of the fridge....1 minute in the micro if they were in the fridge).
  21. Ok ew. That's just nasty. I used to love Denny's. Haven't been since surgery, but I'm not in any big hurry now lol
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Post-op day 3 and struggling

    Try drinking warm liquids. I couldn't tolerate anything cold for the first 2ish weeks. But warm broth, tea, etc was completely fine. That's how I got my fluids in until my stomach calmed down and I was able to drink normal drinks.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Holy moly!!!!

    Well today is my rest day, but I think I'm taking Friday (tomorrow) as well. Since we've had an arctic blizzard the last 2 days (Wed was negative 22, today was negative 15, and tomorrow is zero) I may as well enjoy the rest. Plus my body HURTS. Places I didn't know I had are achy and sore lol I'll do cardio again on Saturday, strength training on Sunday (after we do Christmas and clean up), and weight training on Monday. Switching strength and weight training hopefully will help with the soreness, too. I'm going to work out 3 days, take 2 off, workout 3, take off 2, etc until my body gets used to it and is less sore afterwards. Then I can work out 3 days, take 1 off, etc until I can work my body up to working out 6 days and taking 1 off, like I was before. It's a work in progress, but at least I have a plan and I'm working towards it
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Just curious

    Why is keto considered a fad diet but the bariatric diet is considered appropriate to follow? For example, my surgeon said to get 60-80g of protein per day, less than 50 carbs per day, and less than 50 fats per day. Keto is high protein, low carb, and higher healthy fats (think mct oil, avocado, not necessarily eggs and bacon). Both are also low/no sugar and require you to eat at a calorie deficit (they just specify how much since calories are not the main concern for either one). Both also require some exercise, based on your ability. The ONLY difference is the fat content. They are virtually the same otherwise, yet one is considered a fad and the other is acceptable. Why? If one can stick to the bariatric diet, why is it assumed they couldn't stick to keto?
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Holy moly!!!!

    Just finished my strength training for today, and thank goodness for pre-workout lol I never would have made it through otherwise. My body is so tired and so sore and just DONE. I'm off to have a long, hot shower and then some dinner. Definitely going to be an early night for me. So glad tomorrow is a rest day. Curious to see how tired and sore I'll be lol I'm proud of what I've been able to do. I didn't my body could do these things, and it's just a testament to the hard work I've put in that I can actually keep up with my cousin's program. Excited to see where I'll be in a month

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