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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. I'm interested in this since I just found out I have to have a revision from sleeve to bypass. It kind of worries me, so I'm interested to see what people say.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Got the results of my biopsies

    I know 100% how you're feeling. The waiting is the worst. I kept thinking that if I have cancer, all my hard work was for nothing, and I might as well have just skipped the surgery and stayed fat, since I would lose weight with chemo anyway (my mind went to some dark places). BUT....they say gastric tumors are 95% cancer, and yet mine isn't. So we'll hold on to that for you and just think positive that you'll be ok, too. My fingers are crossed for you, and I'm sending you all the good luck, good vibes, and positive thoughts I have. Just think positively. It's out of your hands now, and while I know it's easier said than done, try not to let yourself go to that bad place where you think about all the negative, bad things. You got this.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Got the results of my biopsies

    Thank you all so so much!!! I'm looking forward to getting all the polyps GONE and then get going with the revision. I'm sad, because I really love my sleeve. But I can't take this pain. So if a revision is what I need, then I'll do it. And I'll go into it with the same attitude I had when getting the sleeve. I just hope my losing weight doesn't slow down because it's a revision. I have like 80 pounds to go and I really don't want that to be messed up with a revision.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Can you have your tubes tied too?

    That's up to your surgeon and your insurance. Personally, mine wouldn't do it. But some might.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Will relationship go from bad to worse?

    Even good relationships can be tested after this kind of change. This is a life saving and life CHANGING surgery, and a lot of men can't handle that. My first husband was extremely abusive in EVERY way, and we have a son together. It was extremely difficult to leave. My current husband was a lot better for a long time, but after the surgery, that changed. He took good care of me for the first 2-3 weeks, then the snide remarks, being lazy, picking fights, and general assh**e behavior really began. If you are the one who works, you have to remember that YOU are the one with the power here. I had to remind my husband of that a few times (he doesn't work, either. He also does the cooking and cleaning, and we have our daughter together). When he started getting particularly nasty, I reminded him that I pay the bills, I have the insurance, and I can hire someone to do the things he does around the house (I give him spending money because if i don't, he just takes it). I told him it would cost me about the same but without the aggravation and stress. After a few times, he realized I was serious and has started behaving a little better. Maybe you can try that. Sometimes they need to know they don't hold as much power as they think they do. The longer you tolerate this treatment, the worse it will get. You have to teach em how to treat ya.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Protein shakes

    Fairlife and Premier shakes got me through my pre and post op diets. They all all kinds of flavors. If they're too sweet, you can always dilute them with almond milk.
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Got the results of my biopsies

    My next endoscopy is set for February 17th. Glad this isn't dragging out. Let's get in, get out, and git'r'done...
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Got the results of my biopsies

    My MS medication is extended release. MS meds aren't interchangeable, so there's not 3 or 4 to choose from at each stage. I'm on the strongest oral medication there is. I don't have the option to switch it. That's what has me worried.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    Got the results of my biopsies

    My biggest worry is being able to take pills. My MS meds can't be opened or crushed, and I've read that you really can't take pills with the bypass. There's no option to switch out my MS meds. So that's why I didn't go with the bypass originally.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hunger coming back

    It's definitely not easy. But it's possible.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Got the results of my biopsies

    I never had GERD pre surgery. All of this is new and post sleeve surgery.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hunger coming back

    I never had restriction or lost my appetite. I had to literally train my brain to only eat a certain amount at certain times. I made sure to drink lots of water (propel flavored water is my favorite) to curb the hunger when I was still hungry after eating my allotted amount. Now it's pretty easy, although I have to be careful because I can eat more now at nearly 9 months post op than I could before.
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Does Patchaid Really Work?

    What about multi vitamin gummies? Could those work?
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    So depressed about my hair

    I'm almost 9 months post op and my hair FINALLY slowed down with the shedding. I used to have really thick hair, but now it's so thin you can see my scalp. So I've had to get creative with how I wear it so it's not as noticeable. I was hoping it would start growing back soon, but I just found out I'm going to have to have a revision from sleeve to bypass, so I'm guessing it's going to start all over again. I may be bald by the time this is all over.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    When does it get better?

    Can you update your info so we can see what all your stats are? Also, what surgery did you have? You may want to try protein water, protein gatorade (sugar free), propel water (it's flavored and helps replenish electrolytes), and try the Fairlife protein shakes. Protein and hydration are the most important right now.
  16. From my very first appointment to my surgery day was 2 1/2 months. I have BCBS Illinois.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Scheduled And Insurance Denial

    So the 5 year history typically means they want to know how long you've been obese, what comorbidities you have and how long you've had them, what meds you've had to take for them and how long, etc... The supervised diet would be either 6 months working with a dietician or having done things like doctor supervised keto, or Jenny Craig, or Weight Watchers, or a low calorie/low fat diet (again, doctor supervised). If you have done any of these, they want to know the results.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023


    That's amazing!!! Congratulations!!!
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    FINALLY had my scope done

    On the struggle bus today. Was doing fine, having my breakfast (protein shake) and 2/3 of the way through, I was hit with EXCRUTIATING pain, pressure, and burning. Lasted about 30 minutes. I dumped the rest of my shake and had to just ride it out. It finally stopped, but omg it hurt. This is the 4th time this has happened in the last 3 months. This is originally what caused me to go to the GI specialist to begin with, and it seems like it's happening more often since the scope and biopsies on Thursday. I had it the first time 3 months ago, the 2nd time a month later, the 3rd time this past Saturday, and the 4th time today. I just want the results of the biopsies to come in so I can know what the hell is going on and what we're gonna do to fix it. This waiting is bulls**t. I doubt the keloids have much to do with this, but I think the gastric tumor and the ton of polyps are the issue. Just need to know if the tumor is cancer and what I can do about it. Something's gotta give. I'm tired of this.
  20. So my esophagus had to be dilated. The doctor said there are polyps all in my stomach that he biopsied. He also said I have keloids all along the incision line from my sleeve. He biopsied those, too. And he said there's a gastric tumor that he biopsied, as well. 5 biopsies in all. I'm on soft foods today. I'll have the results of the biopsies in a week. I have a follow up appt with him then, and I follow up with the bariatric surgeon Feb 2nd.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    FINALLY had my scope done

    Thank you I was supposed to be able to eat normally today, but my throat really hurts and my chest where they dilated my esophagus (3cm) also hurts if I try to eat even soft foods, like eggs or mashed potatoes. So I was told by the nurse at the surgical center (she just did a follow up call) to go back to my post surgery bariatric diet of protein shakes and water for today and tomorrow (yesterday I did it, too), and then try soft foods again. Ugh. Super annoying. And everyone is hinting at the tumor likely being cancerous, but nobody wants to come out and say it. I guess we'll see. But to have polyps covering my stomach pouch, keloids all along my surgical incision (on my actual stomach where they attached everything again after removing most of the stomach) and having the gastric tumor all in 8 1/2 months has really got everyone super confused. I just want answers so whatever it is can be fixed and I can move on.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    FINALLY had my scope done

    Thank you all so much. We know none of what's in my stomach now was in there 8 1/2 months ago when I had the surgery. The GI Specialist said he's done thousands of these, and seen thousands of stomachs, and has never seen a stomach look like mine. Not trying to make history here. Just wanna feel better.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Don't want to lose all my boobs

    I was a DD and now I'm a C. I will most definitely be having surgery once I hit goal lol
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Aetna, BCBS or United Healthcare???

    Everything counted towards my out of pocket. I was able to meet it in no time. You'll love Dr Weaver. He's really, really good!!!
  25. SleeveToBypass2023


    Anyone have any experience with it? I'm 8 months post op and my hair is still coming out like crazy. I'm lucky I started out with a LOT of thick hair, otherwise I feel like I would be darn near bald by now lol I've been seeing ads for Nutrifol everywhere, and while it sounds and looks really good, I just want to see if anyone here has ever used it and if it actually does what it says. I know it's a waiting game for the hair to stop shedding, and I know protein consumption is the best thing for hair regrowth. But any additional help I can give my poor head, the better, you know?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
