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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. So I have been really quiet on here because I was just trying to get rid of the last of the health issues I had going on. Polyps are gone and uterine fibroids are gone. I had an appt with my bariatric surgeon today and we discussed getting the revision now that I have a clean bill of health. Looks like it'll be mid July sometime. BUT...my revision is a little more complicated. Here's what I was told: Normally they leave the bottom part of the stomach when they do the bypass because there might be a need for a feeding tube at some point, or something like that. HOWEVER, with my situation, the part they would normally leave is where all the polyps were. So the surgeon is going to completely remove the bottom part of the stomach (making my stomach about 2oz instead of the 4-5oz it is now) during the bypass surgery. He said that's not ideal, but given my situation, it's the best course of treatment for the GERD, esophagitis, gastritis, and getting me back to being able to work out and live a normal life again (which is really all I want). He said it does present a problem later on if I need a feeding tube or whatever, but that's a big "if", and considering all of my issues right now, it's worth the risk, if I agree. I agreed with him and I'm waiting for the coordinator to call me to schedule the surgery officially. I'm so close to this being over. I can see the finish line FINALLY!!!!!
  2. Thank you It's certainly been a journey lol I just can't wait to get back to living my life. I know I'll smash my goal weight once I heal and can get back to working out and eating without pain and horrible GERD and all the rest. I'm even more excited about this surgery than I was with the first one lol
  3. Cold liquids were absolutely a huge NO NO for me for 2 weeks post surgery. But warm liquids were fine. Try that and see if it helps.
  4. Thank you Why in the world is it taking a year to get an endoscope??? That's absolutely outrageous!!!
  5. Thank you so much. It's really been quite the ride, hasn't it lol
  6. SleeveToBypass2023


    I had the sleeve last year and I had to take 2 weeks off work. No way was I able to drive myself anywhere. I had a hard time walking and sitting up. I would say wait until you're surgery is over and you're at home to decide how long you'll stay out of work. Everyone's pain tolerance and mobility after surgery is different. You might do great. Or you might be like I was and in A LOT of pain. It's hard to predict. But I know the severe fatigue after the surgery gets most of us and makes it almost impossible to go back to work right away.
  7. I take collagen (all 5 types), biotin, and hyaluronic acid. Helps with skin, hair, nails, joints, and muscles. I lost 116 pounds in a year and have A LOT of loose skin. Trick is to keep that skin as healthy and hydrated as possible so there's no issues when getting eventual skin surgery (I'll be having that once I hit my goal weight). Not sure there's really anything to prevent the loose skin. Just do what you can to keep it healthy.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Liquid Multivitamin Recommendations

    Here's a few I found on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Multivitamin-Natural-Multi-Vitamin-Vitamins-Absorption/dp/B071CNR16Q/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=Bariatric+Liquid+Vitamins&qid=1686336306&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=A1FGZPZGA6G2M5&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzMFJaNEs2RVk2MjAzJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzM2MjE5MVcxTENHRUtISk9VUyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTIyNDYwMVFQOVNZR00yQzdTQiZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= https://www.amazon.com/Bariatric-Multivitamin-Iron-Liquid-Supplement/dp/B0BDFJC8MS/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Bariatric+Liquid+Vitamins&qid=1686336306&rdc=1&sr=8-5 https://www.amazon.com/Tropical-Oasis-Mega-Plus-Multivitamin/dp/B000JZWL30/ref=sr_1_14_sspa?keywords=Bariatric+Liquid+Vitamins&qid=1686336306&sr=8-14-spons&psc=1&smid=A1FGZPZGA6G2M5&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzMFJaNEs2RVk2MjAzJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzM2MjE5MVcxTENHRUtISk9VUyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTIyNjE2MzBDVDNVMlJaMFM2VSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX210ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
  9. I live in Denver, and my revision surgery is on June 28th. I'll come to you or meet you in the middle somewhere, if the offer is still available.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023


    I do!!! That's my revision date
  11. SleeveToBypass2023


    3 shakes, not 4. No milk (non dairy like almond milk is fine) and make sure you do at least some light walking every day.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023


    Hi there!!! I just got my revision surgery date today. It's June 28th. My hospital pre-op appt is June 12th and my pre-op appt with my surgeon is the 13th. Super excited to finally get back to my life!!! I actually loved my sleeve, but the horrible GERD, esophagitis, and gastritis it caused pretty much brought my health, weight loss, working out, and overall happiness to a screeching halt. BUT....now that I have my surgery date, I'm super excited to get my life back and finish my weight loss journey!!! Happy June surgeries everyone!!!!
  13. Ok so HOLY CRAP. I just got the call and my revision surgery is going to be on the 28th of June!!!! Apparently someone's insurance didn't approve their surgery and they had to cancel their surgery and I got their spot. I was told my pre-op appt with the hospital is on the 12th, my pre-op appt with my surgeon is the 13th, and I have to do iron infusions before surgery (first one on the 14th, 2nd one on the 21st, and 3rd one on the 28th after surgery). My iron is really low because of all my procedures, but they said it won't affect my surgery since I can have the infusions. My mind is literally blown. I wasn't expecting this AT ALL. This is really fast!!! But at least it's FINALLY happening and I can get back to my life sooner rather than later!!!!
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve to Bypass due to REGAIN

    How did your revision go? I see Dr Weaver in the same office, and I'm having my revision surgery in mid July sometime.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve to RNY

    I'm going to be getting my revision sometime in July. My surgeon said that with the revision, expect to lose about 40-45% of the weight you would have lost if it was your original surgery. So he said I could expect to lose about 60-65 pounds in a year for my current weight and BMI. I lost 116 pounds in a year with the sleeve, so if I can lose another 65 pounds in a year with my revision, I'll be ecstatic. I'm really good at watching my diet and working out, so I think my "dream goal" is to lose 75 pounds in a year with the revision, but my "realistic goal" is the 60-65 in a year. We'll see. I would be lower than I am now if I hadn't run into so many complications and health issues. But this revision is going to get me back to living my life so I can refocus on my health and weight loss.
  16. My close friend who's a nurse practitioner posted this on my facebook post about it: "IF you need a feeding tube in the future, they can bypass the stomach and give you a J tube (in the jejunum) below the stomach, or for a short term issue, give you TPN, directly to the veins". So this just made that major concern not really a concern now. I'm feeling even better about this. I can't wait to get this over with and get back to my life!!!
  17. Got my results from the colonoscopy. What they removed was 2 adenomas. 1 medium and 1 large. Stage 1 cancer. No further treatment needed since there was no chance for it to spread since it was caught and removed so early. Need to be watched closely with more frequent colonoscopies to make sure it doesn't come back. I also have to have a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) test done in the next week or so. All my stomach polyps came back pre-cancerous but benign. Now I have to have a large uterine fibroid removed and tested and see a colorectal specialist for 2 other...things...removed. Then another endoscopy to check my stomach to see if polyps have come back. After that, if none have, I should be cleared for the revision. If they have, then I need to have them removed and tested and see what's next. So I still have AT LEAST another 3 months of this crap before I can even remotely look at the revision. And that's still a huge maybe at this point. My weight loss has completely stopped, I can barely work out (I can only do 30-45 min tow to three times per week instead of 1 1/2 - 2 hours 5 days per week...no weights, no core or strength training...just the treadmill if I go easy and the bike), and my diet is a mess because I still (even on 80mg of Nexium per day) get break through GERD and excruciating pain in my colon area that we're still investigating, so I can kinda sorta stick to my diet, but on really bad days I eat whatever will stay down and not hurt (like mashed potatoes, beans, bread, etc). I try to be religious with my diet when I'm having good or even ok days. But I'm literally about to lose my mind over here. I just want the GERD and polyps to STOP. I want the pain to stop. I want to get back on my diet PROPERLY. I want to really work out again. I miss my life the way it was before. Fun times over here, lemme tell ya.... 😵‍🙄
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Finished 4 endoscopies and my colonoscopy, and......

    I meant that they removed adenocarcinomas. Not sure why I wrote adenomas. Either way, it sucked.
  19. So after my surgery to remove the last of the polyps on the 14th, my GI surgeon said he's clearing me foe revision surgery, but said he doesn't really want me to have the surgery. I asked why and he said "At first, I was sure you had the polyps because of the PPI, but now I don't think that's the case" so I said "Ok, so what's causing them?" and he said "I really don't know. I think maybe you might just be someone who makes polyps" and I said "I don't see how that's the case. I've never had any before, and I didn't have any when I had the sleeve surgery. I didn't start getting them until the GERD, gastritis, and esophagitis started and I had to go on the really high PPI for a long amount of time" and he said "I'm clearing you for the surgery, but like I said, I don't think you should have it". So I called my bariatric surgeon's office today and talked to them about this and now my surgeon said he needs to talk to the GI surgeon and then "think about what to do about the surgery" and will let me know if the revision is going to happen or now. Ok, WHAT??? How is this real life right now? They BOTH agreed the polyps were caused by the 80mg of Nexium I have to take every day just to keep the GERD at bay. They BOTH agreed a revision was necessary to get rid of the GERD and to keep the gastritis and esophagitis from coming back again. They BOTH agreed that the revision would solve my issues and let me get back to my life. All of the polyps and lining that were tested all came back negative for everything. And now that I'm finally able to have the revision, I might not get it??? The insurance approved it 2 months ago!!! Who knew THAT wouldn't be the fight I'd have for the revision?!?! I don't know what to do. Now I'm in yet another holding pattern and I don't even understand why. I can't stay on high amounts of PPI forever. I'm so upset. I thought I was at the end of this nightmare. I just don't understand what the issue is.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    So so SO annoyed right now!!!!

    I'm so mad. I mean, how did it go from "we're sure this is the problem and this will fix it" to one doctor saying "I don't think this is the problem but I don't know what else it could be because all the tests are negative for anything else" and then the other doctor saying basically "well, now I have to think about if we're going to do the revision or not". Like WHAT??? Regardless of the reason for the polyps (and they both assured me over and over that the high PPI was causing them since I had NO polyps pre-surgery) the fact is, I still have horrible GERD that turns into gastritis and esophagitis if left untreated or if the PPI dose is lowered. And the revision to bypass will take care of that. SO it seems to me the revision is still warranted for that alone. I'm literally at my wits end with all this. My weight has completely stalled, I have had to really scale back my work outs, and I'm just super irritated by all of this.
  21. From about 3 1/2 months out through 9 1/2 months, I saw my hair thin out A LOT. It was noticeable and I had to change up how I wore it to try and hide that you could see my scalp. I also cut my hair shorter and started using volumizing hair care products to try and hide it. It finally slowed down and 9 1/2 months and now and just over a week away from 1 year out, it's starting to regrow.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Holy moly!!!!

    I think my cousin is trying to kill me LOL She's a trainer, and she gave me some really good pointers for cardio, strength training, and weight training. Well, today was cardio day, and she said to go to speed 2.5 and incline 15 on the treadmill and sustain it for a solid 30-45 minutes. I thought "no problem, I can do that". OMG by the time I got to incline 12 I thought I was gonna die lol It took me 20 minutes to work my way up to incline 15. Once I got to it, I was able to sustain it for 40 minutes. I'm so proud that I was able to do it. I really didn't think I could, especially at the end. Now I'm exhausted and my body is screaming, so it's time to eat dinner (chicken drumsticks) and then take a long, hot shower.
  23. I'm looking at the vitamins online and I was wondering if those of you that either originally had the bypass, or those who revised to it, can tell me which of these looks better? I know vitamin needs for bypass are different than the sleeve. Thanks!! https://www.bariatricadvantage.com/item/ultra-multivitamin https://www.barilife.com/product/just-one-chewable-once-daily-bariatric-multivitamin-iron/ PS - I will be adding additional biotin to whatever vitamins I end up with. like I do now. Just throwing that out there because neither of these provide the amount my surgeon recommends.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    I'm finally cleared for my revision, and I have a question

    I'm all about convenience lol I already have 4 pills I will always have to take because of my MS, so the less I have to take of other stuff, the better.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    I'm finally cleared for my revision, and I have a question

    Thanks!! What vitamins do you take?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
