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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023


    Oh yeah. After my sleeve I couldn't stand salt, bacon, olives, pickles anymore and I became lactose intolerant lol Just waiting to see what else changes now. Should be interesting lol
  2. SleeveToBypass2023


    This was also an awesome way to try some brands I've heard of but haven't tried. And I have to say...... Unjury is SOOOO GOOOD!!!!!!! And I love the bone broths in the little round cups. The flavors are so different and unique and YUMMY!!!! I add a tiny bit of seasoning (no spices) and it's really quite good.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023


    OMG so so good!!!! And that gelato is EVERYTHING!!!!!! Thanks again. All of that helped more than you know. You can only drink so many shakes, you know?
  4. SleeveToBypass2023


    Are you the one I met up with?
  5. SleeveToBypass2023


    Ya know, maybe I'll do that LOL My poor belly button is all kinds of messed up, though. And my stomach kind of protrudes on one side and dimples in on the other. It's really weird. I didn't have this last time.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023


    OMG have you thought about hiring a lawyer and suing the holy hell out of him? This is life altering, and you will likely need a LOT of follow up surgeries and treatments. I would take him for everything he's got. And refuse to sign anything that would keep the case and the results from being public. EVERYONE needs to know about this.
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    The first 2 weeks after my sleeve, I had a lot of pain, difficulty walking, and I was constipated. I'm now on the other side of my revision from sleeve to bypass, and I have........... a lot of pain and difficulty walking. Not sure if I'm constipated again or not. It's been 2 days since my surgery, tho, and I haven't gone yet. So probably.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023


    Ah ok, that makes sense. But I have so many scars now lol No bikinis in my future.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023


    Here's my new incisions. Not sure why he didn't just go in the ones I already had from the sleeve, but whatever. I noticed my belly button is ALL messed up now
  10. My good problem is that my clothes don't fit. The problem part of that is I don't have any money to get new clothes lol
  11. SleeveToBypass2023


    Hi everyone. Sorry it took so long to update you guys, but I've been in A LOT of pain. Took a while to get the regimen right, but now it's good. My surgery took longer than anticipated. Instead of 2 hours, it was 2 hours and 45 minutes. I spent 2 hours in recovery before coming back to my room. I go home later today, and I can't wait. For some reason, my doctor didn't go in using the same place/scars from my sleeve. So now I have scars from my gall bladder removal in 97, scars from my sleeve in 2022, and now scars from the bypass in 2023. Definitely won't be wearing any bikinis anytime soon. I haven't had any trouble with water or taking tiny pills. But larger pills are a no no for me. At least for right now. I've been able to get up and walk around a bit, but I have to time it right with my pain meds. I take them every 6 hours, but they seem to wear off after 5, so that last hour SUCKS. Been dealing with a lot of dizziness, weakness, trouble keeping my balance. But my hubby has been here with me, helping me when I have to go walk, so that's been good. I'm very excited to be on the other side of this. I'm excited to heal, start working out again, and hit my weight loss goal. No matter how much pain I'm in right now, I have ZERO regrets.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023


    Well, today is the day. SURGERY DAY. It's more complicated than when I had the gastric sleeve because not only are they doing a revision from sleeve to bypass, they are removing my entire lower and mid stomach (the part that is bypassed) because that's where all my polyps develop. It's a 2 hour surgery, and I was told I'll be in recovery for about an hour after. It's like having 2 bariatric surgeries in 1, so the recovery/healing/down time will be worse than my original surgery. I'll be in the hospital for 2 nights, so I'll be home sometime on Friday the 30th. That sucks, and is really annoying (I hate hospitals) but I know it's necessary and will be worth it. I can't wait to get my life back. Working out, feeling good, no more in and out of the hospital, being ME again. This has been a looooong road, but I'm finally almost at the finish line. It's gonna be awesome when I hit my weight loss goal (I'm 70 pounds away and speaking it into existence now that THIS TIME NEXT YEAR I will be at my goal weight). So wish me luck, and I'll see ya'll on the flip side
  13. I'm already annoyed and sick of it lol I'm HUNGRY!!! And I'm already tired of drinking everything. I want actual food. BUT.... I know this is for the greater good. It's only for a week, and the first 3 days are always the worst. Thank goodness this is for my revision, so I already know what to expect with this since I've done it before. Just not having ANY fun with it. At all. Nope. Already ready to be done lol
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Mounjaro side effects

    Have you stopped the medication? If not, maybe call the doctor and ask if it's ok to maybe lower the dose for a few days and then go completely off it (just to give your body time to adjust to another dose change). Sounds like it would be better to be at 190 than to deal with this just to see the number on the scale be what you want it to be.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023


  16. SleeveToBypass2023


  17. SleeveToBypass2023


    The surgery is a tool, not a cure all. You have to work on your mind, too. Just because you CAN eat something, doesn't mean you should. Yes, you can only have way smaller portions now. But if you aren't watching your calorie, carb, and fat intake, the tool won't mean anything.
  18. I'll be sure to post and let you guys know. Some say pills are ok, some say pills are a no no. Personally, the fewer I have to take, the better
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Pouch reset?

    My nutritionist also said there's a pouch reset and stated it forces your pouch to "remember" the amount, way, and what to eat.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023


    I was able to chug water by about 3 months out, so don't give up. It will get better.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Can I start taking Ibuprofen again ?

    When I had my sleeve done, I was told nothing but Tylenol for the first 8 weeks, then after that, only as needed and not everyday. Now that I'm about to have my revision from sleeve to bypass, I was told never again. Only Tylenol from here on out. No Ibuprofen, no Aspirin, nothing.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Mounjaro side effects

    This is similar to Ozempic and Wegovy, right? I have to ask, why are you taking that if you had surgery? And you will have to stay on it because once you stop, all the weight that came off will come right back on. BUT...having said that... it sounds like your body liked the previous dose you were on and worked well. If you were losing weight, why increase it? I would definitely lower the dose back to where it was before, and then maybe look at doing a pouch reset and starting your bariatric diet over to get the results you want from the sleeve.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    And so it begins...day 1 of my pre-op liquid diet...

    I wonder why it's worse the 2nd time? We already know what to expect, we know what shakes and broths and whatnot that we like this time, I don't get why it's so much harder now.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    And so it begins...day 1 of my pre-op liquid diet...

    Yuck. Day 5 is just....yuck. But I'm almost there, so I'm just hanging in there.
  25. Thank you so much!!! I just ordered them today. I did 2 day shipping so they'll be here when I get home. I appreciate it!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
