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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Itchy, red incisions

    It's finally getting better. I definitely got worse before it got better, but I'm on the other side of it now.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Surgery Failure

    Here's my concern with what you just said. If it says 25 carbs, you will drink it. But what about carbs in other things? Are you staying below your allotted carb count for the entire day, or are you counting the carbs based on each individual item and not the entire day as a whole? Your allotted carbs for the entire day are much lower than they were pre-surgery, so make sure you're paying attention to that and staying at or below your carb amount for the whole day. For me, I can't go above 50 carbs for the whole day, but I tend to stay at around 30 for the day. You have to watch the protein, fat, carb, and calorie intake now. My nutritionist said my allowable numbers are: Calories - no more than 500 calories per day (based on being where you're at in the process)m carbs: 50 or less, fat: 50 or less, and protein: 60-90g. I just had my revision, so I'll have to start my process over once I'm done with all liquids, but given the guidelines, there's no way I would ever drink anything that was 15, 20, or 25 carbs per serving.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Surgery Failure

    It's only been a month and a half. Way way too early to decide the surgery has been a fail. You could be having hormone issues, water weight, or it could be a natural fluctuation. I always gained 4-6 pounds when a stall hit and then when it broke, I'd immediately lose that weight plus an additional 2-3 pounds right off the bat. How is your exercising? How often are you eating? Are you dinking anything carbonated? How are your calories and carbs?
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Itchy, red incisions

    This is what I'm dealing with. And it's sooooooo itchy!!! My doctor said it looks to be an allergic reaction to the surgical glue they used, which is weird because I didn't have this happen with my first surgery. You can see now vs 2 days after surgery. Everything seemed fine....until it wasn't....
  5. So I'm looking at my medical records online and I see that I had a "gastrojejunostomy and resection of the distal part of stomach for gastric polyposis and refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease". I was like HUH?? Now I'm confused. I went online to look up the differences between this and the bypass, and some sites say they are basically the same, some say they are different because a different area is bypassed with the gastrojejunostomy, some say the gastrojejunostomy is part of the bypass, and I have no clue what to think. At no time did my surgeon ever mention anything other than bypass. No other words, procedures, names of procedures, etc. Just a bypass and removing my lower stomach. So now...what the actual heck????
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    I thought I went from sleeve to bypass.....

    Thank you!! This is a huge help
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve to Bypass for GERD

    I just had this done on the 28th of June. I had a full. I was told to stay on the PPI (at a way lower dose than I was on) for 4 weeks and then stop taking them. I can tell you, that at a week out and on half the dose I was on before, I already see a big difference. I couldn't have ever cut the PPI down for even a day.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    I thought I went from sleeve to bypass.....

    Ok so then the sites I saw that said they're the same thing are correct then. Ok. I wonder why I wasn't told that, and why there's no mention of RNY in my chart.....
  9. So I noticed over the last 2-3 days that the arm that I had the IV in is REALLY hurting, swollen a bit just above where I had the IV, and is firm to the touch. I had to get the IV in the crook of my arm because there were no other good veins. Anyway, this morning has been the worst so far, and it's gone from annoying to concerning. Anyone ever had this? Not sure if it's worth going to the ER for or if it can wait until tomorrow since today is Sunday.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Lap Band: Am I Crazy to Consider It?

    If you won't consider GS or DS, why not bypass? I got the sleeve and had A LOT of complications. I just got a revision from sleeve to bypass on June 28th, so there ARE things that can be done for the sleeve if there's an issue. Why is the bypass off the table?
  11. SleeveToBypass2023


    My nutritionist told me not to even think about lettuce until at least 4 months out. She said other fiber rich veggies are more important, and 50% of the people she personally sees aren't ever able to have lettuce again. The other half don't seem to be able to tolerate it until around month 4. So since I love salads so much, I'll try at month 4. If it's a no-go, I'll try at month 5, month 6, and so on. If, by a year out, I still can't have it, I'll write it off as gone forever lol But I'm going to give myself 8 months of trying first. I love salads that much.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    New annoying, and painful, post op discovery....

    Thanks guys, I appreciate it so much!!! Glad to know this isn't anything to freak out about (ok, officially stopping the freak outs now)
  13. And I have a couple of questions. Why are we not allowed to have any kind of anti-inflammatories? I was told never again. I can't even take turmeric. Also, were you ever able to take pills comfortably? I was told no pills for the first 8 weeks (except for 2 of my MS meds because they can't be opened or crushed and don't come in liquid form) and I absolutely struggle with those 2 pills. They're hard to swallow and they hurt. Will it always be this way? And finally, I know there's a lot of different answers for this, but I just want to get a general idea. How much weight did you lose if you had a revision to bypass? My surgeon said I could expect to lose about 60 pounds (but he also said I stay really strict with my diet and exercise so I could actually lose 70 or so, since I lost more with the sleeve than he initially thought I would) so I'm just trying to see if it's realistic to think that I could lose 60-70 pounds in a year if I stick to the diet and working out.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023


    Well, today is the day. SURGERY DAY. It's more complicated than when I had the gastric sleeve because not only are they doing a revision from sleeve to bypass, they are removing my entire lower and mid stomach (the part that is bypassed) because that's where all my polyps develop. It's a 2 hour surgery, and I was told I'll be in recovery for about an hour after. It's like having 2 bariatric surgeries in 1, so the recovery/healing/down time will be worse than my original surgery. I'll be in the hospital for 2 nights, so I'll be home sometime on Friday the 30th. That sucks, and is really annoying (I hate hospitals) but I know it's necessary and will be worth it. I can't wait to get my life back. Working out, feeling good, no more in and out of the hospital, being ME again. This has been a looooong road, but I'm finally almost at the finish line. It's gonna be awesome when I hit my weight loss goal (I'm 70 pounds away and speaking it into existence now that THIS TIME NEXT YEAR I will be at my goal weight). So wish me luck, and I'll see ya'll on the flip side
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Is V8 Ok

    I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to resurrect it because I just had my revision from sleeve to bypass 4 days ago and I'm drinking regular low sodium v8 (not the fusion) and it's been totally fine. Tastes great and it's a super good way to get in veggies when you're not allowed to have them yet. I noticed the consistency of it didn't bother me at all. Just wanted to put this out there, in case anyone else was wondering.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    Had my revision from sleeve to bypass on the 28th...

    So I noticed over the last 2-3 days that the arm that I had the IV in is REALLY hurting, swollen a bit just above where I had the IV, and is firm to the touch. I had to get the IV in the crook of my arm because there were no other good veins. Anyway, this morning has been the worst so far, and it's gone from annoying to concerning. Anyone ever had this? Not sure if it's worth going to the ER for or if it can wait until tomorrow since today is Sunday.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023


    So I noticed over the last 2-3 days that the arm that I had the IV in is REALLY hurting, swollen a bit just above where I had the IV, and is firm to the touch. I had to get the IV in the crook of my arm because there were no other good veins. Anyway, this morning has been the worst so far, and it's gone from annoying to concerning. Anyone ever had this? Not sure if it's worth going to the ER for or if it can wait until tomorrow since today is Sunday.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Had my revision from sleeve to bypass on the 28th...

    Yes it was the same surgeon
  19. SleeveToBypass2023


    I second what @Tomo said. There has to be a way to hold him accountable. Definitely see if you can find a lawyer in Mexico that will take the case.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Had my revision from sleeve to bypass on the 28th...

    bypass as sleeve? What do you mean?
  21. SleeveToBypass2023


    This is the one I have: https://unjury.com/bonjoy/bonjoy-campfire-latte-protein-gusset/ And I'm about to order this one, too: https://unjury.com/bonjoy/bonjoy-high-protein-chocolate-cookie-gelato-dessert-mix/
  22. SleeveToBypass2023


    Because of everything they had to remove due to the polyps coming back, my pouch is 2 oz, possibly a hair under. He said I might stretch to 4-5oz by the 1 year mark, but he'd be really surprised if I reached that.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023


    Oh man, that seriously sucks. I'm sorry
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Too close to the ER today (long post)

    My thoughts are you did way too much to soon after surgery. I think you're supposed to wait 6-8 weeks before you do anything strenuous or super taxing. 4 weeks out was probably too much for your body.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Surgeon suggested bypass instead of sleeve.

    I had the sleeve and loved it.....until I didn't. I lost 116 pounds in 10 months. I was working out 5 days per week. I was doing weight training, core and strength training, and cardio. THEN I started having major GERD symptoms. They were insane. I was put on 80mg of Nexium daily and still had break through GERD. Also has gastritis and esophagitis. 4 endoscopies and 1 colonoscopy later (and upwards of 30 polyps removed) I was scheduled for my revision from sleeve to bypass. I just had it done on the 28th. And while the recovery SUCKS majorly, I know once I'm past this, I'll have my life back. Oh, and I never had any reflux or GERD before, which is why I chose the sleeve to begin with.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
