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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    Immi Ramen

    I'd be interested in hearing how you like it. I've never heard of it before. I have hated all of the "alternative" pastas so far. Shirataki, heart of palm, zoodles, etc... No thanks.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Adding Fruit

    It depends on the fruit. 6 weeks, typically, but some fruits are off the table. In moderation, you can do strawberries, raspberries, blackberries. Apples and bananas are a no go. Blueberries are healthy but should be very limited. No pineapple, peaches, pears. Mango, papaya, grapes are also no. Coconut is ok but should be in limited quantities. This is all according to my nutritionist. I tend to stick to strawberries, coconut, and rarely I add in some blueberries. But mostly strawberries and coconut. And I don't have those all that often, either. In general, fruit has a lot of carbs and sugar, so there's not a lot that are technically ok for bariatric diets.
  3. That really depends on your insurance. I have BCBS and for my initial surgery, I was approved a month after my initial consultation. For my revision, it took less time. Medicaid takes MONTHS. Other insurances have other timeframes. It really just depend on what you have.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Easy way out

    I don't worry about women being good to me, I worry about ME being good to me. Someone will always have something to say. I love the progress I'm making, but I've had some tell me I look sickly, or like I have "Ozempic face" (I didn't even know what that means until my cousin told me...I've never taken any kind of shot or med for weight loss), or that I took the easy way out, or that I ruined any chance I have to just live a normal life and eat what I want. But you know what? They don't live in my body, they don't pay my bills, they don't live my life, and they don't cut me a check every 2 weeks. So what they say or think is irrelevant. I'm happy, I'm healthy, I'm finally starting to live my best life, and I really don't care what anyone else thinks about how I got here. The point is, I'm here.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    I made it to....

    That's AMAZING!!!! Congratulations!!! I know you must be so thrilled right now. That's awesome!!!
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    I'm not crying...YOU'RE crying!!!!

    Thank you!!! I'm so close to my goal and I'm getting impatient to get there lol I know it'll happen, but I'm just ready NOW lol
  7. For the first time in 24 years, I'm below 260. I don't even have words......
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Ugh allergies

    I take Flonase and Singulair. I stopped taking Zyrtec for that same reason, and Claritin never really worked for me.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    You can't tell me NOTHIN!!! lol

    Awww thank you so much!!!
  10. Taken about 20 minutes ago..... and peep the size I'm in now (from a size 30!!)
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Please Help! Burning Stomach Pain

    I had this. Turns out, after my sleeve, I developed polyps all through my entire stomach. The GERD (which I had never had pre sleeve) became so bad it turned into gastritis and esophagitis. I had to take 80mg of Nexium daily and Pepcid for breakthrough GERD (and sometimes that didn't even help). The pain and burning were excruciating. Sent me to the ER more than once. 4 endoscopies and 1 revision to bypass later, and I'm doing great. Stay on top of this. Cut out anything tomato based, avoid any kind of fruit juice, spices (even the ones that aren't hot). Hummus helped a lot, keto bread also helped, and drinking protein shakes literally saved me on days when I couldn't keep anything down at all. The bariatric diet went out the window until this was under control. I had to stop working out because it would set things off. In the ER the first time, I had a barium swallow to confirm there were no leaks. Then I was referred to a GI specialist, who did an endoscopy and found I had A TON of polyps in various sizes. Once they were all removed, I had my revision to bypass and have had to stay on Nexium. But it was lowered to 40mg for 5 weeks, then 20mg for weeks 6-8, then I'll go off them completely. Definitely stay on top of this. It won't resolve on it's own, and if left untreated, it will absolutely get worse.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    I'm not crying...YOU'RE crying!!!!

    Thank you!!! You guys sure do know how to make a girl feel loved
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    I'm not crying...YOU'RE crying!!!!

    Thank you
  14. I did, but I wasn't done with my weight loss when it became obvious I needed to have the revision. I lost 116 pounds in 9 months and was still losing when the complications slammed into me and I was told I had to have the revision. I never would have gotten it and would have continued to work my sleeve, my diet, and my working out had I not had so many insane issues happen.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    I'm not crying...YOU'RE crying!!!!

    Thank you so so much ❤️
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    You can't tell me NOTHIN!!! lol

    Thank you ❤️
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    You can't tell me NOTHIN!!! lol

    Thank you so much!!!
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    You can't tell me NOTHIN!!! lol

    Thank you!!!
  19. LOL yes I did Just felt like it fit now.
  20. I had to have a revision for other reasons, but I can tell you that you lose a lot less with it than the initial surgery. I'm 5 weeks post op, and I've lost 16 pounds. This time last year, I had lost 30. So you lose roughly half as much with a revision as you do from the initial surgery. Revisions tend to be worth it more if you have complications from the initial surgery (like I did). Additional weight loss isn't really a huge reason since you lose slower and less than the original surgery.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Did I eat too much?

    Every plan is different. My first 2 months, I'm not to go over 400 calories. From 2 months to 4 months, I can go up to 500 calories. 4 months to 6 months, I can go up to 600 calories. And from 6 months on I can go up to 900 on days I'm not working out and 1100 calories on days that I do. My protein stays between 70-100, my net carbs always stay 30 or under, my sugar stays at 10 or less, and my fats are always between 35-45. I avoid all carbonated drinks (it stretches out the pouch, and upsets my stomach), I stay away from coffee but if I really need caffeine, I drink a glass of green tea in the morning (or black tea if I'm out of green). This is daily, not per meal. It's just how I've done it since my original surgery and I feel my best. And while my nutritionist would like me to eat a little more carbs, she approves of my eating habits because I'm healthy and my blood work always comes back great. Just talk with your nutritionist, follow whatever plan they have for you, exercise and move your body, and you'll do great.
  22. Something that helps the body absorb D3 is vitamin K2. I have to take 10,000 iu of D3 and 125mcg of K2 every day because of my MS, and I learned that my body doesn't absorb the D3 without the K2 with it. My body also doesn't absorb iron without vitamin C with it. I have to have 45mg of iron and 1000mg of vit c daily, and if I skip the vit c, my body doesn't process the iron at all.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    GERD/Gastritis with Gastric Sleeve

    That happened to me. I had the option for either surgery, so I chose the sleeve because I have MS and take several meds that can't be crushes, broken, and don't come in alternate forms. For the first 8 months, things were great. Then the GERD hit, which became gastritis and esophagitis, which was so bad it caused me to need 80mg daily of Nexium (and still had gerd break through), which caused polyps to develop throughout my stomach. 4 endoscopies later, I had no choice but to get the revision to bypass. Never been better. The PPI is down to 40mg per day and at 6 weeks post op we'll go down to 20mg daily and at 10 weeks we'll see how I do without any at all. The pain from the bypass was SO much less than the sleeve, the ability to get in my pills and fluids are SO SO much better. I wish I had just done it first. As for my MS meds, I am still on them, but since we know it's basically like taking 1/2 doses (that's the way it is for extended release, but not so much full release that requires the med to be taken more than once per day) I am having a MRI at 3 months post op (unless I have break through symptoms start before that) and if that's the case, I'll go on a different med (likely an IV infusion med that I would have to do 1x per week). There's ways around things with the bypass. Talk to your psych dr and see what can be done about your meds before completely writing off the bypass. I wish I had just skipped the sleeve, to be honest.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
