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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. I do both. Actually, I log my calories, carbs, protein, and fat. I'm so used to it at this point that it's second nature. One week I'll work out 5 days and rest 2. Then the next week I'll work out 4 days and rest 3. I also stick to my routine, but switch up the actual exercises within the routine so I "confuse" my body and what I'm doing continues to work. Workout days (alternate between heavy cardio, weight training, core/strength training, wall/beginner pilates): Calories: 1200-1300 (depending on what I'm doing that day) Carbs: 35-40 Protein: 90g Fat: 45-50g NON workout days (rest days): Calories: 900-1000 Carbs: 20-25 Protein: 60-70g Fat: 30-35g
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    Gray/Pale Stools

    They said they weren't super worried because my blood work 2 weeks ago was perfect. But I was told to add more fat to my diet and repeat the blood work at 3 months post op. If it's still a problem, then we'll look into it further. I think, because I had so many complications, they are just being a little more careful.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Reheating food

    I have definitely never heard this. I have no choice but to reheat my food because I just can't eat a full portion of much of anything. I haven't had any issues at all.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Gray/Pale Stools

    I'm dealing with this right now. It never happened when I had my sleeve surgery, but since I had my bypass it's been pale and clay colored. It slowly started to get darker as I added more fat to my diet (the nurse practitioner told me it happens because of the fat malabsorption). Just in the last 2 or 3 days it's become completely grey. No pain, no jaundice, no nothing. Just weird, grey poop. So I have a call in to the surgeon's office to see what's going on.
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Spit or Swallow?

    YES girl!!! I was like "damn, when did Saturdays on Bariatric Pal get so lit??" lol And then....watermelon seeds.....
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Spit or Swallow?

    Ok, I'll say it.... I literally spit my water all over my keyboard when I saw the title of this post. I never clicked a post so fast in my life.....
  7. Definitely get a 2nd, and even 3rd, opinion. Maybe this surgeon didn't want to do the extra work. I'm surprised he didn't do the bypass the same time as the hernia repair. I've seen a TON of stories on here from people that had both done at the same time. Even when the hernia was a surprise!!
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve to bypass revision

    Yes I had to do the same pre-op prep. And post-op diet was the same, too.
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    Should I try a binder for my breasts?

    Girrrrl.....you're speaking my love language right now.....
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve to Bypass revision

    So I had this revision in June, and I can tell you that the weight loss will not be like it was with the sleeve. I had it because I developed GERD, esophagitis, gastritis, and a TON of pre-cancerous polyps all through my stomach. So I also didn't have a choice. I was on 80mg daily of Nexium, Pepcid for breakthrough, Tums, and still had break through GERD anyway. With the sleeve, I lost 30 pounds in the first 2 weeks. With the revision, I lost 14. I also wasn't interested in doing it for weight loss, since I was chugging along and doing well until it all went stupid. My goal was to get back to living my life, get back to my beast mode work outs, get back to feeling good and not having pain. And that's what the surgery is doing for me. I was finally having hair regrowth when I had to have the revision, so I'm fully expecting to see more hair loss. It's started shedding more again, so I'm mentally preparing for it. I can also say, the recovery from the bypass has been SO SO much better than with the sleeve. I honestly wish I had just done the bypass to begin with. So much less pain, I was up and around faster, able to do things better, could handle my pills and supplements (had to crush or completely eliminate them with the sleeve for the first 4-5 weeks), able to handle cold liquids (couldn't with the sleeve), able to get my fluids in so much easier (I drank a 20oz of Water in the hospital the day I had my surgery and could barely handle 3-4oz with the sleeve). So all in all, I'm exceptionally happy I did the revision. No more GERD, no more PPI, no more pain, much easier recovery, and while the weight is still coming off, it's doing so at a slower and more manageable pace. I wish you all the luck, and I promise you'll feel so much better after the revision.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    WTF With The Dry Skin? =(

    Oh LAWDY this is so me!!!! Trying to fight rosacea, super dry skin, aging skin, fine lines, and now excess skin....ugh..... I stay hydrated, take collagen, use hydrating and anti aging skincare, and I still have dry skin issues. So annoying lol
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Should I try a binder for my breasts?

    Man, my boobs are non existent now lol I went from a double D to pancakes. I live in sports bras and just dream about when I have my skin surgery, boob job, and tummy tuck LOL
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Should I have the surgery?

    It's absolutely your choice. But for me, it was a no brainer. I tried everything there was to try, more than once. My health was terrible. I knew I couldn't do it myself, and I knew I wouldn't be here for my kids and granddaughter if I kept going the way I was going. And even though I had some complications with my initial surgery and had to have a revision, I still feel having bariatric surgery was the best decision I have ever made. My only regret is not doing it sooner.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    YES!!! I thought it was just me!!! I was like "why is it hurting to sit or do floor exercises???" lol Good to know this is a normal thing.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Reaching 64oz of fluids tips

    I use this 32oz cup. I drink 2 of these per day and then usually a Propel water after working out. Depending on what I'm doing, I'll use Arbonne hydration sticks, muscle recovery, pre-workout, etc... I also like the sugar free flavorings that have no calories and carbs that you can find at any store. I can't stand plain water. At night I also drink caffeine free tea to relax me and get extra fluids in. If I need an energy boost, I drink Arbonne energy fizz (no jitters, no crash, natural caffeine, coQ10, b vitamins, etc...). There's lots of drink options that can make it easier to get your fluids in. You'll get there eventually
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    17 Day Post Op/Liquids

    I did full liquids for 10 days (was supposed to be 2 weeks but I couldn't take it anymore). Then I went to mushy foods like hummus, avocado, etc... I did that for a week. Then I just went to soft foods for about 2 weeks and then went to regular foods. For both surgeries. My nutritionist said as long as I went really slow and listened to my body, it was fine. No 2 plans are the same, and no 2 bodies respond the same.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    Sleeve to bypass revision

    Yep, me. I had to be on 80mg of Nexium daily, Pepcid as needed for breakthrough, and it still didn't help. I had severe gerd, gastritis, esophagitis, and polyps all through my stomach and duodenum. 4 endoscopies later, I had to have a revision to a bypass. Changing my diet didn't help. Eliminating exercising didn't help. All the antacids didn't help. I never had any gerd or reflux before the sleeve, but it was debilitating after. Revision was the best thing I ever did. The recovery for the bypass was LIGHTYEARS better than for the sleeve. I was able to go home after 1 day instead of 2. I was drinking a 20oz of water with no issues 2 hours after the surgery. I was walking with minimal discomfort. Never took the pain pills prescribes and only needed Tylenol for the first 4 days. Never had to sleep propped up. Never had to worry about temps of liquids because there was no sensitivity to it. Was able to take my pills and supplements without cutting or crushing them. There is a HARD STOP with eating with the bypass that I never had with the sleeve. If you have 1 bite left but you're feeling like you're done eating.... DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT eat that last bite. I promise you you'll regret it. With the sleeve, I could squeeze in that bite and feel really full. With the bypass, it makes you hurt and feel sick. Not worth it. Weight loss is MUCH slower with a revision, so as long as you go into it knowing that, you'll be ok. Getting your life back and being gerd and pain free is so so worth it. My only regret is not just doing the bypass to begin with. I wish I would have skipped the sleeve altogether.
  18. SleeveToBypass2023

    Roughhh week

    You might be hitting a stall. I always gain a few pounds when that happens, but when it breaks, I lose everything I gained plus an extra 2-3 pounds.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    GERD, Indigestion, Acid Reflux

    Yep, me. I had to be on 80mg of Nexium daily, Pepcid as needed for breakthrough, and it still didn't help. I had severe gerd, gastritis, esophagitis, and polyps all through my stomach and duodenum. 4 endoscopies later, I had to have a revision to a bypass. Changing my diet didn't help. Eliminating exercising didn't help. All the antacids didn't help. I never had any gerd or reflux before the sleeve, but it was debilitating after. Revision was the best thing I ever did.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Another Small Celebration!

    9 High-Fat Foods That Offer Great Health Benefits: Avocados Cheese Dark chocolate Whole eggs Fatty fish Nuts Chia seeds Extra virgin olive oil
  21. Do you have any updates on how things have been going?
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Still in hospital in HELL

    Holy smokes!!! The leak test, for me, was done while I was still in the OR. By the time I woke up in my room, I was allowed water. And I was definitely allowed to get up as soon as I felt able. The catheter and keeping you in bed part really threw me. It's required that you get up and walk around, so them forcing you to stay in bed was super weird to me. With my sleeve, I was kept on the IV the entire time because I hard a hard time drinking more than 2oz of water at any given time. With my revision to bypass, they took me off the IV the same day as the surgery because I was able to drink an entire 20 oz of water in an hour. I did that twice and they said "yep, you're good, the IV can come out". And I was able to go to the bathroom in the toilet from the jump because they wanted to be able to measure how much urine output there was.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023


    I did chewable with the sleeve for the first 6 weeks, then switched to the regular pill. With the revision from sleeve to bypass, I started off with liquid for the first 2 weeks, then was able to jump in and take the regular pill. Ironically, I had a harder time with the sleeve than the bypass. Who knew?
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    Feeling defeated

    Try to focus on NSV (non scale victories). That helps me when I'm in a stall, or I'm not losing as much as I think I should be. So for example... with my first surgery (I had the sleeve in May 2022) I lost 30 pounds in 30 days. It was insane. Then I hit the mother of all stalls. Each time I hit one, I would gain 3-5 pounds and sit there for WEEKS. I would come on here nearly in tears. Then I learned to look for things other than the numbers on a scale. I saw that I was off some of my meds. My clothes were starting to get a little looser. I dropped a ring size pretty quick. I was able to walk around more with less stops. As time went on and I was further out from my surgery, the weight loss slowed a lot. I was still losing, but at a much slower rate. But I paid attention to the NSVs and I was thrilled. I was able to work out longer, do more intense workouts, dropped another 2 sizes in clothes, ring and necklace sizes went way down, I could go up and down stairs, I was off all blood pressure, anti-inflammatory, and diabetes meds, I could sit in normal chairs with arms on them COMFORTABLY, I could cross my legs..... So many things to look at when the scale is being stubborn. I ended up having several complications from the sleeve around month 8 or so post op, and had to have a revision to bypass in June of this year. Right from the jump, the weight loss has been soooo slooooow. But my bmi and weight were a LOT lower than when I had my initial surgery (when I had the sleeve, I was 388 pounds, 5'6", bmi 63). When I had the revision, I was 275 with a bmi of 43). Also, weight loss is lower and slower with revisions. But I mostly wanted my life back because I couldn't do ANYTHING with the complications (I had 6 surgeries in 6 months). Now I'm back to working out BEAST MODE, I can live my life, properly stick to my diet, and watch my NSVs (the scale creeps along at a snail's pace, but I'm still seeing NSVs so I'm happy). Things will happen for you in the time, and in the way, they are supposed to. Just know that even when the scale isn't cooperating, other things in your body are. Just look for those, keep doing what you're doing, and you'll get there in the end.
  25. SleeveToBypass2023

    Feeling defeated

    Sounds like you might just be a little bit of a slower loser, and that's ok. As long as you're losing, and following your plan, and exercising, and changing your eating habits you're doing everything right. If you were at a lower bmi and weight than others on here, you will also lose slower. But again, as my surgeon says, "as long as you continue in a downward trajectory, you're doing great". Stalls happen, everyone's journey looks different, and you're still early in yours. Your body is only like 4 weeks post op. It's still healing. Give yourself some grace, and time, and you'll see the results you want.

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