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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. Congratulations and good luck!!! See you on the other side
  2. What surgery did you have? When I had my sleeve, I was so sensitive to temperature of liquids, amounts, had to sip very slowly. When I had my revision to bypass, I was able to drink an entire 20oz of water 3 hours after surgery and haven't had any issues at all. Some people on here had to take it slow when they got home, some were able to just jump in and drink however much they wanted. I was in both camps.
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    Starbucks Coffee or Latte's

    I live in Denver, and we have a Starbucks on nearly every corner, and none of them offer any sugar free options except vanilla. I love Jordan's Skinny Syrups. They have white chocolate mocha syrup that's no calories, no sugar, no carbs and it's AMAZING. I love all their flavors. I was told no caffeine because it dehydrates you, and we have to be very mindful of our hydration. Especially if we deal with constipation. But if I find I REALLY need the pick-me-up, I get it from tea or from Arbonne natural caffeine energy powders (absolutely LOVE them).
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    It's been almost 26 years since I've seen this....

    Thank you!! Yeah, he's pretty alright, I suppose lol
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    No problem!! I missed it, too. That's why I went on the hunt for one that was decent. It's not perfect, but if you have it with avocado on it, it's fantastic.
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    I get it at WalMart. They also have a few other flavors in this brand, but I just prefer white. I put avocado on it and LOVE it. I also put butter, cinnamon, and monkfruit sweetener on it if I want some cinnamon toast (I can only eat 1 piece since I have such a small stomach, but it's REALLY good).
  7. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    But see? You actually ARE exercising your body. Just volunteering, walking, shopping, cleaning. That's moving your body, which helps. If what you're doing now is more than what you did before, it counts. Formal workouts aren't the only way to exercise your body. I think you're doing awesome, and everything you're doing helps AND counts.
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    Any kind of movement helps. Walking, shopping at the store, chair exercises, any and all of it help. I think you're on the right track, and you'll definitely get there
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    ALSO, what kind of exercising are you doing? If you aren't, definitely start. Either water exercises, or walks, or basic floor and chair exercises (lots of beginner workouts for free on youtube). You are FOR SURE going to have to exercise after the surgery, so you want to start that now, as well. And again, it will help you lose the weight you need to qualify for the surgery.
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    I'm no longer diabetic. My A1c is now 5.5 and my glucose tends to stay between 107-112 when checked. I'm no longer on any of the meds I was on because all of my numbers are normal. For a sugar substitute, I use monk fruit sweetener. I can't stand anything else. I hate the gross taste of everything else. Sugar free foods are actually really good these days. I don't use veggie curls to substitute pasta. There are keto pasta noodles (and keto bread, which is really good) that I prefer. Normal calorie intake is 2000 calories. I would work on getting yours down to 1600 by surgery time. You will eat A LOT less than that after the surgery, but lowering your calories and carbs will help you drop the weight you need to qualify for the surgery. I would also work on getting your carbs down to 70-80 per day by surgery day. Again, you will be consuming a lot less than that after surgery, but getting them down now will help you later.
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    Ibuprofen 1 Yr Post Op

    I initially had the sleeve and was told I could maybe try it at 18 months out, but it was very heavily discouraged. I had a revision to bypass and was told absolutely no forever.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    It's been almost 26 years since I've seen this....

    Thank you!!! Getting to my goal weight is taking longer than I would like, but I'm getting there!!!
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Bloodwork showed type 2 diabetes

    I actually had diabetes when I started the process. My A1c was around 7.6 or so and my glucose levels were usually around the 160-170 rang when I would test. I was on 3 diabetes meds, a cholesterol med, a blood pressure med, 2 anti-inflammatory meds. Not only did having diabetes not delay things, having comorbidities actually helped speed up the approval process for me. I know you wanted gradual changes to your eating, and to a certain extent you can still have that. But it's important to start getting your mindset and habits changed at least a little before surgery. Once you have it, you have to make drastic changes pretty fast. Better to start now. I would start by eliminating soda and anything carbonated. Get caffeine from coffee (the kind you can make at home) using sugar free sweeteners and low/no calorie creamers (or almond milk) and tea (personally, I prefer tea). Swap out regular chocolate, candy, popsicles, pudding, etc to the sugar free kinds. Start lowering your carb intake and try cutting down on pasta, bread, potatoes, etc... There's keto versions of bread that taste fantastic. Look at the way the bariatric diets require you to eat (protein first, then veggies, then carbs) and try to plan your meals around that (protein helps you feel full longer). Practice getting in at least 64oz of water now so you can be used to drinking it a lot. You can still eat yummy foods, just change the way you do it. It's less jarring if you start the process now.
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)

    My B12 was also a bit high on my last bloodwork (I think it was like 1200 or something like that) and they just said to cut back a little but that it was nothing to worry about. Your visit sounds like it went really well!!! Congrats
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    It's been almost 26 years since I've seen this....

    Sometimes I do. Other times I struggle to remember I'm not 421 pounds anymore. I should be in a size 16 pants, but my legs have so much loose skin that I can't go lower than a 18/20, which makes me always have to pull my pants up because they are too big around my waist. My husband made me keep 1 of my size 30 outfits and one of my size 10 rings (I'm in a size 7 now) and when I kind of start spiraling and seeing every flaw and not seeing my progress, he makes me (try to) put them on. When they don't fit at all, he says "know why? Because you aren't a size 30 anymore. You don't wear a size 10 ring anymore. You've lost more weight than our daughter even weighs." and it brings me out of it. Other days, I'm so ecstatically proud and happy with everything and I have zero doubts about where I am and how far I've come. It's really crazy how your head can mess with you and make you unsee 140+ pounds of weight loss.
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    6 days post op and STARVING.

    I never lost my hunger when I had my sleeve. It really sucked. Ironically, when I had the revision to the bypass, I lost hunger. I'm now 1 week shy of being 3 months post op from the revision and I still don't have much in the way of hunger. Try having the unflavored protein shakes, since the flavored is too sweet. Have mostly broths and anything else you can that has protein in it. Right now, that's the most important thing. Definitely get your fluids and protein in.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023


    So I found out I have a uterine fibroid the size of an avocado and one the size of a jumbo egg (12cm and 6.5cm), and my uterus is apparently huge (the size of a 14 week pregnancy, I'm told). Well today was my follow up appt and I was told that my fibroids are so big, the only option I have is an abdominal hysterectomy (they are causing issues with really heavy bleeding all through the month, not at specific times for my period). We're looking at about 5 weeks out for the surgery. Apparently this is going to be a MAJOR surgery, and my doctor said I will have to do nothing, just at home, for 2 weeks at minimum but prefers me to take 6 weeks. WHAT??? 6 weeks??? She said since it'll be abdominal and not laparoscopic, it'll be 2 days in the hospital, a lot of pain, inability to sit up or do much walking during the first 2 weeks, then very slow going for the next few weeks after that. I mean...what??? ALSO... there's a part of my stomach, just above my belly button, that has always kind of stuck out. No matter what I do, it doesn't go down or get smaller. There's not really any pain, but I always thought it was because I was fat. But I've lost a lot of weight and it's still there. The gyn said it might be a hernia, but my bariatric surgeon never mentioned it during the surgery. If I have a hernia that was never found, I'd like to get it fixed. If it's not a hernia, I'd like to figure out what it is. It makes me look pregnant, and it really bugs me. The part below my belly button is my (apparently) huge uterus and fibroids. The part above my belly button is....who knows..... I'm just mentally worn out. I really thought I was done. I thought everything was going well. I don't have pain, I work out all the time, I'm thrilled with everything. And then.....boom. More crap. UGH..... This isn't a bariatric complication, so I'm very thankful for that. But I mean, SERIOUSLY??? More crap??? Sigh.... By the time I finish all this, I'm practically gonna have a brand new body. So at least there's that....
  18. SleeveToBypass2023


    Yes. They said it looked like a possible hernia, so I have an appt with my bariatric surgeon (he also repairs hernias) and he's going to take a look at it.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023


    Thank you so much!!! I have to put it off until I finish my medical assisting program, but we're looking at January or so for the surgery. So just a few more months and then no more period!!! I do have an appt with my bariatric surgeon in Oct to see if that bulge just above my belly button is a hernia or not. If not, then we have to figure out what it is. But I can still work out without pain, I'm still incredibly healthy, and all in all I'm happy. I just want the rest of this nonsense to be finished. I never want to have another surgery, yet as I say that, I know I'll eventually have my skin surgeries lol But I actually WANT those, so maybe that'll be different.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Toilet issues

    Man, i would love to go like that lol I have to take Colace 2 in 1 or even Dr Tobias colon cleanse in order to get things going most days. However, 5-6 times per day seems like overkill. I would call your doctor and see if there's something going on. Constipation is usually the issue we have in general.
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    Smoothie advice:)

    I never did the puree stage. Just looked and sounded gross to me. I just ate things like fish and softer fruits like canned pears (in water, not syrup), bananas, refried beans with sour cream, avocado, and shredded cheese, lots of soups (my favorite has always been minestrone, so I get the canned Progresso soup), etc... I personally love making my own protein shakes and often still have one for breakfast (not big breakfast fan, but skipping is a no-no). I get Arbonne protein shakes (the coffee one is my favorite) and I add stuff to it to make it acceptable as a meal. Making them myself vs ready made are SO much better to me. Especially now.
  22. You can use whatever protein shakes you want. I used ready made the first 2 weeks, then I bought protein powder from Arbonne and made my own. You can take liquid vitamins as long as they have the same amount of vitamins as bariatric vitamins do. I wasn't told not to take capsules or any kind of pills with the sleeve when I had it, but I WAS told that when I had my revision to bypass. It took a little bit but I'm able to take all my normal pills and supplements like normal now.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Waking up from surgery

    With my sleeve, I had major pain for almost 2 weeks. With my revision to bypass, I had very little pain. Mostly, it was uncomfortable for about 4 days. Wish I had just done the bypass to begin with.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023


    The bariatric she is real and nothing will stop it. You need to make sure you stick to your protein amounts everyday because your hair needs it to produce new growth and grow (your hair can't produce protein but needs it). Collagen and biotin (as well as keratin_ are fantastic for helping your hair be softer, shinier, and healthier. BUT, it does nothing to actually prevent shedding or make it grow. Collagen is great for hair, skin, and nails as well as joints. For me, I use Codeage Platinum collagen powder. It has 5 kinds of collagen, biotin, keratin, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin c. It's amazing, and I've used it for almost 2 years. It's everything I need for hair, skin, nails, and joints. Another thing I take is MSM. It's amazing for joints, but it also helps thicken hair (which is something I need since I've had 2 bariatric surgeries and my hair is seriously thin). Also make sure you take vitamin E. That's another things that is fantastic for skin and can be beneficial for hair, as well. I also use Living Proof thickening shampoo and conditioner and dry shampoo. It helps give my hair volume, which I desperately need right now. Hope all of this helps!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
