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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. SleeveToBypass2023

    New month, new surgery...

    and YOUGURT and JELLO hurt. And I have had absolutely ZERO appetite since yesterday around lunch time. I can't just not eat, but I have no hunger feelings, and when I remember to eat, I don't want to because it hurts so much. I don't know what else to do, but I feel like I'm losing it over here. Oh, and a NEW joy, my anal area (not the hole but like way further up) hurts when I sit down or try to poo. And when I did poo, it hurt so bad (even though it was super soft, almost runny) that it literally startled me and made me cry out. I'm so so over this.
  2. SleeveToBypass2023

    New month, new surgery...

    Still hurting. Actually looking forward to surgery on Wednesday. Also upset because I'm probably going to miss ALL of next week. Plus the 2 days I missed last week and I will only have 3 paid days on my check on the 15th. Not only do I have bills to pay, that was supposed to cover Christmas. And not just the gifts, but the decorations, the dinner, cards, all of it. Now we'll have literally nothing. And the pain meds don't do anything but knock me out. Once I wake up, I'm in pain again. Time to take my meds and pass out. I'm so over it all....Oh, before I forget!!! Let's not leave out that I\m basically back on my stage 1 bariatric diet because when I try to ear regular food, it KILLS my hernia (it's a delayed reaction, so I'm guessing it's happening as it makes its way down my colon, or to my bowels, or wherever it goes). That was ok yesterday. But TODAY!!! Oh TODAY has been a joy because now even LIQUIDS
  3. SleeveToBypass2023

    New month, new surgery...

    Thanks so much. This has been absolutely miserable. This pain is worse than the pain immediately after bariatric surgery. And the pain meds kinda take the edge off for 2 or 3 hours, but then it wears off and I'm miserable until I can take it again (every 6 hours).
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    Find me on IG!!!

    That's ok!!! It's always nice to just make new friends
  5. SleeveToBypass2023

    Find me on IG!!!

    I hope more people find us on here and come see us on IG. That's where the REAL fun and pics and updates are lol
  6. SleeveToBypass2023

    So I have updates.....

    Thank you everyone!!! I'm actually excited to get these last 2 surgeries because my stomach will no longer be the size of a 16 week pregnant person, free boob job (kidding...kinda lol ), no more monthly enemy, no more PCOS issues, no more cancer concerns, and NO MORE HEALTH ISSUES!!! I'm speaking that into existence, because after these last 2 surgeries, I will have had 9 surgeries in 2 years. That's just too much. My body will practically be brand new by the time I'm done LOL
  7. I finished my schooling and am officially working in my chosen field as a medical assistant!!! I got my certification and I'm working in a critical care pulmonary office. I'm absolutely LOVING it!! And even though I can look at myself and see the weight loss, and I can see my diabetes and blood pressure are normal now, I still have a hard time believing I'm physically able to do my job and do it well. Yet here I am....doing the d@mn thing!!! I have a CT with contrast on the 29th because my bariatric surgeon thinks I have a distal hernia (if you look at my stomach in my pic, you can see that area poking out a little). And I have my complete hysterectomy scheduled for March 6th. If the CT confirms the distal hernia, that will also require a surgery, but I have no idea when that will happen. I'm hoping before the hysterectomy because the hernia repair can be done laparoscopically (I think) but I have to have an abdominal hysterectomy because the fibroids are way too big to come out laparoscopically and I have to have EVERYTHING removed because I tested positive for the BRCA cancer gene (will need all of my breast tissue removed at a later date, but my insurance will cover reconstructive breast surgery, so YAY for a free boob job). This last 50 pounds still won't leave me, and it's absolutely driving me crazy. No matter what I do, I can't get it to go. I'm hoping the hysterectomy will help a little because the fibroids are so big, they're making my uterus the size of a 16 week pregnant uterus. They also said the hysterectomy should help somewhat with my PCOS, since that's likely what's preventing that last 50 pounds from coming off. So here's hoping this is end of my weight issues and the last of my surgeries!!!
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    So I have updates.....

    That's so sweet of you, thank you so much!!! ❤️
  9. SleeveToBypass2023

    So I have updates.....

    What did it help with? The extra weight or the PCOS? I'm excited to have no more visits from the monthly enemy lol
  10. SleeveToBypass2023

    So I have updates.....

    I have MS and have MRIs with and without contrast twice a year, so I'm used to it. It used to be a crazy 10-15 seconds but now I'm used to it lol
  11. SleeveToBypass2023

    So so angry!!!!!

    So as you all know, I had my revision from sleeve to bypass on June 28th because of severe gerd, esophagitis, gastritis, and a ton of pre-cancerous polyps all through my stomach. I was put on 80mg of Nexium daily and still had a lot of pain and break through gerd issues. After the revision, the PPI was lowered to 40mg daily for 2 weeks and then on weeks 3 and 4, go to 40mg every other day and then completely stop at the beginning of week 5. Well here I am, doing the evry other day, and I had horrible gerd today!!! My throat was burning, my esophagus felt like I had acid in it, and I was MISERABLE. I had to take a Nexium (today was a day not to take it) and follow it up an hour later with a Pepcid before it went away. WTH????? I never ever had heartburn or gerd before the sleeve. Got the revision because it was supposed to fix it, and here I am, still dealing with it!!!!!!! I'm so over this. I'm not eating anything bad, following my diet to the letter, and I can't catch a break.
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Losing more weight NOT exercising???

    So I noticed that when I miss 2 or 3 days of exercising (my granddaughter was just here from another state this weekend and my work out schedule kind of went by the wayside) I actually lost 4 pounds. In 3 days. But when I work out, I tend to hold on to whatever weight I'm at and fluctuate by a pound here and there. I like working out, but I'm confused why I lose more weight when I don't do it versus when I do. Anyone else experience this? My work outs are twice a day: 25-30 minutes on the treadmill on 3.5 speed and 3.5 incline 15-20 minutes on bike at resistance 13 50 stomach crunches 50 sit ups Typically I do the longer times in the morning and the shorter times at night, because by the end of the day I'm just too tired to do the same longer time that I did in the morning. Am I doing something wrong with my workouts, or does my body just not like to do it?
  13. She said she has a bad headache, not a toothache.
  14. If you have the bypass, then yes. If you have the sleeve, you can have it VERY rarely and sparingly after around 6 months or so, but never regularly.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    WLS + GLP-1

    If only insurance would cover the weight loss meds like they do the surgery. Not sure why they don't. It would still be cheaper for them in the long run than treating all the health issues and meds that come with obesity.
  16. It's driving me completely crazy. Nothing I do is getting it off. Working out...no. Changing up what I do on my workouts....no. Sticking to my diet.....no. Being even more strict with my diet.....no. Easing up my diet a bit.....no. Doing easier workouts.....no. Carb blockers...no. Appetite suppressants....no. Supplements to speed up metabolism.....no. I absolutely REFUSE to stay at this weight, but I truly don't know what else to do......I'm LITERALLY going out of my mind. I need to lose these last 50 pounds, and absolutely nothing is helping. Just needed to vent about it and get it out of my system.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    This last 50 pounds is the bane of my existence!!!

    Thank you!! That's really sweet of you to say
  18. I did it!!! I just got offered a job IN MY CHOSEN FIELD!!!!! I busted my butt (finished my program early and with a 94), chased a dream I thought was lost to me (thanks to the surgery, getting my health under control, changing my diet, and believing in myself that I could actually do it), and I just got my first job in the medical field!!!!! I literally cried. I'm so so excited!!!! I start on Monday!!!!!! Even though I'm a Medical Administrative Assistant, I won't be at the front desk when you first walk into the office (checking people in, collecting payments, verifying insurance, etc). I'll be the one that comes to get you and takes your vitals, takes you to your exam room, asks you questions and updates your chart, go over any doctor's orders, and then checks you out at the "check out" desk. I'll schedule follow up appointments, handle referrals, and call in any scripts and refills. AND, they will provide the scrubs I'll be wearing. I'm in an AWESOME mood!!!!! I can't believe I really did it. I wasn't sure I could, but here I am!!! I literally cried when I got the call today. I still can't believe it!!! And after 6 months, they will pay for me to continue my training to become a Clinical Medical Assistant and get all the certifications that come with that. All I have left to do is get this last 50 pounds off and then I'm literally living my very best life
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    BIGGEST nsv of my life!!!!!

    Thank you so much!!! I'm still in shock about it all. I knew what I wanted, but actually getting there...well, you guys know how hard it is for us to really believe we can do this. Living the life I always wanted still seems like a dream to me. Now here I am. All the complications, surgeries, pain, the revision.... all of it led me right here, and I don't regret a single second of it.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    BIGGEST nsv of my life!!!!!

    Thank you It's amazing what weight loss, better health, and renewed belief in yourself can do!!!
  21. That 100% sounds like a ploy. Complete nonsense. You can get the whey protein without it being theirs. Just shop around and compare ingredients and prices.
  22. SleeveToBypass2023

    Before and After Pics

    Thank you, I really do. I still have 50 pounds to go, but I really am happy.
  23. SleeveToBypass2023

    Before and After Pics

    Pic 1 was 421 pounds. Pic 2 was taken yesterday at 247 pounds.
  24. SleeveToBypass2023

    This last 50 pounds is the bane of my existence!!!

    Aww thank you so much. I hope you're right because this is driving me nuts!!

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