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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SleeveToBypass2023

  1. I'm literally where you are right now. I hit my first goal, moved it, hit the 2nd goal, moved it, hit the final goal, and now that I'm ready to maintain, I'm still losing lol I made a post about it and the general consensus was to not try to stop losing just yet and let my body decide its new happy place/set point. I'm also afraid of looking sickly thin (I have some curves and I'm big bones, so I carry my weight well and always look like I weigh less than I do) so I'm trying to figure out when to finally bring my body to a halt on the losing (if I even can) if I feel it's getting to be a bit too much. I was always thin in high school, but when I had my son at age 20, my PCOS kicked in and I gained all kinds of weight and couldn't lose it. Then I had several miscarriages, then had my daughter which caused even more weight gain. Once I saw I couldn't lose the weight no matter what, I stopped caring and I ate myself all the way to 421 pounds. Never, in a million years, did I think I'd be here now. But I'm kind of concerned about looking too thin, just like you are. So I feel you 100% there. I'm one of the ones that cut out a lot of foods and found yummy alternatives instead. I didn't want to feel deprived, but I also knew I couldn't really do cheat meals because it would be a slippery slope for me, and the guilt and "what ifs" just aren't worth it. So I went about finding really tasty, healthy, compliant meals instead. I've lost 235 pounds from my highest weight and 202 pounds since my initial surgery date. There's just no way I'm willing to lose any of that progress over a meal or drink or a get-together. So for me, I still have to learn the balance lol I'm definitely not there yet. Not sure when I will be. But I'd like to get there sooner rather than later. OH, and you look AWESOME!!! Fantastic job!!!!!!!
  2. Sigh.....I need to figure out how to maintain and not lose more weight. Wanted to stop at 190....but now I can't figure out how to stop losing!!!! Never in a million years did I think I would ever have this problem. I can't add more carbs because I'm SUPER sensitive to them and too many make me REALLY sick. I tried adding more calories, but because I work out 4-5 days per week, it's actually causing me to lose still. So weird. I tried eating more small meals and snacks more often, but honestly, I already have 3 meals and 2 snacks per day, and eating more just makes me sick to my stomach because I'm trying to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I know my secret goal was 180, but I actually like how I look and feel at 190, so I'm not really looking to go lower. Yet here I am....going lower.....
  3. As always, you say exactly what needs to be heard. Thank you Yes, I've been struggling with body dysmorphia for a while now. I was having a hard time not seeing 421 pound me, even as I hit goal after goal. Now, I see stick thin, too skinny me. It's like a never ending roller coaster that I can't get off of. But I'm going to wait 2 weeks, then weigh myself again and see where I'm at. And I'm going to pay close attention to how I feel, how I look in my clothes, and how they fit me. Thanks again for everything you said.
  4. SleeveToBypass2023

    I think i’m over doing it

    At 9 days post op you shouldn't be eating ANY of that. I was still on liquids then, although some had been able to go to mushy foods. You'll hurt your stomach if you keep eating like that. Go back to basics, review the rules for eating after the surgery, and follow them. You're able to eat that right now because nerves were cut during the surgery and you aren't getting the "I don't like this food, I can't tolerate it yet" signals.
  5. Thank you!!! I guess I'll just ride it out and see where it takes me. I honestly didn't think about the regain later on, so maybe it's not a bad thing if I go 10 or even 12 pounds below my goal weight. Thanks for the advice and suggestions!!! Much appreciated
  6. I thought about that. I just worry I'll start looking too skinny an sickly. That happens if my weight goes too low. Maybe I'll go 2 weeks and then weigh and see what it looks like.
  7. Thank you both so much!!! I really appreciate the input
  8. SleeveToBypass2023

    Maintenance Calories after Surgery?

    For me, I live on 1100 - 1200 calories on non work out days and 1300-1400 on workout days. On my weight training day, I tend to go up to 1500 calories. I work out 5 days per week. I also have 2 rest days. My protein, fluid intake, carbs, healthy fats, and calories are all higher on workout days, but I still can't get anywhere NEAR 2100 per day. 1500 is really pushing it, but I only do heavy weight training once per week, so it's ok. For quite a while, my calories on non workout days were 800-900 or so and workout days were 1100-1300, depending on what workouts I was doing that day. As time has gone on, my calorie and food intake has increased, but I still stick to the rule that I eat until I'm not hungry anymore, not until I'm stuffed. It's normal for our stomachs to hold a little more and our calories to increase as time goes by. What's important is to be selective with where those calories and carbs come from, not to overeat, and to be mindful of moving your body and getting in enough fluids.
  9. What are proffees???
  10. I think in the last 2 years I talked to my nutritionist 3 times. And that was because I had to. It was included with the surgeries and she worked in my surgeon's office. She's nice and helped me come up with some cool recipes, but that's really it. I stayed mostly within the surgeon's dietary recommendations, but as time went on, I learned what my body likes and dislikes. For example, I'm extremely sensitive to carbs but not at all to sugar. I still stay away from sugar for the most part, but I'm not afraid of it like I was. I won't turn something away if it has sugar, but I typically go sugar free as much as I can. As for carbs, I use to do keto, so I was ok with low carb meals (I would have maybe 60-80 carbs per day). Now, though, I can't have more than 25 without feeling sick. On heavy workout days, I tend to go higher (45-50) but I pay for it because, again, I'm SUPER sensitive to them now. I respond well to high protein, moderate healthy fats, and high fiber foods. I'd say just do what you're doing, ignore the nutritionist, and keep kicking ass and taking names. You're doing AWESOME, so don't worry about the rest of it.
  11. Since I started my weight loss journey 2 years ago with my first surgery, he decided to change his eating and exercising habits. I lost 200 pounds in 2 years, he lost 66 pounds in 2 years. We're both absolutely thrilled My A1c went from 7.9 to 5.0, no more more high bp or diabetes or high cholesterol (mine went from 249 to 170). His A1c went from 12.8 (yes you read that right) to 5.9, no more high bp, and his cholesterol went from 266 to 194. I went from a size 30/5x to a size 14/XL. He went from a size 52 waist to 42. And from a size 3x shirt to XL. And we go on 3+ mile walks together twice a week and he works out for an hour to an hour and a half twice a week with me (I work out above and beyond that). He's changed about 80% of his eating habits. He's more confident and happier, as am I . It certainly helps when you have a supportive spouse that wants to better themselves because they see you doing well and get inspired. That's what he told me
  12. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hubby said I can share this

    Thank you
  13. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hubby said I can share this

    For some comparison, the first 2 pics are of me in high school (age 17 in 1996, right before I graduated and turned 18) and the second 2 are of me now, 2 days away from turning 46
  14. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hubby said I can share this

    Thank you We both really do have more confidence, but especially my husband. I wasn't always heavy. In high school and up until I had my son I was a size 6 and very athletic. So I knew how it could feel to be healthy and look good, I just never thought I'd get back there again. My husband was always heavier, so this is new to him. Seeing him hold his head up when he walks instead of looking at the ground, seeing him able to shop in ANY store instead of specialty ones....it's been amazing.
  15. SleeveToBypass2023

    Rapid Weight Loss

    Basics: GENDER, AGE, HEIGHT F, 45, 5'5" Total Weight lost in the 6 months BEFORE surgery (if any) 33 pounds Weight on DAY OF SURGERY. 388 pounds (day of sleeve surgery) **13 months later** 275 pounds (day of revision surgery) I am 2 years post op from sleeve and 1 year post of from revision to bypass Type of Surgery (Sleeve, ByPass, etc...) Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass
  16. SleeveToBypass2023

    How to explain this to my kids??

    When I had my initial sleeve surgery, my kids were 24 and 15 and my granddaughter was 1. None of them had ever seen me thin. I was 240 pounds when I had my son and his first real memories are from when he was 2 and I weighed 270. When I had my daughter, I was 315 pounds and her memories are from around 3 years old and I weighed 340. My highest weight, when I had my initial consultation, was 421 pounds. I lost 33 pounds pre-surgery and I was 388 on surgery day. I knew I had to be open with them, so I just came out and told them the truth. I went over my goals for health, getting off medications, increased mobility, weight loss, etc... They were both surprised but really happy for me and supportive. Now my kids are just so proud and impressed with not only my weight loss, but the improvements I've made with my health, my overall fitness (one of my son's favorite things to do with me is go on hikes now). My granddaughter only knew me as 421 pounds. She's 3 now, so it's taken her a little bit to get use to me being thinner (she lives in Arizona and I'm in Colorado, so she doesn't se me a lot, so the changes are more dramatic for her). I'm glad I was open with my kids, because it taught them about the real struggles with morbid obesity, the tools available, and they saw first hand the changes that have to be made, the relationship with food that has to improve, and the work that has to be put in. My son said he always looked at the surgery as a way for someone fat to be lazy and take the easy way out. Now that he's seen what it REALLY takes, his whole opinion changed.
  17. SleeveToBypass2023

    A 2nd Chance at Life

    I actually made, and unmade, this decision a few times before I couldn't put it off or make excuses anymore. It's the biggest, best, and scariest thing I've ever done for myself and my family, but I'm so incredibly thankful every day that I did it. Congrats on joining us on this journey, and welcome to the forums!!!
  18. She told me she deliberately didn't tell either one about the other med because she didn't want them to say she can't have both. (I just asked her, to be sure, and she confirmed my suspicions that she didn't tell either one). What was of most concern that I found was that tirzepatide can lower bp and phentermine can raise it, which kind of plays tug of war with your heart. I also saw that taking both together can increase dizziness, weakness, and bring on severe headaches (she suffers from migraines already). I showed her all this and she said "well, I only plan to b on the phentermine fo 6 months, but I'm going to stay on the tirzepatide for at least a year, so if I can just make it through the 6 months on both,. I'm golden" So, I guess as long as she's not worried, and if there's doctors out there that are actually prescribing both, I won't worry too much. I definitely won't alienate her by going on and on about it. I took my concerns to her, showed her what I found, and now I let it go. She's my bestfriend and I love her (friends for 42 years in September) so I just want what's best for her. She supported my surgery and revision, I can support her in this. I just don't want anything bad to happen to her by taking both of these meds together.
  19. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hubby said I can share this

    Aww thank you so much. That is incredibly sweet!!! I appreciate you so much.
  20. SleeveToBypass2023

    Hubby said I can share this

    Thank you all so much!!! I'm just so proud of him, of the 2 of us, and frankly, all of us here on this forum!!!! We're doing, and did, the damn thing!!!!
  21. SleeveToBypass2023

    OMG OMG OMG I DID IT!!!!!!!

  22. I used this, and took 4 each night: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Equate-Stool-Softener-Plus-Stimulant-Laxative-Tablets-for-Constipation-240-Count/781701121
  23. Don't let it get to that point, if you can help it. Make sure you have plenty of fluids, fiber, and MiraLax. In the very beginning, I needed Miralax in the morning and a stool softener/laxative combo at night. I did that for the first 6 weeks, then I was able to just use the Miralax everyday. But the last thing you want, especially in the first 6 weeks, is to be straining. The staples will be fine, but it's the healing from the surgery and the pain the straining can cause that you want to avoid.
  24. A bit concerned. I sent a message to my PCP and haven't heard anything back yet. I've been having some major issues with dizziness, to the point of nearly blacking out for the past 2 weeks or so. I had blood work done on Thursday and my iron, b12, and A1c were all checked and the results came back that all are normal. Not low normal but right smack in the middle normal. My bp was 105/63 (I average between 104/60 - 108/68). Glucose was 97 and A1c was 5.0. My b12 was 717. My iron was 53. So very normal. Does anyone else have this issue? What could this be, and how can I fix it? I make sure not to get up too fast, I get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. But this seems to happen when I get up from either laying or sitting or when I stand for too long. My blood work came in today, so I'm hoping to hear back from my doctor tomorrow since I didn't today.

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