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Frey Zephyr

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About Frey Zephyr

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  1. Frey Zephyr

    Help with protein

    I love tofu! I wasn't sure if it was alright during puree as it's listed on soft food on most things but if others have tolerated at 2.5 weeks I probably will. I've tolerated everything I've tried so far (limited as it may be) I do have PB powder from Naked Nutrition. It's a little grainy never blends to smooth but that's ok cause my brain interrupts it as like crunch PB in a drink lol
  2. Frey Zephyr

    Help with protein

    I have tried rice, pea, whey and whey. Literally every protein they make lol (such a waste of money) all give the same reaction. I didn't know that about bone broth ty! I'll get bone broth to make my soups. Also the powdered milk to the milk is a great idea too I thought the powdered milk would have a similar taste to the whey protein. So I'll give that a go too. I sadly don't like ricotta. I tried the ricotta bake. I think it's that ricotta never melts its always grainy.
  3. Frey Zephyr

    Help with protein

    Saaaaaame I tried the unflavored peas protein. You have to mix in a ton of fruits or sugars to have it not be gross also its grainy. I too love peas. I'm going to give oatmeal a try. Alot of ppl said no oatmeal some said oatmeal was OK idk. Guess I'll give it a go. Also ima some stews. I like soup but canned soup is blah
  4. Frey Zephyr

    Help with protein

    That's amazing! (The coffee is mainly cause of caffine. It's a diuretic.) My surgeon is fine with coffee as long as I get plenty of water. I love veggies and lentils. Those are amazing ideas and ima try them! I never even thought of ham. I thought of oatmeal but most things said no oatmeal while ither said oatmeal was fine 🤔 so ima try oatmeal lol
  5. Frey Zephyr

    Help with protein

    What do you eat the dip with tho? I can't imagine eating just the dip by itself honestly.
  6. Frey Zephyr

    Help with protein

    I never even thought of milk. I found a lactose free 2% ultra filtered milk that's got tons of protein! There's also a special k protein cereal that's got 10g of protein and once you add the milk it's like 30g of protein per serving! Sadly I'm allergic to bananas but I do like peanut butter.
  7. Frey Zephyr

    Help with protein

    Any low quality tuna has mercury this mainly includes canned and pouched. There is a high quality mercury tested and controlled canned tuna but it's expensiiiiiiiive. The rotisserie chicken is a great idea! It'll have nice flavor and I can mix the white and dark meat to even out dryness.
  8. Frey Zephyr

    Help with protein

    I've tried all of those proteins. They all have the same issue. Canned chicken is disgusting to me. I can't get over the texture sadly.
  9. Frey Zephyr

    Help with protein

    Hello all. I am two weeks post op. My surgeon combines the full liquid and puree stage. He said at week 3 I can start soft foods. I love yogurt now. I found a no sugar added 25g protein yogurt. I eat half for breakfast with my meds and chewable vitamin since it had iron and iron on a stomach with no food will make you nauseated. So there's 25g of protein. I drink enough water cause I loooove water so that's not an issue. The Issue is I am not hitting the protein req. I've never liked Protein shakes, they've always tastes bad. Since the surgery though Protein shakes make me nauseated just thinking about one. I tried today to force one down. Three sips in I was on the verge of vomiting and 10 minutes later was dry heaving. The thought of the shakes make me almost vomit. Idk what to do here. Even protein powders have the same effect. I tried the protein soups too same effect. I don't think my body tolerates that kind of protein. What do I eat? I tried a scrambled egg (pureed even further) it went down ok but I don't really like eggs and they're only 6g of protein. Also I still can't eat much at a time. I think I max out at 3 oz of yogurt. I've been subsisting on yogurt mainly. I tried tuna as well (made a tuna salad) tolerated that like a champ. Issue with canned tuna is you WILL get mercury poisoning from it. Three cans in a week can cause mercury poisoning. I got some expensive canned tuna that SAYS it's been mercury tested to be within 0.1 part per million and a can is 40g of protein. Since they want you to not drink water 30 before or after eating I'm also thirsty. I always want to drink water. I always have this is not new post op, I've always been this way. It's like torture not drinking water. So mainly I'm asking what can I eat to help with protein? Any tips on helping with the water issue? I just don't know what to do. I'm tired of being nauseated all the time.

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