Hey I hope maybe I can help. I had my band September 11, 2008. Here is what I have found:
sippy cups - to prevent gulping water (used these for about 2 weeks post op only - best day was when the doctor's office changed their position and allowed us to use straws! I now use a lot of straws!)
toddler silverware - portion control - (a must have - I still use mine especially after a fill or whenever my band feels tight!)
toddler dishes - helpful with travelling with mushy foods. (I bought really pretty small plates a little bigger than a saucer that I use almost every day to eat off of, keeps portion sizes down and makes me feel better)
gas-x strips - apparently during surgery we're pumped with air and the gas can be painful. (I still experience gas quite a bit - flatulence, asked the surgeon recently what he recommended and he said that was the million dollar question! I did find Digestive Advantage that I take as needed for a few days and it helps tremendously, remember this is for after your post op period.)
chewable vitamins - swallowing pills is discouraged (Flintstone chewable Multi-vitamin with Iron is what the doc recommended and I take one every day still)
liquid pain reliever - (Tylenol liquid was my best friend, now I also use childrens chewable aspirin, again don't do this until past your post op period, but I chew 8 as an adult dose)
magic bullet - or other smaller blender for liquids only stage (I bought one, thought I would use it a lot, I haven't used it past the 2nd month post op and even then I didn't use it a lot.)
food processor - for pureeing, apparently blenders liquify too much (Again, I didn't use this much at all)
protein drinks - to ensure enough protein, protein helps heal (Used Carnation Instant Breakfast sugar-free pre-op and post-op, went to GNC and bought protein powder before Surgery and Unjury Protein online wish I hadn't went to the expense did not use either of them. Still use the Carnation if my band is feeling tight.)
protein bullets- shots of protein costco? (Never used this, my friends who had the gastric-bypass procedure do but not my band friends.)
baby food - jury's still out, i'd rather puree my own (Yuck!)
calcium chews (Still do this daily)
shot glass - for measuring, this is 1 ounce (Used about 2 months post-op)
heating pad - comfort for chest/gas pains (OMG a lifesaver!)
wedge pillow - some have trouble laying flat (Recommend but I just used a bunch of pillows and a recliner!)
stomach binder - no idea what or why (They put one on me in the hospital, check with your hospital to see if they use it. When I checked out I asked if I could have another one as the one I had was stained and they gave me another one no problem. This was an absolute must!!!)
ice trays - to freeze puree, portion control (Did not use this either)
miralax - for constipation, to make it easier to GO (I did need this off and on and I still do at times, now I use glycerin suppositories)
campbells cheese soup - cause i looooove cheese (Still do a lot of soup if my band feels tight)