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About ambraberger

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 05/19/1971

About Me

  • Biography
    Married 19 yrs, 3 wonderful boys, work in a NICU, love my job!
  • Interests
    BRONCOS Football, Scrapbooking (well, bought stuff anyway), reading, hanging out with my girlfriends from work
  • Occupation
    NICU Nurse
  • City
    Colorado Springs
  • State

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  1. Hey girlie! Just follow your doc's instructions and you'll be fine... I got to move to mushies (yogurt, refried beans etc) at about a week... I'm doing great! Thanks for asking! Yeah, my port hurts a little bit still and this week I am 5 weeks out and have lost about 31 lbs!! Yay! Just take it easy and the port pain gets a lot better! :)

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