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About ambraberger

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 05/19/1971

About Me

  • Biography
    Married 19 yrs, 3 wonderful boys, work in a NICU, love my job!
  • Interests
    BRONCOS Football, Scrapbooking (well, bought stuff anyway), reading, hanging out with my girlfriends from work
  • Occupation
    NICU Nurse
  • City
    Colorado Springs
  • State

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  1. I had my surgery at Rose... That is so crappy about you trying to show the insurance company that you are committed...and then the do that to you! Wow! aren't insurance companies evil!? :) The Designer whey is the protien milkshakes... they taste pretty good in comparison to the others, at least in my opinion! I've lost 15lbs already!!!! So happy! I can't really tell a difference yet b/c I have so much I need to lose... but I am glad for the starting point. What hospital is your surgery at? If I remember correctly, it is coming up very soon... Goodl luck! :)

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