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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by ambraberger

  1. do you ever check here? ihaven't for a while. remember when we were on it all the time? scared!

  2. Did you get my email? I'm doing better, just want to have 50 lbs gone now! I did walk yesterday. Need to walk or do an exercise dvd today, then try to go to sleep cuz I'm back on nights tonight. :( Then I don't know when the hell to eat. Maybe I just won't! Yah right! ttyl! How's life being back "home"? My husband and boys went snowboarding today. Hopefully I'll get to go next time.

  3. What's up chica? Hope you're busy doing something fun with your mom before she leaves tomorrow. Just checking in!

  4. Hey! I was banded by Dr. K on the 29th of Sept. I had talked to Natalie in the office on friday 10/3 and she told me to step up the diet to soft foods. I thought that was soon, all the paperwork I have says full liquids for days 3-14. She told me go ahead with soft foods. I'm really hoping I didn't mess up by listening to her. You were banded before me and still on liquids? I'm ok, haven't thrown up or anything, just sore, but nothing different. I'm just curious. I have my post op appt tomorrow so guess I'll clear it up then.

  5. The coordinator at my surgeons office told me to move on to soft foods on day 4 or 5? I thought I was supposed to stay on full liquids until day 14. Hope I didn't advance too soon. Guess I'm ok, stuff is moving through. I'm just sore. Think its my port. Don't know. How are you doing today?

  6. How are you doing since your ordeal?

  7. Are you starting to feel any better? I'm still hurting, not too bad, but I'm not taking anything during the day. I have 1 more dose of pain meds that I'll take tonight to sleep. Then just tyl if needed. I hate liquid meds. I read your note under mine, hope you're starting to feel a little better. It's rough right now. Hugs!

  8. hee hee i know! keeps it interesting! ow. darn burps that won't come up. are you feeling better since he took some out?

  9. I'm not sure. Guess my port is located on the left side? Hurts when I try to stand up straight. Don't know if that's my band , the hernia repair, or the port. Why'd he access your port?

  10. I"m sorry you're hurting. I'm doing ok, just so weak. Think I'll try some protein today. It's liquid, so I hope it's ok. Tired of feeling so puny. And the gas pain in the shoulder, ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Just checking in. Take Care!

  11. So I'm on day 5 of this ride. Doing well. Getting ancy laying around, but don't have much energy. Going to try some protein shakes today. Its liquid, so I hope its ok. I took pain meds last night about 9pm and didn't take anything else until 745 this morning, trying to get by with tylenol. How are you doing? Haven't heard from you, and I'm anxious to. Let me know!!! Ambra

  12. How are you doing? Let me know how your appointment goes. I'm trying tylenol during the day again today. It has to start feeling better eventually right? I took lortab about 9pm last night and didn't take anything else until this morning so maybe its finally starting to ease.... who knows. The tylenol isn't helping though. Just need to not think about it. The gas pains, man! Are you drinking protein shakes or supplements? I might try today and see if that helps me have any energy. I just feel so wiped out. Just checking in. Hugs!!

  13. My surgery is over and done with! Yay! I had a hiatal hernia repaired also, who knew??? I'm hoping today I'll start feeling better. Have been pretty uncomfortable so far. Not hungry though. Thankful for that! How are you feeling?

  14. I'm all about the meds!!!! I had a hiatal hernia too. I had no idea. I did take a shower yesterday and go for a short walk outside. I'm having a hard time with sipping too, i guess i'm a gulper. But then it hurts. I'm trying to do it right. Still not hungry, VERY thankful for that!!!! Glad to know tht after 7 days maybe i'll start feeling better??? Thanks for the note! Take care and keep in touch! Ambra

  15. Hey thanks! I can't remember who I've told what, so if I repeat, sorry. I had a hiatal hernia repaired also. I had no idea I had a hernia. I did take a shower and go for a short walk outside yesterday. Seems like the gas pains get worse each day, instead of better. ???? So far, still not hungry. Glad about that. How are you feeling?

  16. How are you feeling today?

  17. Yah he signed it, but I had to fill it out and wasn't quite sure what to put, so hopefully it goes through. I've seen a couple more posts from Colleen, she's home and having very bad heartburn, but sounds like she's better. She posted in "1 day post op and scared". I hate this web site, I was trying to private message you and can't find the damn thing. I'm so tired cuz I only slept a few hours, but now can't think cuz my mind is going. My cheap ass scale is finicky. Don't know if I'm losing or not. Hope it's ok. I lost like 3-4 lbs at first but now just staying the same. hmmm????? I'm just afraid to wake up and they say you couldn't be banded..... I just want to get this over with!!!! How are you doing?

  18. How's it going? Cassy emailed me and said she ate crusty bread and tomato soup today and then regretted it cuz it sat right on top of the band.... I DON"T GET IT!!!! Why don't people follow the rules? Isn't that a little fast? I'm scared to screw it up.

  19. I heard Mary in the front, on the phone trying to schedule a upper gi or swallow study or something, saying "she's here, in a wheelchair...." and I thought OMG! I wonder if it's her cuz I hadn't heard from her all night.... then they wheeled her out, we made eye contact I said are you ok? She shook her head no. Looked absolutely miserable, eyes teary and scared. But I don't know what was going on, or what is wrong. I didn't really get to talk to her. I wanted to go hug her, find out whats going on and help her somehow. If my appt wasn't in like 2 minutes I would have tried to go with her to help her, but they where wheeling her out somewhere else. Still haven't heard from her. Wish I could see you in the morning b4 we go in. I'd give you a hug and just knowing we're there for each other, it will help. Mon needs to get here. We'll be ok. I'm dying to hear from you and what you heard from Cassy, how she was. UGH

  20. My appt was 1030. Barely made it. I was looking for you, hoping to see you come out. Figured I might have missed you. So what did Cassy have to say? Have you heard from Colleen? Shit!

  21. OMG! I so wanted to hug you, or do something! Please let me know you're ok. I was worried about you all night. I kept checking to see if you'd posted anything, and I could hardly focus on work. I hope they took good care of you at the office. The Nurse in me wanted to go take care of you, but I didn't think they'd let me come. I'm worried about you.:confused_smile: Send me a note when you can. HUGS!!!

  22. How was your preop? My surgery is at 1100. Don't know if they told me wrong or I just missed it. Whatever. Oh man! I saw Colleen. She looked terrible. She was having trouble. Couldn't swallow anything. She was miserable and they were trying to get her in for a swallow study. She was in a wheel chair and had tears in her eyes. I wanted to do something (nurse) but couldn't of course. Now I"m kind of scared. Another friend went with me (to keep me awake after working all night) and she said I'll be fine, I've had several surgeries before and done ok. aaahhhwwwwwWWWWW NERVES!!! I hope Colleen is ok. I wondered since she hadn't posted through the night. I kept checking. Could hardly even work. I just need to get this over with.

  23. Hi. I think we're ok with "sugar" stuff now, probably won't hurt to cut down, but a little bit won't be terrible. I've been told a couple times that the complex carbs, anything with flour, or potatoes is what we can't have during the pre op diet. Course we can't have the sugary drinks post op. I've been shaky/dizzy today too. Yuck! I was thinking I didn't chose too good either. I'm not a huge steak fan unless its a really good steak, that one wasn't. The shrimp was good, but yah, that lasted like 2 minutes. My girls and I were going to go out, wild women that we are, we drove back home and all decided to call it a night. The pathetic part is, we're night shift. That was really nice of them to come with me though. Had an email from Cassy. Said it wasn't too terrible. About pain of 6. She's able to be up and walking. That's good. Haven't heard from the other girl. Hope she didn't show up too late and end up getting cancelled. I'll definitely hit up starbucks in the morning. Ugh! Maybe I'll see ya. I'm getting so excited! Only 4 more days!!!!

  24. It's all over, how do you feel?

  25. That was fun yesterday. Cool we got to meet. Wish we would have got to talk more. Oh well. Cassy asked Dr. K about simple sugars on preop this morning and he said ok. That's good. Well, I only slept about an hour this afternoon so i'll probably be on here a lot tonight trying to stay awake. Hope I don't crash tomorrow on my way up to my appt. Yikes!

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