My seminar is August 29th and I too have heard about how excellent Hammer is with his patients. I am planning on taking husband with me to have any questions answered. My husband is deaf and I know he doesn't like hospitals or sickness and that maybe because he has a different veiwpoint than I ( I work at SJCH). When I had my gallbladder removed, It was the same concern. When I have asked him about concerns, He says he just doesn't want anything to happen and he would be without me:tt1:(ahhhhh!). Knowing him, the more I talk and show him things about the surgery, the better he will feel about the surgery. I told him that this will give me more time with him in our lives. And, I don't want to die like my mother at the age of 58 because of my weight (and other issues). He does understand, its just the thought of going under the knife he doesn't like. I did show my son on-line surgery from and he intently watched. I also told him it would be very similar to the previous gallbladder. So, while I am ready, waiting till January will be best for all.:crying: