I have a hard time with the no snacking rule. Also am not going to diet, I tried that for years and just got fatter,so I am about moderation and I try to make healthier choices, Lost weight well at first but now have stayed the same for 3 months. Was banned Oct08 and have lost 50 pds but need to loss about forty more. Surgeon really read me the riot act on last appointment, and I understand wear he is coming from, but telling me I will not be successful with band if I continue with present behavior is not the way to deal with a food addict that is having a hard time. I am not saying I am not responsibility for my actions I just wish the program had more support and help with the food problem. Just because I have the band does not mean I still do not emotionally eat or at least want too. Before all of you want to start fussing at me for not following the rules and such,please do not, But if you understand wear I am coming from and maybe we can help each other please post and give me some support and wisdom on overcoming this addiction.