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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lisafitz

  1. Does anyone have a problem with their belly button??? I had an issue with mine since surgery and losing the weight my belly button closes up so it is infected. I went to the family doctor and she sent me to toher doctors, which I ended up at a plastic surgeon. Two things they could have done. 1. tummy tuck 2. cut along the belly button and open it up well of course INS would not pay for it. Saying not medical. It is medical if I wanted plastic surgery I would have had it after my third child was born and she is 22 years old. it has to do with my belly button and an infection. Ugh this drives me nuts. I have to keep going back and forth with the doctors until they approve this. What a pain in the butt. I just don't know what else to do. Anyone having any issue's like this
  2. I had it before surgery and now only once in a while if I eat spicy food I don't eat before bed any more either
  3. I had it before surgery and now only once in a while if I eat spicy food I don't eat before bed any more either
  4. Hello I saw this on here I have been doing Zumba for over a year and two years banded lol I love love love Zumba so awesome.....it's the best ever

  5. lisafitz

    Is pizza gone forever?

    I can not eat pizza it's been 2 years with the band and that and Chinese food I can not eat....it hurts me but I do have to say if I take a bite of pizza and chew it up slow and I am talking small bite I can get it down, but most of the time no way
  6. I also have reached my goal after two years I started at 225lbs and down to 139 lbs I would still like to be 9 lbs lighter. But I am back in my 6 size after 15 so years of struggling with weight so I should be happy about it. But it is the numbers. I had some fluid taken out so I am not as tight any more but yesterday I still throw up because I ate way to fast. Something after two years I still struggle with . I am happy best choice I ever made. I still have a protein shake for breakfast not everyday but most. Never on the weekends though. I am working out but not as much as I should be....something i have to get back into. I only go once or twice since this month (August) started. I'm down the shore allot I think that has allot to do with it. I was walking in the morning but I stopped that to. Lazy lol I helps reading everyone's stories it really helps and makes you feel good. I shouldn't stress on this 9 lbs but I fel it will make my brain happy. lol
  7. Hello I was looking on here and saw you some stuff done. I had Lapband almost 2 years ago. Aug 5th 2008. I had to drop 85lbs and I did. But my stomach hangs and of course the boobs and my inner thighs. My belly button is what bugs me more it is closed under my skin and gets a raash...did you have any of this? I am seeing my doctor tomorrow and then I guess plastic surgeon. Did this cost allot or does ins pay for something that ends up being medical? I am going insane Thank you

  8. I have had were food has gotten stuck and my chest hurts really bad were I think I am going to die I am just 1 year in and still have 35 lbs to go.... I eat ice cream to and I love it sometimes I feel it goes down better but really it doesn't .....it gets stuck...sometimes my port iches and if I lean on something shelf etc and it hits my port it hurts. I also don't post any more on here but lately I feel like I can't lose weight I feel like i already should have dropped all my weight. I go back to doctor Sept 9th...and my fill I haven't been filled since April and partied all summer lol oh well drinking goes down allot better then food. I haven't gain but I should have been down at least 15 lbs more by now and I'm not....oh well but the only pain I had had was that chest pain.
  9. I am 35 lbs away from goal August 5th was 1 year...I feel like I should have been there already and I go back to my doctor Sept 9th....should it only take a year or do you think it is normal to not make it in 1 year?
  10. lisafitz

    I made it to my final goal!

    My 1 year was up August 5th and I still have 35 lbs to go to reach my goal. The last time I was filled was in April then between vacations and weekedns down the shore I haven't really lost anyhting...... been able to eat a bit more and drink which isn't helpfull. I am upset with myself that I didn't reach my goal. I go back to the doctors Sept 9th for my year check up and I will get a fill I feel like I should have been more in tune and yet I just let myself go. I didn't gain so that is good and I am still going to the gym....but I need to get back on track. Congrats on reaching your goal
  11. juiced veggies coffee two pieces of tofu sauteed n melted cheese on top 1/2 cup yogurt black beans and tofu coffee choc banana protein shake juiced fruit
  12. Yeah I will get from people "O how much weight have you lost" I tell them 34 lbs and they look at me like "how big were you" like something is weird.....I think everyone only relates weight loss surgery with people they see on those health shows.....they don't understand that a person 75 to over 100 over weight has problems as well. But I am so glad I made this choice I am so happy I am learning how to eat right I feel good and I still have a long way to go. It's nice I haven't been on high blood pressure meds since Oct just getting weight off eating right and excrise awesome.
  13. I also know how you felt I am 5'5 and when I had my sugery I weighed in at 214 lbs everyone looked at me like "wow" why are you having this done. Even the nurses and etc when I was laying on the bed waiting to go in next for my surgery....it was weird but I know more people now that have issues with health that are not over 300 lbs and are in the 200's I think it is awesome that we have the help also. Who knows I could have kept going and my health could have worsen ....I had my lapband 6 months ago tomorrow lol Feb 6th will be 6 months I am down 34 lbs losing very slow no skin going to the gym 4 times a week two dance classes and two workouts I love it and learning how to eat right and slow up on chewing and eating too fast....it is a learning process and well worth it good luck to you
  14. choc n banana protein shake coffee with splenda like though the day probably 4 cups vit water choc snack pudding string cheese 1/2 cup stew
  15. every morning I have the same choc banana n strawberry protein shake lunch is usually what I ate the night before lots of Tofu mashed potatoes and rice I can eat I juice veggies and fruit I can't seem to get them down unless it's spinach but I think my problem is it's easier to eat bad food then good I am stuck I need help
  16. lisafitz

    Exercise frequency

    I go to the gym now at least 4 times a week two reg workouts one night of Zumba and 1 night of belly dancing....but I know I don't eat right I haven't really dropped any more weight but it's weird I have gone down 2 sizes well just about I am inbetween right now to be 2 sizes down....i just can't seem to drop any more weight
  17. I tell everyone I had lapband surgery I am so proud of this. I struggled for the past ten years and it's nice to know I finally got help. I am so happy that I made the decision to get this done.
  18. lisafitz

    3mos - Am I eating too much

    I found that there is some food I can eat and then when I go to eat it again the next day I can't it comes back up. I have to really chew my food. I also stick to soups and stews allot and yes I love the food network. But I am at a stand point I can't drop any weight I don't know why. I know well I think I am not eating allot. I have a protein shake for breakfast...then I finish it a few hours later at work. I have something small for lunch like left overs from last nights dinner...which is usually mashed potaotes, tofu, spinach or soup nothing big and then a small dinner and sometimes I can't eat so I have a protein shake. But no weight comes off...I do go to the gym but prob not enough. I just don't know if I am doing something wrong.
  19. lisafitz

    3mos - Am I eating too much

    I would like to take my weight from before my surgery then it feels like I lost more. But I take my weight from the day I had my surgery. Which is not much weight lose. I am a slow loser too and it's going to take me a long time at least the year. I read everyones things on here and then I figure something must be wrong with me or I am doing something wrong, everyone seems to lose weight so much faster. I can only eat so much, I go to the gym, I drink water. I don't know what else to do. I know at this point with the cookies and baking and dinner's it's been harder but that is over now and i didn't do too bad. If I eat too fast or I don't chew it comes right back up anyway. I just want to see some weight lose.....it's driving me nuts.
  20. I love the Wii fit and sports....if I don't go to the gym I do Wii....at least a half on it and yeah you have to stop and go to the next but it's still moving. I like the advanced step I do that like three times in a row then the just single step fot 10 mins, 30 mins it's cool and I use weights and it really helps. I love Wii....I need the dance one it's just fun and I love the sports we got ours last year and we still use it all the time.
  21. lisafitz

    3mos - Am I eating too much

    Yeah I can't eat the whole wheat pasta and that's what I really love if and when I do make pasta....it seems like it blows up inside of me. The weird part is I can eat one thing one day and the next time I eat it it comes right back up. I just want to bite into a burger so bad....but every time I tried I can't do it. Right now I just had some ham and it's sitting in my throat I am going to have to bring it back up...now tomorrow I might be able to eat it...I just don't get it some times. I know I put too much in my mouth when I am talking to people and stuff then I get sick...I have to learn how to slow it up. I was banded Aug 5th and I was at the time 216 lbs...the most I weighed right before that was 225 lbs now I think I am 190 lbs. I haven't weighed myself for two weeks...I was weighing everyday and I had to stop. I am losing so very very very slow. Seems like every one else is just dropping weight. I just don't know if it's my age, my menopause or what. lol but I go to the gym I try my best to watch what I eat. I think I am eating right, but I feel like I am not losing weight fast enough. Oh well.
  22. lisafitz

    Started my 10 day liquid diet today!!!

    I didn't have to do a liquid diet before my surgery which was Aug 5th. I had to do it after and it was just jello, tea, coffee, for the first week...I can't remember what else then I went on to pudding, yogurt and protein shakes for like almost three weeks after, then mushie food. There are still times now that I will only have pudding, oatmeal, cream of wheat and my protein shake for a few days....I still can't eat like Chicken, Turkey or beef...I try but it gets stuck. Good luck to you it's right around the corner. You are going to be so happy afterwards....it's the best thing I ever did. I am so happy I went for it. Good luck. Bringing the New Year in just right. lol :hurray:
  23. lisafitz

    3mos - Am I eating too much

    You know why is it so easy for the cookies, cheese cake etc to to go down and not get stuck, but when you eat something good or have your protein shake it's hard to go down. It's just not right lol really. I can't even eat a scrambled egg it gets stuck. Pasta for get it and pizza that takes me like an hour to eat....small bites and I have to wait in between each bite so it's just not worth it sometimes. Tonight I have all seafood for Christmas Eve dinner and shrimp I can not eat. Just the fish and crabs. That will be it. I can eat rice it's easy....somethings are and then I can eat the same thing the next day and it isn't. I dropped another like .02 lbs lol in a week it's just moving soooooooo slow....it drives me nuts. But I haven't been to the gym in over a week and I am sure that is a big part of it. Well Happy Holidays to all
  24. lisafitz

    3mos - Am I eating too much

    I had made cookies and have been eating a couple everyday and I feel like I gained all my weight back. I also haven't been to the gym since last Monday so I really feel like a fatty. I have stopped as of last night. I can'r be around all that stuff. Having the band didn't stop me from eating the crap...it's all learned. I am trying so hard. I just have another two weeks to get by and it's over but as of last night I had to stop it's not worth it at all. I had to get in my head you know. I really don't want to start gaining weight again. I don't want to stretch my band out either. I still need to mush some of my food too I am restricted but for some reason cookies go straight down.
  25. lisafitz

    Exercise frequency

    I was going to the gum and then if I didn't go to the gym I did Wii....Wii isn't like the best thing ever but a half an hour before work was pretty good. But now I am lucky I get there Monday night for Latin class then Saturday morning for an hour. I think this is why I am not losing weight fast like everyone else. I lose to 1 lb to less maybe a week. Had my surgery Aug 5th 2008 and I am only down 24 lbs. Two fills....I can't eat allot but with menopause in full bloom and being 50 yrs old it takes me long time to lose....which means I should be going to the gym at least 4 times a week. I think if I was doing that I would lose faster. Thou my doctor said slow is very good and I am doing good. I don't feel it. I mean my clothes are big on me and you can tell I lost weight, but I feel I should be over 30 lbs by now. Well I guess I answered my own reply lol

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