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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Tina1980

  1. Hey girl that is great 16 pounds .Glad everything is ok . When i had my band done it felt like i was given a new life do u feel like that?

  2. hey how r u it's been a while since i been on i see you have kids did they start school my son did he started kindegarden

  3. Hey girl how are you sorry i have not talk to you sooner but been busy with starting back to work and my son starting school but any way how is everything hope things went well are you glad you did it

  4. Hi I was banded on 2-6-08 and so glad i did. You were done on 8-1-08 how are you doing so far ?

  5. hey lisa hope all is well

  6. hey girl not to much longer i didn't go shopping yet i will be going thursday so i'll let u know wish me luck

  7. hey girl not to much longer hope things r going well . just got back from vaca had a good time now i'm getting things ready for when i go back to work and my son starts kindegarden this year so i will be taking him school shopping what fun that will be u know boys don't like shopping. well i will let u know how that goes talk to u later

  8. hey lisa sorry to hear u are so blue. Don't be so hard on your self. I felt the same way not feeling fill after i ate but then i realized that the band is not filled yet and you are eating soft food that is just passing right througt your band that is why u don't have that fill feeling . don't worry u are doing everything u should be doing besides it's only been 2weeks take your time and let your self heal.

  9. To answer your question no i don't exercise .I just started to do some walking . I'm thinking about joining a gym. Do u do any exercise?

  10. Hey lisa hope u are ok haven't heard from u

  11. I have lost 61pounds so far.

  12. hey how are u? Yes i was banded on 2-6-08 it was the best thing i ever done besides having my son. It's nice u will be able to have time off after getting banded.

  13. Hey lisa glad to hear you are feeling ok . Walking helped me alot to. Sorry to hear your family is all down the shore But aleast you will be seeing them soon. I'am goind to be down the shore the weekend of the 15th me and my family and my best friend and her family we will be in wildwood. What shore will you be at? Hope everything keeps going good take care

  14. Hey lisa just wanted to see how you were doing . Hope everything is ok. Talk to u soon bye

  15. Hi glad you wanted to be my friend. I'm doing fine just enjoing my summer . I get to take the summer off cause of my line of work I'm a school bus driver so when the kids have off i get off. Doing anything fun this summer? I see your getting banded sept 1 bet you can't wait. well talk to you soon bye

  16. thank you for answering my question

  17. Thank you for answering my question. I tried some popcorn today and everything was fine.

  18. Hi Lisa just wanted to say hi and wish you good luck on your big day tomorrow.

  19. Hi Jess my name is Tina I had my banding done 2-6-08 so far i have lost 61 pounds. I was looking at your pictures and you look great.keep up the good work look forward to talking to you

  20. recipe sounds great. Is there any more you can share with me.

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