I was banded 5/29/08 and lost 14 lbs in 6 days and was told that I was not eating enough because I was dizzy and listless. I was given a food list which included all of the different food groups, i.e, meat, MILK, STARCH, FRUIT,VEGETABLE and FAT. Within each FOOD GROUP were instructions on how much of that group to include in each meal of 3 meals a day. For instance a meal should consist of 1 oz of meat or 1/2 cup of Beans or 1 egg from the meat group AND 1 cup of ff milk or 3/4 cup of ff yogurt from the milk group AND 1 slice of toast or 3/4 cup of Cereal or 1/2 yam or 1/2 cuo of rice from the starch group AND 1/2 banana or 1/2 small fruit from the fruit group AND 1/2 cup cooked veggies or 1 cup raw veggies AND ff mayo, marginere, etc. AND this you eat for 3 meals and it sure adds up to more than 2 or even 4 ounces. But of course you only eat until you are full which should be for about 20-25 minutes. Add all the Water we are to drink and we should stay pretty full. I don't know how much I have lost altogether but I just ordered a scale but I know I am folding my pants over and have them pulled up to my breasts with my belt in the last notch. AND I feel GREAT!!! Good Luck and BLESSINGS to us all!!