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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lavetta

  1. Lavetta

    Post Surgery

    Congratulations and good luck to you!
  2. I'm not an old pro at this by any means. I've only been banded 11 days, but I've also been tempted by feeling like I could eat more than the liquids I'm allowed to eat, but I called my doctor. They made it very clear that the stitches holding the band in place were the reason for the liquid diet and that it was important for my stomach not to digest or make digestive motions during the next few weeks to weaken those stitches or pull at them, much the same as I'm not allowed to lift heavy objexts of pull the 60lb dog around the block . The doctor did advise me to drink more liquids and have more variety in the liquids I'm drinking which has helped me sooo much. One thing about the liquid stage is that we can sip as much as we want more or less. What a bonus!! I try to think of this as training for when I will need to keep myself more hydrated in the future. I make juice slushies in the blender with ice and my favorite juices and take a small flip top jug with me as I go from room to room. Anyways, I do hope you'll contact your doctor about this. I wish you the best.
  3. Hi I'm 11 days post op and I can feel a little firmness just under the bottom of my ribcage where my port is. I'm still a bit bloated from the surgery but I'm thinking that after a month or so "IT" might be noticable to my husband.
  4. Lavetta

    help...worried. is this normal?

    I'm 11 days post op and still tender but no cramping. I would also suggest just calling your doctor about it.
  5. Lavetta

    Day 11

    Today started with a Migraine. Unfortunately my daughter had a few doctors appointments that I had to take her to so I wasnt able to shove my head under the covers. I had a small yogurt drink that didnt sit to well on my stomach. I also started having some allergy issues today too. I've been coughing and sneezing. Maybe the two are related? I felt a little feverish earler but checked my temp a few times and it was fine. We finally made it home and I just slumped on the sofa. I felt so sick all over. I just did too much I think. I take my hat off to those of you who are able to return to a full days work within a few days after this surgery. I couldnt have done it if I were working right now. I was so worn out from 2 doctor visits and a short walk through the mall with my daughter. I feel better now that I've had a chance to curl up in bed for a bit. I've had a glass of water too. I'm hoping a good nights sleep will get me back on track.:frown:
  6. Lavetta

    Over and over and over again....

    3 cents I personally Love seeing the repeated questions. I find it encouraging to see a site that has new folks wandering in all the time searching for answers, and just because something has been answered doesnt mean it was the best answer or the the right answer for that persons circumstances. Bring on the Noobies!! Bring on the fresh new ideas and suggestions! I certainly know I havent heard it all before.
  7. Lavetta

    Day 10

    Thanks for the encouragement it really helps. I never do well when I think I'm the only one going through this stuff. I did really well on the liquids today. I drank all day long. One juice after another, then water, then a little soup. It works. I feel better and fuller. I had 2 popsicles today. Oh and I had V8 juice tonight. I havent had that in ages. It was so good. I had 2 glasses. I have noticed that I have no problems drinking anymore. I can swallow more than a sip with no pain or burping. I'm walking around with a drink in my hand all the time now. LOL Tonight is going to be my first night without the liquid pain medication. I havent felt like I've really needed it so lets see how I do. I'm suspecting that it may be contributing to my nausea a little. I've had nausea with other pain medications before.
  8. Lavetta

    Day 9

    We had a busy day today with lots of errands. I did alot of walking and got a bit tired and sore. I stayed on my liquids today but its getting really hard to do. My stomach is noticing a certain lack of food bulk. :eek: I'm going to increase my liquids more and more to try to make up the difference in not eating solids at all to see if that helps the hunger. I did have a hard time seeing different restraunts today and having old food cravings. Seeing TV shows and commercials about food are difficult too. Its gotten to the point that I dont want to eat with my family because it makes me miserable. I want what they're having.:redface: This liquid diet for 2 weeks is really hard but I'm going to do my best.
  9. Lavetta

    Day 9

    I dont enjoy cooking for others at all right now at all. I told my husband if he's going to eat at Mc Donalds or something to take our daughter and go there instead of bringing it home. My surgery wait wasnt nearly as long as yours. How horrible was that? I agree with the water. It really does make the difference. Thanks. :frown:
  10. Lavetta

    Day 10

    Thanks for the encouragement it really helps. I never do well when I think I'm the only one going through this stuff. :frown: I did really well on the liquids today. I drank all day long. One juice after another, then water, then a little soup. It works. I feel better and fuller. I had 2 popsicles today. Oh and I had V8 juice tonight. I havent had that in ages. It was so good. I had 2 glasses. I have noticed that I have no problems drinking anymore. I can swallow more than a sip with no pain or burping. I'm walking around with a drink in my hand all the time now. LOL Tonight is going to be my first night without the liquid pain medication. I havent felt like I've really needed it so lets see how I do. I'm suspecting that it may be contributing to my nausea a little. I've had nausea with other pain medications before.
  11. Lavetta

    I did it! I got my band yesterday!

    Congratulations and good luck to you!
  12. Lavetta

    Day 9

    We had a busy day today with lots of errands. I did alot of walking and got a bit tired and sore. I stayed on my liquids today but its getting really hard to do. My stomach is noticing a certain lack of food bulk. I'm going to increase my liquids more and more to try to make up the difference in not eating solids at all to see if that helps the hunger. I did have a hard time seeing different restraunts today and having old food cravings. Seeing TV shows and commercials about food are difficult too. Its gotten to the point that I dont want to eat with my family because it makes me miserable. I want what they're having.:frown: This liquid diet for 2 weeks is really hard but I'm going to do my best.
  13. Lavetta

    Day 8 of Recovery

    Each day the soreness has gotten a little better but I think I've reached a bit of a plateau. I'm sleeping well though so I'm sure I will feel better as time goes by. I started with chicken broth today...trying to do 2 weeks of liquids but ended up cheating a little with lunch and dinner. I made cream of chicken with mushroom soup and added some mashed rice and blended it all together really well. It was much more filling than just the cream of chicken and mushroom soup alone. I also had a popsicle and a jug of lemonade today too. I had no issues with swallowing and definitely felt full with half a cup, but I cant help but feel I cheated a bit.
  14. Lavetta

    Day 8 of Recovery

    Each day the soreness has gotten a little better but I think I've reached a bit of a plateau. I'm sleeping well though so I'm sure I will feel better as time goes by. I started with chicken broth today...trying to do 2 weeks of liquids but ended up cheating a little with lunch and dinner. I made cream of chicken with mushroom soup and added some mashed rice and blended it all together really well. It was much more filling than just the cream of chicken and mushroom soup alone. I also had a popsicle and a jug of lemonade today too. I had no issues with swallowing and definitely felt full with half a cup, but I cant help but feel I cheated a bit.
  15. Thanks for posting this. I'd wondered if it was normal to feel so hungry. My diet hasnt been as limited as yours, I started taking chewable Vitamins the day I returned home. And its nice to see so many responses.
  16. Lavetta

    Shoulder Pain Question

    I had my surgery on July 25th and I've had similar pains a few times. When it happens to me I lie flat on the bed and put my legs up on a pillow. Within a few minutes I feel fine. :wink2:
  17. Lavetta

    My 1st Adjustment !!

    How did it go? How are you doing with you first fill now?
  18. Lavetta

    2 weeks post op dr appt

    Great job. Congratulations!
  19. I used them. My surgery was one week ago today. It took about 2 months from seminar to surgery for me.
  20. Lavetta

    1 Week Anniversary :)

    Well its been a week since surgery. I must say its been a long week. My recovery has been full of nausea so far and I'm really hoping that it improves. The incision sites are healing well. They've started to itch a bit which is a good sign. My sleep is almost back to normal. I do still take the pain relief medication at night before going to bed though. I hope to stop that this coming week. I've felt sick again today. I think I'm just not drinking the right things so I tried to drink some protien drinks today. I've also had some blended soups. I've also doubled my liquids. :redface: I started feeling very hungry last night and today. I hope thats a good thing.
  21. Lavetta

    1 Week Anniversary :)

    Well its been a week since surgery. I must say its been a long week. My recovery has been full of nausea so far and I'm really hoping that it improves. The incision sites are healing well. They've started to itch a bit which is a good sign. My sleep is almost back to normal. I do still take the pain relief medication at night before going to bed though. I hope to stop that this coming week. I've felt sick again today. I think I'm just not drinking the right things so I tried to drink some protien drinks today. I've also had some blended soups. I've also doubled my liquids. I started feeling very hungry last night and today. I hope thats a good thing.
  22. Lavetta

    Day 6 of Recovery

    I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. My mouth was really dry though. It reminded me of when I woke up after the surgery when I wasnt allowed to drink. The nurse had given me moistened sponge swabs to wet the inside of my mouth. That first sip of water the next day was so good. I had my first follow up visit with my family doctor today. She's very happy with the way I'm healing. A few of my steri strips have a few blod drops under them, but that's normal. She gave me reminders about fluids and recommended a skin cream. I've been pretty nauseated today. I think I'm feeling a bit hungry too. Its kinda hard to tell. I had some veggie broth and protien shake. Then my hubby started dinner and my stomach started aching again. I ended up lying down most of the afternoon.
  23. Lavetta

    Day 6 of Recovery

    I woke up this morning feeling pretty good. My mouth was really dry though. It reminded me of when I woke up after the surgery when I wasnt allowed to drink. The nurse had given me moistened sponge swabs to wet the inside of my mouth. That first sip of water the next day was so good. :redface: I had my first follow up visit with my family doctor today. She's very happy with the way I'm healing. A few of my steri strips have a few blod drops under them, but that's normal. She gave me reminders about fluids and recommended a skin cream. I've been pretty nauseated today. I think I'm feeling a bit hungry too. Its kinda hard to tell. I had some veggie broth and protien shake. Then my hubby started dinner and my stomach started aching again. I ended up lying down most of the afternoon.
  24. Lavetta

    Day 5 of Recovery

    I had a good nights sleep last night again. Sleep is really key to feeling better. Some soreness at the laproscopy areas. I have 5. I've taken quick showers since I've been home but the bandage strips are still intact. It will take a few weeks for them to come off I think. My stomach muscles are tender but getting their strength back. I can sit up on the side of the bed with little trouble. I woke up feeling good. I still used the body pillow against me though. I felt so good I thought I'd go out to the grocery store to pick up some protein shakes and some cream soups. Unfortunately I overdid it and walked a bit too much. My stomach started hurting and I just wanted to sit down. Riding in the car was a little uncomfortable too. Thankfully my daughter was able to drive us home. She's getting her license next month. I had some HEB yogurt drink for breakfast before we left this morning and some blended and strained cream of potato soup for lunch after we got back. It was a nice change from all the juices. I am noticing that I get hungry from time to time. I still feel the gurgling gas quite a bit. Each day it gets a bit better though. I'm also taking a chewable multivitamin every day. I got a sample from my surgeons office. I've got to remind myself to drink more water though. I've noticed I sometimes go for a few hours without a sip and I really shouldnt do that.
  25. Lavetta

    Day 5 of Recovery

    I had a good nights sleep last night again. Sleep is really key to feeling better. Some soreness at the laproscopy areas. I have 5. I've taken quick showers since I've been home but the bandage strips are still intact. It will take a few weeks for them to come off I think. My stomach muscles are tender but getting their strength back. I can sit up on the side of the bed with little trouble. I woke up feeling good. I still used the body pillow against me though. I felt so good I thought I'd go out to the grocery store to pick up some protein shakes and some cream soups. Unfortunately I overdid it and walked a bit too much. My stomach started hurting and I just wanted to sit down. Riding in the car was a little uncomfortable too. Thankfully my daughter was able to drive us home. :eek: She's getting her license next month. I had some HEB yogurt drink for breakfast before we left this morning and some blended and strained cream of potato soup for lunch after we got back. It was a nice change from all the juices. I am noticing that I get hungry from time to time. I still feel the gurgling gas quite a bit. Each day it gets a bit better though. I'm also taking a chewable multivitamin every day. I got a sample from my surgeons office. I've got to remind myself to drink more water though. I've noticed I sometimes go for a few hours without a sip and I really shouldnt do that. :redface:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
