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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Quesodip251

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    Expert Member

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    Dirty South

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  1. I had a goal to reach the size I was when my son was young which was a size 2 but didn’t believe I could actually reach it…Yesterday those same old size 2 pants fit! It seems weird but you will adapt to your own body much faster than others will because you see it everyday. Enjoy the ride ☺️
  2. I just got ID’d to enter a restaurant that becomes a bar late at night. I told the security guy he must be new since I’m there 3x/week. He said no. He took a look at my ID and still marked my hand as underage. I’m 34 years old!!! Apparently I look younger now haha 😂 🤣😂
  3. Quesodip251

    6 Months: Before and After

    Holy crap! You’re my hero!
  4. Quesodip251

    When did you start exercising

    I began working out 8 months after surgery but wish I had started earlier. My weight loss completely stopped until I added exercise in and then it started back up again.
  5. Quesodip251

    Hunger coming back

    I love these suggestions!
  6. Quesodip251

    Hunger coming back

    That’s what I’m trying to do. Train myself to the new normal
  7. Quesodip251

    Hunger coming back

    I think a lot of it is the drinking munchies for me. I really need to cut back on that. Idk if it’s head hunger or what but I need to def eat more protein and less carbs. I keep snacking on my so leftovers like pizza. I’m also training for a triathlon so even though I ate 2000 calories yesterday, I burned that much due to my training.
  8. Quesodip251

    Hunger coming back

    I think a lot of it is the drinking munchies for me. I really need to cut back on that. I’m also training for a triathlon so even though I ate 2000 calories yesterday, I burned that much due to my training.
  9. Quesodip251

    Hunger coming back

    I can eat an entire plate of food at once, like 16 oz pretty easily. I’ve always been able to eat more than others at the same stage though
  10. Same as others I feel the chest tightness when I eat too much or more often too much, too quickly. Before surgery I imagined it would be a stuffed full feeling in my stomach like Thanksgiving dinner but instead it’s mild chest tightness like acid reflux.
  11. Quesodip251

    Hunger coming back

    Thanks! Good to know it’s normal
  12. Quesodip251

    Hunger coming back

    Thanks for your input. I feel some mild restriction when I seriously overeat, but usually I don’t have hunger pains and it’s only the drinking munchies that get me to eat high amounts. Maybe it’s just natural progression of the surgery?
  13. Quesodip251

    I'm so cold!!!!

    Yes! I now sleep in socks, jacket, and sometimes even shoes. My boyfriend doesn’t mind bc it means I get to cuddle more for warmth 😉
  14. Hey y’all! I was just wondering when y’all started to notice your hunger pains coming back? I’m 9 months out and really have started feeling them come back lately. I haven’t had much restriction at all post-surgery and have been relying on the lack of hunger pains to control myself. Thanks!
  15. I’m the same height as you and weigh less. The only thing that puts any weight on me are carby snacks that don’t fill me up like queso and chips or crackers and peanut butter. They go down too easily! If you’re concerned, snacks aren’t filling so are easy calories that add up

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