This is exactly what I have done in the past, lose weight then gain it back plus more, although I've never gone past my highest weight. One of the reasons I'm keen to get started with a surgery journey is because I've gained back so much in such a short space of time that I'm worried that I'll keep getting bigger at this rate and before I know it I'll be further from healthy than I've ever been.
I have now booked in to talk to a doctor next week, which is something I've been delaying in the hopes I can lose the weight without help, plus I hadn't realised that I had slipped beyond a BMI of 30 (although now I know for sure, it is incredibly obvious that I am at an unhealthy size/shape, I even used to have loose skin that is now full again, I do not understand how I've been in this denial so badly, I feel like an absolute idiot!). I just want to be a healthy weight without using disordered techniques!!
Suzannethemom - I was concerned that that would be the case. I do suffer from idiopathic intracranial hypertension when I am at an unhealthy weight level, plus my home blood pressure readings have been high recently, I've just not seen the doctor about it as of yet. With the remeasuring of my height (I haven't been measured in about 20 years!) it does put my at a BMI of 36 so I'm hoping that they'll agree I am a suitable candidate.
Thank you all! Your help is greatly appreciated.