Hi all!
I am inquiring within.
I was pre-approved July 2021.
I went through all of my required appointments.
I was never truly provided a set caloric intake, carb goal, protein goal, etc.
Today was my “pre op” appointment, I received my pre operative documentation as well as back dated prescriptions for post op from January 28th, 2022.
Upon completion of this appointment, my insurance called and said they’re waiting for my file. Then after further research, another authorization was submitted for a consult. I had a slight gain, nothing major where it would completely offset me.
Yet, I was scheduled with the bariatric coordinator for next Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022 for my “pre op” walkthrough. I was also told by the medical assistant to start my liquid diet by Wednesday. I am genuinely confused as to why there are so many loops and hoops with the bariatric process.
Insurance : United Healthcare Signature *** via my employer (government entity)
What is the chance of approval or denial?
Why would I get to the finish line in this process and still be completely confused as to what is occurring next?