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LAP-BAND Patients
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About killian4359

  • Rank
  • Birthday 04/24/1959

About Me

  • Biography
    Hi dislocated NYer living in Tucson AZ miss NY terribly but can't deal with the cold. Have been overweight all my life for a long time only 30 lbs now it 85 when I had lapband I was 100 lbs over what I think I should weigh.
  • Interests
    I used to love to roller blade..been 12 years..love swimming, kayaking, music and good conversation
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  1. Happy 54th Birthday killian4359!

  2. Happy 53rd Birthday killian4359!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary killian4359!

  4. killian4359

    Introducing myself

    Thanks for the replies, Ladies, I appreciate it....I was wondering how you guys make that weight tracker thing on the bottome of your threads? I can't figure it out, can someone let me know? Thanks, Katalin
  5. killian4359


  6. Hi I live in Tucson Az...just had lapband surgery Sept 3....lost 15 lbs so far...I am hungry...not as hungry as before but I still feel the urge to eat...is that normal??

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