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Everything posted by Relovlee

  1. Relovlee

    First steps

    :thumbup:Thanx so much Pat for the pat on the back I appreciated that and needed to hear it its sooo frustrating. At this point Im probably going to have to self pay which my hubby and I really dont care too much because at this point im so ready for some results its been 7 yrs since i was a decent size and im sure he's ready to see a smaller me too. I hope everyone is doing well.
  2. Relovlee

    First steps

    Hi to all of you and Im here also researching and contacting my insurance about the requirements. Ive been seen before about weight related issues But I dont have any you know health problems other than artritis and Im 27 yrs old and 239 as of yesterday so I dont have many high hopes as far as my ins co paying for anything. But I guess I have to stay positive. Has everyone pretty much got the ball rolling for surgery?:tt2:

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