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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Relovlee

  1. Relovlee

    My Idol

    Thats my girl..yeah her figure is real cute! Good luck!
  2. Relovlee

    My Idol

    Who is she? Looks like Countess from the side...
  3. Relovlee

    7.10 106 The grand babies

    Aww how beautiful!!
  4. Relovlee

    Me doing what USE to be my favorite thing

    Its all of our faviorite thing to do..lol
  5. Thats actuallly a very cute pic..and yes cute waist u do have....!! KUTGW!
  6. Relovlee

    Bim and me

    AWWW too cute!
  7. Relovlee

    August 18, 2008 (167.4 pounds)

    Youve lost an amazing amt of weight in a short time w/ the band congrats!
  8. Relovlee

    No caption

    You look waaay too CUTE!
  9. Relovlee

    80 lbs difference

    You can really tell the difference.... KUTGW!
  10. Relovlee

    new pics of gail August 9,2008 002

    Great job so far girl..u look great!
  11. Relovlee

    town fountain

    Wow where in germany..we used to be stationed there? near cochem well thats too small to use..near Ramstein and spangdahlem
  12. Relovlee

    Misty 1 008

    how sweet.....
  13. Relovlee


    Hi..verry pretty pic. You remind me of me youre a low bmi'er huh?Dont look like you needed surgery?
  14. Relovlee

    August 1st

    Girl post some body pics..looking great!
  15. Relovlee

    3 months after

    Congrats You look great!!!
  16. Relovlee

    new August 11th

    Look at you sexy mama lookin hot as ever much Kudos to you!!! Youre doing great! hohum im still waiting to lose like u...
  17. No prob...girlie youre so pretty...but not yet hopefully sometime soon after the class on aug 20th. then i see surgeon hopefully he approves.

  18. Relovlee

    Any one from Ohio out there??

    Thanks girls for all of the wonderfully evil women comments( as we all need to be from time to time lol). He loves me youre so right but i think hes just being a little selfish but yet his argument is that hes afraid i will be unhappy with the results and that I'll regret doing the band. But honestly im so torn betw the 2 right now...im gonna let my surgeon decide...because Ive calculated and seems like its about 2 more risks with RNY than it is with the band. IDK!!! Girls I dont know what to do oh well atleast PCM referred me YAY! So im in the military's system theyre doin it if i get apprvd. I was overweight enough and it helps that i wore these european weight in my butt...hey i got away with it no one could even tell. But blood pressure was slightly elevated which it never is. So long story short going to seminar or class on 20th so we'll see. Why I need a class IDK i got u guys. DUh! TTYL girlies:thumbup:
  19. Relovlee

    Tricare - Moved from 'Pending' to.....

    Yeah i was 235 at appt + weights i hid..lol abt 5 lbs extra and 5/6, co morbs joint pain and back pain. Thats it Blood pressure was elevated at PCM appt so that helped me out as well. IM REFERRED YAY! Now just about 20 million other steps to do. :wink_smile:
  20. Relovlee

    Any one from Ohio out there??

    Very excited thanx for asking..but a little perturbed..listen to this...hubby thinks i should do gastric to lose it faster...so I said yeah but then I'll need a tummy tuck and he's like well who cares we'll pay for it.hmmmm Im startin to think somebody really wants me to lose it fast and me I want to lose it steady...What ya girls think of that? Need some input...
  21. Relovlee

    6 months after surgery.

    Beautiful! wow how much did you lose?
  22. Relovlee

    Tricare - does is, or does it not

    Hi im an airforce wifey and army brat also...ho has your recovery been?
  23. Relovlee

    Any one from Ohio out there??

    Hi all fellow Ohioans...Im a military spouse at Wright=Patt in Dayton...hopefully will be banded soon at the base if approved...if not may self pay through barix or in cinci. Hope all is well with everyone...:biggrin:
  24. Relovlee

    Been denied because you lost too much weight?

    New here and saw your post..im in exactly your same boat I have to see a nutritionist next month for a follow-up + document everything all exercise and food..Im like UGGH this is sooo annoying. I dont see why I havwe to go through all of this trouble and my bmi is 38.5-39 and i weigh 240 oh well take care.
  25. Relovlee

    Tricare - Moved from 'Pending' to.....

    Hi mommy of 4..now are you working for metlife or something or was that scale just something you were going by? By the way sorry for the way your hubby may feel. Mine is an airforce man and would talk about people like dirt about how lazy they were and taking the easy way out but actually...w/ me he sees it as a last resort because Ive struggled w/ my weight since 2nd child in 01. I hope everything works out for you...Im still trying to start my process...im 239 5/6 and 38.5-39 bmi so hopefully thats enough i dont hv any comorbities other than fam history. Take care Re

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