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  1. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from KimA-GA in Marriage changes post op   
    I am obsessed, I am not buying expensive, I buy cheap, but too much and too often. I know I must be responsible and I feel shame when he brings the packages home and gives me "the face". like you say "The struggle is real" my husband and I get alone well but finances has always been a dangerous topic between us, we have very different ideas on what is worth to expend the money on .
  2. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from kcuster83 in Marriage changes post op   
    My surgery coincided with us moving to another state, so there was too many pieces moving, we got another pet, had to get used to new routines, different weather, meeting people. My husband is very confident which I find very sexy. I do not anticipate problems in our relationship ( but I think people who had problems in their relationships may not be expecting them so who knows) he liked me thin, then he liked me fat, and I think he likes me thin(ish) again.
    food is being difficult to implement into a routine where we both feel good, I am wasting a lot of food.
    I have a new addiction, I am buying clothes online, and the excuse of "nothing fits anymore" has stopped working weeks ago, I know I have to stop, but there are too many new options now that were not available to me for years, he has been patient but I can see that it can get bad very fast, I find myself browsing web stores at 2:AM because I am bored, in the past, that would be the equivalent to a Doritos bag in the middle of the night. my poor credit card is scared of me.
  3. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to kcuster83 in Marriage changes post op   
    I go in and out of phases with the shopping. I really don't WANT to shop because I know it won't fit for long. But all I have currently is Tshirts and jeans... Now that I fit more I want to wear more so it is hard to not buy something I would have liked and not fit 100 lbs ago. THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!
  4. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from kcuster83 in Marriage changes post op   
    My surgery coincided with us moving to another state, so there was too many pieces moving, we got another pet, had to get used to new routines, different weather, meeting people. My husband is very confident which I find very sexy. I do not anticipate problems in our relationship ( but I think people who had problems in their relationships may not be expecting them so who knows) he liked me thin, then he liked me fat, and I think he likes me thin(ish) again.
    food is being difficult to implement into a routine where we both feel good, I am wasting a lot of food.
    I have a new addiction, I am buying clothes online, and the excuse of "nothing fits anymore" has stopped working weeks ago, I know I have to stop, but there are too many new options now that were not available to me for years, he has been patient but I can see that it can get bad very fast, I find myself browsing web stores at 2:AM because I am bored, in the past, that would be the equivalent to a Doritos bag in the middle of the night. my poor credit card is scared of me.
  5. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to KimA-GA in Unsupportive Husband   
    A few things pop to mind with the info you provided. He may see some eating habits you need to address before surgery. You may want to ask his viewpoint on that.

    He also may be scared of the change to you and your relationship after losing the weight. My husband was/is 100% supportive - but he is scared of it some now since I talked to him about what happens a LOT to marriages after surgery. At the very least the dynamic is changed; but often people pull apart. He sounds like a very active individual - maybe you could allay some of his fears by starting to talk about some of the activities you could do together after you lose weight that you are limited on now. Showing you are wanting to enhance your relationship with the change.

    you know him beat and he knows you well. It’s good for both of you to understand before where the other is coming from.
  6. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Candigrl1 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I put my pants on this morning while standing up, I always had to sit down to do that. Small victory but I'll take it.
  7. Thanks
    LaTiaV got a reaction from Amhuston82 in Unsupportive Husband   
    Since the day I talked about wanting to have a surgery, my husband said NO. I tried to give him as much information as I possibly could, I told him I was scared of the surgery but I was also scared because I could feel the weight increasing. We watched videos together and each time he was more against it. Then I told him I was going to do it anyway, I asked him that if he was not supportive at least not to remind me all that could go wrong.
    So I did it. I cannot say I was not surprised when he was making my teas and chicken broth and getting me Protein Shakes, even taking walks with me, he was following all the instructions even better than I did. My guess is that he was still worried and wanted to be sure I was ok after surgery, we have adjusted, now the surgery is not the only thing in our minds, he loves that he can hug me like when I was the girlfriend 25 years ago, but he does not want to go to walks with me anymore, he says is too hot outside.
    So maybe, give him time...
  8. Thanks
    LaTiaV got a reaction from Amhuston82 in Unsupportive Husband   
    Since the day I talked about wanting to have a surgery, my husband said NO. I tried to give him as much information as I possibly could, I told him I was scared of the surgery but I was also scared because I could feel the weight increasing. We watched videos together and each time he was more against it. Then I told him I was going to do it anyway, I asked him that if he was not supportive at least not to remind me all that could go wrong.
    So I did it. I cannot say I was not surprised when he was making my teas and chicken broth and getting me Protein Shakes, even taking walks with me, he was following all the instructions even better than I did. My guess is that he was still worried and wanted to be sure I was ok after surgery, we have adjusted, now the surgery is not the only thing in our minds, he loves that he can hug me like when I was the girlfriend 25 years ago, but he does not want to go to walks with me anymore, he says is too hot outside.
    So maybe, give him time...
  9. Thanks
    LaTiaV got a reaction from Amhuston82 in Unsupportive Husband   
    Since the day I talked about wanting to have a surgery, my husband said NO. I tried to give him as much information as I possibly could, I told him I was scared of the surgery but I was also scared because I could feel the weight increasing. We watched videos together and each time he was more against it. Then I told him I was going to do it anyway, I asked him that if he was not supportive at least not to remind me all that could go wrong.
    So I did it. I cannot say I was not surprised when he was making my teas and chicken broth and getting me Protein Shakes, even taking walks with me, he was following all the instructions even better than I did. My guess is that he was still worried and wanted to be sure I was ok after surgery, we have adjusted, now the surgery is not the only thing in our minds, he loves that he can hug me like when I was the girlfriend 25 years ago, but he does not want to go to walks with me anymore, he says is too hot outside.
    So maybe, give him time...
  10. Thanks
    LaTiaV got a reaction from Amhuston82 in Unsupportive Husband   
    Since the day I talked about wanting to have a surgery, my husband said NO. I tried to give him as much information as I possibly could, I told him I was scared of the surgery but I was also scared because I could feel the weight increasing. We watched videos together and each time he was more against it. Then I told him I was going to do it anyway, I asked him that if he was not supportive at least not to remind me all that could go wrong.
    So I did it. I cannot say I was not surprised when he was making my teas and chicken broth and getting me Protein Shakes, even taking walks with me, he was following all the instructions even better than I did. My guess is that he was still worried and wanted to be sure I was ok after surgery, we have adjusted, now the surgery is not the only thing in our minds, he loves that he can hug me like when I was the girlfriend 25 years ago, but he does not want to go to walks with me anymore, he says is too hot outside.
    So maybe, give him time...
  11. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to kcuster83 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I never sweat anymore. It is kind of weird, I have never been a huge sweater but now it's never.
    I had to prepare a hall for a Celebration of Life. 32 Steps, outside in 100* heat. Carried stuff up and down, heavy stuff. cases of sodas/water, platters of foods, all kinda of stuff never once needed a break. Never got too tired, didn't even really loose my breath. I lost count at 20 trips between carrying things in and then out at the end.
    The next day, my knees didn't hurt. Nothing hurt, I couldn't even tell I went up and down those stairs so much!
  12. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to GreenTealael in OOTD   
    Museum family trip, do I have on enough colors? 🤡

  13. Congrats!
    LaTiaV reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Been fighting for every pound, but.....   
    I finally hit 50 pounds lost today!!!! It's exactly 3 months since my surgery and I'm down 1 clothing size, 1 ring size, and 50 pounds!!!! It seems like my body likes to do a 2-3 week stall every month and a half or so, so it's been slow going. But it FINALLY happened today. WooHoo!!!!!
  14. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Smanky in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Shopping online for a ladder and NOT looking at the maximum weight with dread. They're all 100kg and up! I could carry three very large cats up those things and STILL be cruisin'! I could haul a child up some of them!
  15. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to ms.sss in Food Before and After Photos   
    I already knew while making this salad that I wasn’t going to finish it, so i started with the croutons cuz I figured they would get all soggy if kept them for leftovers.
    Which was sort of a mistake cuz I ended up getting full from them and didn’t get to eat very much of the other yummy salad components, duh.
    The whole bowl is a whopping 739 calories (im looking at you, cashews, blue cheese & croutons!!)
    I’ll end up eating it all by EOD, hopefully…

  16. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to kcuster83 in Food Before and After Photos   
    It looks like SO MUCH food on my tiny saucer, perspective is everything.
    2.5 oz. New york strip with grilled onions, 1/8 cup cheese noodles made lighter, 3 brussel sprouts.
    288 cals!

  17. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from pintsizedmallrat in WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????   
    You can say the since that everything is God's will, God is the one letting the doctors help us.
  18. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Orinskye in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I walked around the fair today…. All day…. And I wasn’t miserable 😂 (it was like 94 degrees out too!)
  19. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    So today I was walking down the hallway at work and I realized I could see my legs... silly but pre-surgery I had a Buddha belly, almost pregnantish. I could only see belly if I looked down. It was a treat to see something else.
    Another victory is my 16 year old seems to be warming up to me being around her in public, like at her band events and such. Not 100% if that weight related or her maturing or a combo but a good feeling. Nice not to embarrass the kiddos.
  20. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to kcuster83 in Sleeve or Bypass Regrets?   
    I too originally wanted the sleeve but because of having severe GERD my surgeon explained the risks and benefits of each pertaining to my GERD so I switched to Bypass.
    4 months post op. ZERO regrets!
    No sign of GERD or any type of acid problems and I am off all GERD medications!
  21. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Telling others   
    I was pretty open once the decision was made. I didn't carry a banner or anything but my close Co- workers knew, my boss knew and my family knew. Even now, if someone asks I tell. It's done, it's part of my story and if someone doesn't like it then they don't need to be apart of my story. I've always been a pretty open book to those around me.
    I haven't had any negative feedback yet. My mom got this surgery 15+ years ago so it wasn't new to my family. I've lost over 50lbs since the last time my coworkers saw me, probably closer to 60lbs by the time we return to work (yay summer break) and I'm cautiously optimistic about their reactions when they see me. I don't SEE the weightloss as much as I FEEL the weightloss if that makes sense? I'm hoping they can see it😁 .
  22. Hugs
    LaTiaV reacted to Merill in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Oh wow! that is such great progress👏👏
    I'm the same I hold onto the rails pulling myself up or if I'm really tired and my knees are hurting I will go up in crawling position😞
  23. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from fourmonthspreop in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Congratulations!! Good luck with dating, have fun.
    Finding extra wide calf boots in leather has been a challenge for me. I tried some of my boots recently and I have space to put my cell phone in there.
  24. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from fourmonthspreop in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Congratulations!! Good luck with dating, have fun.
    Finding extra wide calf boots in leather has been a challenge for me. I tried some of my boots recently and I have space to put my cell phone in there.
  25. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to BigSue in Ugly, boring, and weak   
    Today is my 2-year surgiversary. I've lost 200 pounds from my highest weight -- a staggering amount when you think about it. I'm literally (less than) half the person I used to be. I should be on top of the world, right?! I don't want to dismiss the many scale and non-scale victories I've had, but it's not all rainbows and butterflies.
    When I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror, I'm taken aback by two things: how small I am, and how freaking ugly. I was certainly never beautiful -- not even "pretty for a fat chick" or "would be cute if I lost some weight" -- but now, I look downright scary. I probably look 10 years older than when I was fat. My hair was already fine and flat before surgery, and now I've lost a lot of it and it hasn't grown back and it's a mess no matter what I do. Ironically, people often tell me I look great, which is obviously code for "not fat anymore." Sometimes, before saying I look great, they ask me if I'm sick or if I lost weight on purpose. I don't know what the point of that is; if I said I lost weight because I'm sick, would they instead say, "You look like $h!t"?
    When I imagined my life after surgery, I thought I would be the same person, but smaller. The same person, but able to wear non-plus sized clothes, fit into an airplane seat without a seatbelt extender, not have to check the weight limit on furniture and ladders. The same person, but without hypertension and diabetes.
    I guess, deep down, I knew that wouldn't be the case, because that's a big part of what held me back from having the surgery for so many years. I didn't want my life to revolve around my pouch. I didn't want to give up my favorite foods and think so hard about everything I eat. I definitely didn't want to turn into one of those boring a-holes who never shut up about their diet and exercise regimen.
    But here I am, and I feel like weight loss has taken over my life. I spend so much time and energy preparing and eating healthy foods, working out, keeping up with my supplements, that I don't have room for anything else. There was a period of time after my surgery when I felt great and full of energy, but now I'm tired all the time, and despite being in the best shape of my life, I feel weak because I no longer have 300+ pounds to throw around. People used to be surprised by my strength, but now I struggle to open pickle jars and heavy doors. (Yes, I've had my bloodwork checked and everything is great; the working theory is that the bradycardia due to rapid, massive weight loss is what's causing these problems.)
    I used to be incredibly devoted to my job, and most people would describe me as the hardest worker they knew (maybe a workaholic), and now I just don't have the same drive that I used to because I'm so focused on my weight. I feel like I'm letting everyone down because I'm no longer up for spending all my free time working. I think I was a better human being when I was fat.
    If I -- with the benefit of the hindsight I have now -- could go back in time to two years ago, when my morbidly obese self arrived at the hospital, and still had time to change my mind, would I still go through with having the surgery? 100% yes, without hesitation.

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