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    LaTiaV reacted to Starwarsandcupcakes in Food Before and After Photos   
    Did my weekly shopping- this time for the entire family. Came to $89US (not pictured is 2 12oz s of Gatorade zero and the 2 hidden boxes of Cereal behind the first 2) after rebates. I practice buy ahead method for groceries. Also, the meal plan for the week along with tonight’s dinner (I ate it all.)

  2. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to redhead_che in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Fit in to my boots that are normal calf width! They have been gathering dust since 2019 😬

  3. Congrats!
    LaTiaV reacted to SkinnyMingo1408 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I put on some clothes yesterday and looked in the mirror and I had an hour glass type figure. It was nice and I don't remember the last time I had an hour glass figure.
  4. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Smanky in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Pre-surgery, I bought a second-hand 90s leather jacket and tucked it away for myself for when I finally reached a size US8 (AU12). Tried it on today and it's a perfect fit. It's amazing that this day is finally here! It's the jacket of my dreams and you bet I'm gonna wear it out today. 😎
  5. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to learn2cook in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    My non-scale goal was to be able to work with special needs students in public school. It requires lifting and chasing, so even with credentials earned during shut down, no one would hire me. I got the job. I’m loving every minute of it!
  6. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from CarleneD in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    I am In Texas, same age, no parents no kids, I have a husband, brothers and sisters who I love, but they also have busy life, I work from home. if you feel like chatting or face timing about this change or any other topic send me a private message, I did not have much people around me who understood what I have been going through.
  7. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to STLoser in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Our house is in a culdesac at the bottom of a street that is about a half mile long, and we live at the bottom of that street down the hill, which is very steep the whole way up. It is a HUGE hill. I never could walk even partially up that hill without having an asthma attack or having to stop to try to catch my breath a million times. My son started school yesterday and I made a goal to walk every morning after I drop him off. I have wanted to conquer that hill for so long. Most people that walk in our neighborhood never go on that hill because of how steep it is, even the really fit people. Our culdesac is very quiet as a result lol. I didn't get to walk yesterday, so I started today. I walked completely up that steep half mile hill without stopping and was able to keep going around the rest of the subdivision, which is fairly flat compared to our hill. I can't believe I can do this now!
    It feels so good to not have my weight holding me back anymore!

    Sent from my Pixel 5a using BariatricPal mobile app

  8. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Nepenthe44 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Forreal, I think the biggest thing I want out of WLS is a lap for a cat to sit in. Currently, when I go to an animal shelter, the super snuggly cats will look at me and be like "okay, I guess I'll make do" and climb up on my shoulders/chest/upper stomach as a sort of last resort, but they always look up at me like "ok, seriously, this lap is not the correct shape human, let's work on this."
    But the cats that will sit in an available lap, but don't need it will just pass me up and that breaks my cat lady heart.
  9. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to FitFunFamily in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    Before my surgery, my surgeon said “if you do anything….lift weights.” I lost weight so easily I didn’t think I “needed” to workout. My strict diet was going enough! However….I wish I had known WHY my surgeon said that. He didn’t finish the though….”lift weights because….your metabolism will dramatically slow down to a crawl to ‘preserve energy’ and your weight loss could slow - or stop, or being to regain - after a year or year and a half.”

    Lifting weights and eating your Protein could preserve lean tissue loss and help preserve your metabolism.

    I’m 7 years post op. I gain weight SO easily. I can eat 1/3 of the calories I used to when binging before WLS and gain weight. My metabolism has slowed so much. I no longer have the same restriction as I had immediately after VSG surgery. It’s a struggle to lose re-gain. I wish I had focused on preserving (or gaining!) lean muscle while losing fat.
  10. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from LookingForward22 in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    On the first couple of months especially, small sips, small bites. remember to eat Slowly, Des-Pa-Cito 🎵.
    Small spoons help, if you use the right hand, try eating with the left one, if you use the left one try eating with the right one. Chew your food until you get bored, 10 minutes walks after each meal can help even if you just walk around the table in your home.
    It will get better!
  11. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to STLoser in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Just came back from a trip to Orange Beach, Alabama. I took a walk every day on the beach and I can't explain the freedom I feel being able to walk so easily in the sand and not be completely out of breath and sweaty with my heart pounding. I think I posted last year that it was great to walk on the beach in Navarre, Florida, but I I weighed 40 pounds more then so it's even better now! Also, being able to go in any store and buy souvenir t shirts is such a great feeling. I never could get those before. And I bought 2 swim cover ups in ONE SIZE FITS ALL and they fit with room! That baffles me! I didn't even need those cover ups because I already have several. I just bought them because I could. Lol

    Sent from my Pixel 5a using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Wahinebythesea in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Amen! I never wore high heels because balancing on the balls of my feet was painful - but 85 pounds later, it's not! I could run around in heels all day!
  13. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to ms.sss in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Finally went diving!! (First time since surgery!)
    Pleased to report that:
    1) I went down from an XL BCD to an XXS!
    2) Went from 18-20 lbs of required weights to 6! (8lbs if i wore a wetsuit)
    3) Speaking of wetsuits…i used to wear a Men’s XL, and now a woman’s size 2 (though if they had a size 1, it probably would’ve been better)
    I was NOT all sweaty and tired lugging all my gear around on land, got in and out of the boat with little to no effort, AND was looked cute in pictures lol.
  14. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from CarleneD in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    I am In Texas, same age, no parents no kids, I have a husband, brothers and sisters who I love, but they also have busy life, I work from home. if you feel like chatting or face timing about this change or any other topic send me a private message, I did not have much people around me who understood what I have been going through.
  15. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to Starwarsandcupcakes in Food Before and After Photos   
    Random food the last week(?) or so. All Keto. The mini Bagels also happen to be vegan! Cough @GreenTealael cough.
    Also, I didn’t get that job I interviewed for but I wasn’t willing to take a pay cut either so. Their loss.

  16. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from LookingForward22 in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    On the first couple of months especially, small sips, small bites. remember to eat Slowly, Des-Pa-Cito 🎵.
    Small spoons help, if you use the right hand, try eating with the left one, if you use the left one try eating with the right one. Chew your food until you get bored, 10 minutes walks after each meal can help even if you just walk around the table in your home.
    It will get better!
  17. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I can feel my neck and under my chin now!!! No more double and a half chin. Now I have an actual chin. Just one. I keep looking at my face and touching under my chin LOL I literally can't remember the last time I had just one chin!!!!
  18. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from Shazam in Anyone stopped losing?   
    I have been in the same weight of 175 for 2 weeks, this is the first time since surgery, maybe not long enough to complain but the issue is that I traveled last week and I put 12K to 15K steps per day in the last 9 days. I was expecting to came home and see at least one # down, instead this morning I am 176.
    My restriction still works I can't eat too much at a time, but now I can feel real hunger, and it is hard to control how many times I eat during the day, I am worried because I am still far from my goal.
  19. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from CarleneD in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    I am In Texas, same age, no parents no kids, I have a husband, brothers and sisters who I love, but they also have busy life, I work from home. if you feel like chatting or face timing about this change or any other topic send me a private message, I did not have much people around me who understood what I have been going through.
  20. Hugs
    LaTiaV reacted to CarleneD in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    This topic is really helpful, so thank you for those contributing.
    I think the thing I'm most scared of is what I'm going to do with myself and how I'm going to spend my time. I'm single, no kids, live on my own, my parents gone, sisters live 4 states away from me. I moved here right when the pandemic started for my job and haven't made any friends. I mean, I have work friends but those are colleagues, not friends. I work, I stay home, I cook, look up recipes, make stuff, eat stuff, think about what to make/eat next.
    I have no hobbies other than scrolling through my phone and watching a little TV, maybe take my dog for a walk. How did I get to be 53 and have absolutely NO hobbies? Okay, I like to read, there's a hobby. But I need new hobbies to occupy my time that is currently taken up by food, food and more food.
    I'm not scared of the surgery, or the changes, I'm scared I will have too much time on my hands and nothing to fill it and that I'll fall back into my old habits. What in the world am I going to do with myself?
  21. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from LookingForward22 in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    On the first couple of months especially, small sips, small bites. remember to eat Slowly, Des-Pa-Cito 🎵.
    Small spoons help, if you use the right hand, try eating with the left one, if you use the left one try eating with the right one. Chew your food until you get bored, 10 minutes walks after each meal can help even if you just walk around the table in your home.
    It will get better!
  22. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from LookingForward22 in Wish you knew before surgery…   
    On the first couple of months especially, small sips, small bites. remember to eat Slowly, Des-Pa-Cito 🎵.
    Small spoons help, if you use the right hand, try eating with the left one, if you use the left one try eating with the right one. Chew your food until you get bored, 10 minutes walks after each meal can help even if you just walk around the table in your home.
    It will get better!
  23. Haha
    LaTiaV reacted to Arabesque in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    This is great. It reminded me of my then 3 yr old nephew wanting to take me for a drive in his little child’s gator. Could easily fit my bottom in the seat. It was pretty freaky - never would have imagined being able to fit in a little child’s seat. Of course I couldn’t get my legs in so I dangled them over the front of the gator’s bonnet. Amusingly, he refused to drive me cause it wasn’t safe.
  24. Like
    LaTiaV reacted to summerseeker in Marriage changes post op   
    I have been with my man since I was 12. Over our 47 year marriage we have had our share of caring for each other whilst ill. I had a really bad time after this surgery with nausea and vomiting and it has taken a long time to master it with medication. He has seen me vomit for days and has been very worried. I was so weak and he had to take care of me for so long. If it had not been for Covid he would have been able to join me in all my consultations and ask his own questions and air his worries. He would have heard the positive answers and heard any input the nurse and dietician have given me. I am convinced he would have been more reassured had this been so.
    He always said he didn't care what I weighed and he didn't. For the first time in my marriage he has started to compliment me, I like it.
    I will be happier when we can eat the same meals again, I am only just eating Protein and a tiny amount of vegetables and do not have any room for carbs. This limits the food that we can eat as a family. Now I have endless energy he can rest while I do the household chores once again. He has health issues and needs all the rest time he can get. I am so pleased that I can do this for him.
  25. Like
    LaTiaV got a reaction from summerseeker in Marriage changes post op   
    My surgery coincided with us moving to another state, so there was too many pieces moving, we got another pet, had to get used to new routines, different weather, meeting people. My husband is very confident which I find very sexy. I do not anticipate problems in our relationship ( but I think people who had problems in their relationships may not be expecting them so who knows) he liked me thin, then he liked me fat, and I think he likes me thin(ish) again.
    food is being difficult to implement into a routine where we both feel good, I am wasting a lot of food.
    I have a new addiction, I am buying clothes online, and the excuse of "nothing fits anymore" has stopped working weeks ago, I know I have to stop, but there are too many new options now that were not available to me for years, he has been patient but I can see that it can get bad very fast, I find myself browsing web stores at 2:AM because I am bored, in the past, that would be the equivalent to a Doritos bag in the middle of the night. my poor credit card is scared of me.

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