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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by GRANNIE JENNI


    Has anyone been "preparing"?

    any thing you can lose now is that much less after surgery!! try high protein foods and no sugar low carbs that will curb your hunger. i ate yogurts, sugar free jello [premade] . no sweets or tons of bread like i did before and i got off to a good start before my surgery. you still must have self control to make the band work. my daughter had it one yr ago and is doing super 80 lbs gone. i found a good protein drink online new -whey liquid protien0 sugar and 42 grams of protein i like the blue rasberry flavor. good luck

    New to surgery

    the more protein you drink the less hungry you will be. my first fiill is sept 11 i've done pretty good so far i realize this is not a miracle fix and have started to vacumn pack healthy vegatables , made up turkey patties and froze them and other foods to have stuff done up and quick to grab after work . even though i could still stuff myself i don't this is my last chance to get the weight off so i will be trying to behave. food shouldn't have that kind of power over me, i need to get a grip !!!!!

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    it took me a year of diligent work to get my surgery. call cal and call some more at least weekly to check the progress of your surgery date and where you are at with insurance approval if its not done yet. stay on it, for your own good.
  4. 15 lbs. is a good start. i also had my surgery on july 30th and have lost 26 lbs. but i am so sick of being asked everyday how much have you lost now? cripes give it a chance!!! if we can lose 8 lbs per month that will be 70 or so by next year. do it slow and correctly eat healthy!!! i love new healthy food reciepes. the band is not a miracle we also have to do our part and change our eating. take care jenni

    Mandarin Orange Salad

    This would be good with fat free cattage cheese and free cool whip to be healthier
  6. so brian when was your surgery? mine was july 30th. i'm doin ok so far. i get my first fill sept 11. i've been working on cooking healthy now its fun take care. grannie jenni

  7. HI BILL I AM JENNI FROM GLADWIN MI. I HAD MY SURGERY IN FLINT ON JULY 30THdoing ok so far i will get my first fill sept 11. my daughter had this surgery a year ago. she has lost almost all of her 75 lbs. i am 56 yrs old so this was kin of my last chance to get it together!!! thanks for the site. grannie jenni

  8. hope all is going ok. stick with it. look up some healthy reciepes on the inter net. i do it by typing in a food i like such as cauliflower or ground turkey and it will then give reciepes contaning these foods. using spices is the key to great tasting food and i don't mean spicey spices. after i found a bunch of reciepes i liked i printed them and if 2 or more called for a certain spice i put it on a list to buy. so now i have my hz stocked with good foods and the spices to make them taste great its fun. try it. tell me some foods you like and if i have a good reciepe i'll send it to ya!!!

    surgery the 30th

    i am now 2 1/2 weeks out from surgery. no pain /problems. i was back to work on the 5th of aug. i am enjoying looking up healthy reciepes on the internet. i have an absoulty wonderful one for a ground turkey burger. its better than a beef one. i plan to cook much more healthy foods and give up all the breads, starches and unending sweets i used to eat. i will have a small vanilla wafer if i need to but i find the more protein i eat the less i crave carbs and sweets. xoxoxo
  10. it took one year of fighting with my dr. and one insurance company. my daughter had it one yr ago and lost 70 lbs. she;s almost to goal. i have 4 days left on the pre surg liquids hard to do but it will be worth it. xoxo:tongue2:

    Doctor supervised diet question

    MOST INSURANCES REQUIRE ONCE A MONTH but your dr may accept a phone call to document in your chart


    if you are even thinking of having this surgery get going on getting all your aperwork in order. you have to have a tleast 3- 6 months of doctor surpervised diets or weight loss palns you have tried and some of the 'co-morbid' conditions. plus the phyc eval. call some physc places to see who does the bariatric eval in your area. and online you can look for a facility that does them near you and how many they have done.
  13. ABOUT 2 weeks. do you have all of your required documention ready? 6 months of doctor visits with talk of losing weight and what diets and weight loss programs you have tried? call you rinsurance company and find out all of the stuff they want from you. it takes a while

    First steps

    start getting all of your dr visits paperwork from the last yr or so they need to contain documentaion that you and your dr talked weight loss and food changes. also write down any diet plans or pills you may have tried from just any store. and gyms or exercise places you may have attended. if you have more than one dr get letters from all of them recommending this surgery for you. this is not a quick process and your insurance will try and deny you without every little duck in a row. it took me a yr of fighting mine they got sick of me and approved it. oxox
  15. i am 56 this is my last chance to live an kind of healthly life and may be yours also. do you want to say fat and unmotivated? get the rest of your fills, don't go out to eat and don't put foods in the hz that can tempt you. commit to a short walk every day start with 15 minutes a day. i have grandkids and i owe it to them to live and be able to go places and keep up with everyone else walking. all forieners say we americans eat like pigs and it is true. i have to make this work for myself and my love for my family. committ and try again take one day at a time. you can do it. oxxo
  16. my daughter did it 1 yr ago and her main goal was the protein drinks and fluids for the first month. then she added calories as her stomach calmed down.

    DFW Support Please!!!

    hi i'm grannie jenni it took me 1 full yr to get scheduled. i go next weds the 30th. i have been on the liquid diet for 10 days now with 4 more to go. my daughter had this 1 yr ago and has lost 70 lbs and does not need any 'skin surgery' it was hard at first for her but she has done well without much trouble at all. i had to fight my dr and insurances but i stuck with it and prevailed. good luck

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
