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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Juliana

  1. Thanks girl!! 15 pounds of that was lost in the 2 weeks before surgery, but i just add it into my total because it was still a loss :) I get my first fill next week..i'm nervous and excited. I hope it will help my hungry tummy not be so hungry!! My surgeon doesn't fill for the first time until 12 weeks post op.. I don't know why, but i trust him, so i;m hanging in there and just eating the right things.. I'm counting down the days :)

  2. I just read one of your responses on the board! Just wanted to say that you are doing great!! congratulations!! keep up the good work girl :)

  3. I get my first fill on thursday. It was supposed to be today, but at my appt, he told me he no longer does it in the office, that he does it in the hospital now so that he can use flouroscope to help find the port so that it is less painful for the patient and he only has to stick once. So, we will see how it goes thursday!!

    Hope you are having a good week :)

  4. Hey girl! Did you get my response about the support group? They say if enough banders ever come, we will have our own separate group, but so far, i'm the only bander who shows up. Maybe you and I should start our own group out here!! haha I'm going to join the Shrinking Violets if that is ok!! Ya'll are all so inspirational and so nice. Talk to you later!!

  5. How are you doing honey? Was thinking of you and wanted to say hi :)

  6. Hey girl!! Just wanted to stop in and say hi and see how you were doing.. Hope all is going well. We are in the process of buying a house. I have been so busy lately. Well, talk to you later!!

  7. Shannon, you look so beautiful in your pics!!! Before and After!!! You keep up the good work girl! And i hope you and i will get our unfills and get back to feeling better!! I'm like you, i haven't felt good since last week because i just can't eat. Keep me updated. I go tomorrow and i will let you know what happens with me. Talk to you soon :)

  8. Awww, thanks girl!!! You are such an inspiration!! You have done awesome and you look awesome!!! Keep up the good work :) See ya on the boards!! And, i'm gonna put some money back for when i'm ready to go crazy buying clothes to go with all my purses, shoes, and sunglasses...lol

  9. Well, I got my first fill and everything went fine. He did have to stick me a few times, but he had sprayed my skin with a topical anesthetic and i didn't feel anything. Then with xray and fluoroscope, i drank some contrast dye, and we could see my band and the liquid as it passed. It was cool. He took some saline out after a few sips because he thought it was too tight. So, now i'm on clear liquids for a couple of days and then pureed for 3 days, and then back to normal.

    Hope you are having a good week :)

    Talk to you soon!!

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