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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Juliana

  1. It was soooo nice meeting you at the support group on thursday!!!!! Thanks so much for getting it going. I had been asking for months, but they said they couldn't until more banders showed up, so thanks!!! I look forward to seeing you again soon. I'm not on here much, but will try and keep in touch! Talk to you soon, Julie

  2. Just wanted to say hi and congratulations...on your weight loss and non smoking!!!! I have been smoke free since 8/1/07. I miss food more than smoking...we just take it one day at a time :) Keep up the good work!! Talk to you later :)

  3. Just wanted to stop by and say hi :) you are looking great in your pics:) Congrats on all your success!! I live in Decatur and was banded by Dr. Mailapur. He's not a big supporter, but nevertheless, he is who i chose...lol Talk to you later

  4. Shannon, you look so beautiful in your pics!!! Before and After!!! You keep up the good work girl! And i hope you and i will get our unfills and get back to feeling better!! I'm like you, i haven't felt good since last week because i just can't eat. Keep me updated. I go tomorrow and i will let you know what happens with me. Talk to you soon :)

  5. so nice meeting you at the support group thursday night!! I'm so glad that now, i'm not the only bander amongst all the bypass patients!!! I look forward to seeing you soon. Talk to you later, Julie

  6. Thanks :) Your new pic is awesome :)

  7. Thanks girl!! 15 pounds of that was lost in the 2 weeks before surgery, but i just add it into my total because it was still a loss :) I get my first fill next week..i'm nervous and excited. I hope it will help my hungry tummy not be so hungry!! My surgeon doesn't fill for the first time until 12 weeks post op.. I don't know why, but i trust him, so i;m hanging in there and just eating the right things.. I'm counting down the days :)

  8. Yes, I love my floppy ragdoll!! lol.. He is so sweet, but he is also a little clown. He loves to hide and attack your feet!! He is already getting darker and bigger so who knows what he will look like in another year or two? When i put up albums, i will put some pics up of him. I'm still trying to figure out how to get a background on my profile. Yours looks so nice. I guess i'm getting too old for catching on quick to this computer stuff...lol Guess i need tips on that too..haha Well, talk to you later!

  9. You have done so well with the band!!! Hope you don't mind me coming to you for advice!!! I'm 2 months out, and i'm the only bander in the support group that i go to.. Nice to meet you :)

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