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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Juliana

  1. Hey! The support group......to be honest, no, I don't really like it so i'm sure you wouldn't like it either. I go with my coworker who just had the bypass..(we both used Dr. Mailapur). But like i said, I am the only bandster who shows up. So I feel out of place most of the time. I have only been to 3...one before surgery, and 2 since surgery. My first one after surgery, we were all giving our testimonials and almost all the bypass patients were talking about how they don't have any cravings for the bad food and no hunger and i was sitting there wanting to leave...I was in a big "blah" stage with LOTS of HUNGER and cravings and anger from missing food. Even though we are all supposed to follow the same diet plan, bypassers and banders have separate issues and we go through different things. I wish we had a band support group, but until then, i guess you and this site will be mine. :) Have a good weekend!!!

  2. Thanks :) Your new pic is awesome :)

  3. Hey Shannon!!! I am so glad you are feeling better!!! Woo hoo!! I leave in an hour to go to my appointment for my unfill. I hope that's all i need too. I have been so miserable the past week and had no problems before my first fill. i will definately let you know. I go to work tonight so i may not be back on the computer until tomorrow.

    And i'm the same way.... i don't like body pictures. i have taken a couple since surgery to mark my progress, but i don't even have a complete body photo of myself before surgery because i was so embarrassed.

    But you look great and one day, we will not be so afraid of full body pics :)

    Have a good day girl and i'm so glad you are feeling better :)

    Talk to you soon, Julie

  4. Hey! You are doing great!! I'm still learning how to use this site too..:) I just got home from working a 15 hour shift, so my brain is really mush right now. Supposed to work 12 hours, but the world of nursing is never how it is supposed to be..lol Anyway, keep up the good work girl, you are doing great!!! And we will encourage each other!! And yes, keep our mind on our wishes...that keeps me going.. Just think this time next year!!!! We will not even have time to be on the computer cause we are gonna be outdoors having fun :) Well, talk to you later ! I'm going to bed. Have a good weekend. Julie

  5. It was so great to meet you at the support group on thursday!! I'm so glad we have this now!!!!! I look forward to seeing you soon. I don't get on this website as often as i should, so i might email you more. Talk to you soon, Julie

  6. Just wanted to stop by and say hi :) you are looking great in your pics:) Congrats on all your success!! I live in Decatur and was banded by Dr. Mailapur. He's not a big supporter, but nevertheless, he is who i chose...lol Talk to you later

  7. It was soooo nice meeting you at the support group on thursday!!!!! Thanks so much for getting it going. I had been asking for months, but they said they couldn't until more banders showed up, so thanks!!! I look forward to seeing you again soon. I'm not on here much, but will try and keep in touch! Talk to you soon, Julie

  8. so nice meeting you at the support group thursday night!! I'm so glad that now, i'm not the only bander amongst all the bypass patients!!! I look forward to seeing you soon. Talk to you later, Julie

  9. I just looked at your profile and I have a ragdoll cat too!! He is a blue mitted and today is his birthday. He was 1 year old today. I live in Decatur. You look great! Have a great week!!

  10. You have done so well with the band!!! Hope you don't mind me coming to you for advice!!! I'm 2 months out, and i'm the only bander in the support group that i go to.. Nice to meet you :)

  11. WOW! You have done so awesome!!! And congratulations on gaining a baby!! I can't wait until i can become a mommy!!! I have a long way to go.. I am 2 months out and really hope that i can have children once the weight is off! Keep up the good work! you are an inspiration to me so i'll be coming to you for advice :)

    Have a good day :)

  12. 60 pounds is soooooo awesome!!!!!! I'm so proud of you. I'm ok, i have had a lot of outside stressors going on here lately, and of course, it makes me want to eat comfort foods and all the wrong foods. It's a long story that i will save for another day... So glad to hear from you!!!! Talk to you soon, Julie

  13. Yes, I love my floppy ragdoll!! lol.. He is so sweet, but he is also a little clown. He loves to hide and attack your feet!! He is already getting darker and bigger so who knows what he will look like in another year or two? When i put up albums, i will put some pics up of him. I'm still trying to figure out how to get a background on my profile. Yours looks so nice. I guess i'm getting too old for catching on quick to this computer stuff...lol Guess i need tips on that too..haha Well, talk to you later!

  14. Hey girl!!! Sorry i haven't been in touch with you sooner. i work night shift and have been working. I went to the doc thursday before coming to work. I got an unfill!!! He took out 1cc. Ahhh, life is good again. I can eat now without feeling like i'm going to die. I can eat and i am getting full quicker :) PERFECT :) I have a 9cc band, he put 3.5cc in during surgery (did not know this until last week), he put 2cc in last week, then took out 1cc thurs. Everything is wonderful again. :) So glad we are feeling better :) Well, i hope you have a good weekend. Keep me updated on you:) Talk to you soon :) Julie

  15. Hey mamacj!! HOpe you are having a good day :)

  16. Hope you have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!! Thanks for all the great advice you give me :)

  17. Hi I'm Julie! Love your background on your profile..wish i could figure out how to do that...i'm getting old...lol.. Congratulations on your weight loss! You look great! You, like many others of ya'll are such an inspiration to me! Keep up the good work girl!

  18. Hope you are doing well and hope you have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!! :)

  19. Hey girl! I'm good. Just staying so busy at work!!! Hope you are having an awesome 2009 :)

  20. Hope you have a fantastic weekend :)

  21. Hope you have a GREAT WEEKEND :) I had my first fill last week, but it was too much. Couldn't eat for a week, but had 1cc taken out thurs, and all is wonderfull again :) I can eat again, and i'm getting full quick!! PERFECT YAY!!! ahh, life is good again :) How are ya? Talk to you soon :)

  22. THANKS :)

    Have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!

  23. Just wanted to say hi and congratulations...on your weight loss and non smoking!!!! I have been smoke free since 8/1/07. I miss food more than smoking...we just take it one day at a time :) Keep up the good work!! Talk to you later :)

  24. Hey!!! Things are going GREAT!!!! I got a fill on Nov 20, and have lost 19 pounds since then... I started out so fast after surgery, then hit a big plateau for awhile.......i needed a fill big time!!!! I have now lost 85 pounds total and i am stoked!!! I'm half way there now and i really feel like i can do it!! I was banded in June.. That's awesome your wife has a band now too!!!! Hope ya'll are doing well!!! Talk to you soon!!

  25. Hey girl!! How are you feeling???? Just checking in on you :) I was in a rut for awhile, but got a fill Nov 20 and have lost 19 pounds since then...it's going great. I have lost 85 pounds now..i am half way there to my goal!!! YAY Hope all is well with you!!! Talk to you soon!!

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