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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Juliana

  1. Hey girl! I'm good. Just staying so busy at work!!! Hope you are having an awesome 2009 :)

  2. Juliana

    before and current comparison

    You look amazing girl!!!!! You are working that band!!!! Way to go
  3. Hey girl!! How are you feeling???? Just checking in on you :) I was in a rut for awhile, but got a fill Nov 20 and have lost 19 pounds since then...it's going great. I have lost 85 pounds now..i am half way there to my goal!!! YAY Hope all is well with you!!! Talk to you soon!!

  4. Juliana

    Banded in Alabama

    Welcome!!! Congratulations on your lap band!!! YAY!!!! This is a great place for support!!!! Sounds like you are doing great with your band.. I love mine and am so glad every day that i did it and would do it again in a second!!!!!!!! I'm from Alabama too! Talk to you soon!!
  5. Hey!!! Things are going GREAT!!!! I got a fill on Nov 20, and have lost 19 pounds since then... I started out so fast after surgery, then hit a big plateau for awhile.......i needed a fill big time!!!! I have now lost 85 pounds total and i am stoked!!! I'm half way there now and i really feel like i can do it!! I was banded in June.. That's awesome your wife has a band now too!!!! Hope ya'll are doing well!!! Talk to you soon!!

  6. My hair is coming out too!!! I am almost 6 months post op, and it started about 3 months ago with me... Thank goodness, i had really thick hair, but i can really tell a difference and it has really been bothering me...it is in the shower, it is all over all the floors...the vacuum cleaner really gets a workout..lol i'm so glad for this post because i'm going to try the biontin vitamins... I think anesthesia changed my hair TEXTURE as well.. i have always had big, thick wavy hair.... my gallbladder was taken out one month before my lap band and ever since that surgery, my hair has wanted to be flat and straight...it tries to curl, but just can't quite get there... has anyone else had the texture change as well? I thought maybe after the lap band surgery the anesthesia would shock it back into normal curls, but no such luck...lol Thanks for the posts! I'm going to try the vitamins
  7. so nice meeting you at the support group thursday night!! I'm so glad that now, i'm not the only bander amongst all the bypass patients!!! I look forward to seeing you soon. Talk to you later, Julie

  8. It was soooo nice meeting you at the support group on thursday!!!!! Thanks so much for getting it going. I had been asking for months, but they said they couldn't until more banders showed up, so thanks!!! I look forward to seeing you again soon. I'm not on here much, but will try and keep in touch! Talk to you soon, Julie

  9. Just wanted to stop by and say hi :) you are looking great in your pics:) Congrats on all your success!! I live in Decatur and was banded by Dr. Mailapur. He's not a big supporter, but nevertheless, he is who i chose...lol Talk to you later

  10. It was so great to meet you at the support group on thursday!! I'm so glad we have this now!!!!! I look forward to seeing you soon. I don't get on this website as often as i should, so i might email you more. Talk to you soon, Julie

  11. Juliana

    Who can still eat whatever they want?

    I could probably eat whatever i wanted, but like some others have said, i'm too chicken to try bread... I'm scared that it will get stuck, or if it doesn't get stuck, i will want it all the time like before surgery. I've only had one fill, so i do not have good restriction right now and will get my second fill at the end of November. I am eating too much because i'm hungry, but i still eat so much less than i did pre-surgery. I seem to be in a food jag with tuna here lately. It fills me up faster, and i eat it with a few crackers so at least i feel like i have had some carbs. I love potatoes, but only eat them once per week or less. I'm having to use a lot of self control right now because i don't have good restriction...and that's hard. I've also had some major stressors recently and i found myself eating comfort foods, which is all the wrong stuff, but i'm getting back to it and will be glad to get some restriction soon :rolleyes2:
  12. Juliana

    Sipping water?

    I'm a gulper too...I love to guzzle my water or unsweet tea down.. i've only had one fill, and about due for another one, so i can still gulp and guzzle right now. I'm also a nurse on a busy floor, so i have to chug down water when i can because i might only get one chance that day... I dread it when i'm restricted enough that i have to sip....i mean, good restriction will be great, but i will miss my gulping.. Good luck!!!
  13. Juliana

    Emotional eating.......

    Hey guys..... i haven't been on the site for a few weeks and thought i would write a blog for a little update.... My surgery was June 2 and I have lost 66 pounds to date. I have had great willpower and control and been able to handle most of my temptations until the past couple of weeks..... On October 15, we moved into our first house. What a great day :confused: The next day, i received a phone call from my boss that i no longer had a job. I'm a nurse and work on a cardiac step down unit in the hospital. The hospital board held a meeting and decided it best to shut down the entire heart program effective immediately at the hospital because it was losing money. Without notice or warning, in one night, 40 of us were out of a job. They transferred our patients to other departments or to other hospitals. We didn't get the chance to say goodbye to our co-workers or anything. The hospital did not have any openings in other departments to place us in because of all the cut backs they have been doing. This week, i have been job hunting like a crazy person and was able to get a job at another hospital. I took a paycut, and took a department that is not my area of expertise nor desire, but it is a job and i am so thankful to have it. Needless to say, a lot of my willpower has went out the window this week. I have found myself eating comfort foods.....and eating too much.... I find myself walking by the table and putting a piece of halloween candy in my mouth....not even realizing what i'm doing until i've done it, and thinking, why did i just do that?? I should not have the candy in the house, but i wanted to have it for the neighborhood kids, and have not even been tempted with it until now... it's all emotional.... How do we stop this crazy cycle of emotional eating?????? YIKES!!!! I have really got to get back on the straight and narrow!!!! Thanks for reading, and any advice is always welcomed!!!! Julie
  14. Juliana

    Emotional eating.......

    Thanks guys for the comments.. :mad2: I think this is a battle we will always have to deal with.
  15. 60 pounds is soooooo awesome!!!!!! I'm so proud of you. I'm ok, i have had a lot of outside stressors going on here lately, and of course, it makes me want to eat comfort foods and all the wrong foods. It's a long story that i will save for another day... So glad to hear from you!!!! Talk to you soon, Julie

  16. Juliana

    Emotional eating.......

    Hey guys..... i haven't been on the site for a few weeks and thought i would write a blog for a little update.... My surgery was June 2 and I have lost 66 pounds to date. I have had great willpower and control and been able to handle most of my temptations until the past couple of weeks..... On October 15, we moved into our first house. What a great day :mad2: The next day, i received a phone call from my boss that i no longer had a job. I'm a nurse and work on a cardiac step down unit in the hospital. The hospital board held a meeting and decided it best to shut down the entire heart program effective immediately at the hospital because it was losing money. Without notice or warning, in one night, 40 of us were out of a job. They transferred our patients to other departments or to other hospitals. We didn't get the chance to say goodbye to our co-workers or anything. The hospital did not have any openings in other departments to place us in because of all the cut backs they have been doing. This week, i have been job hunting like a crazy person and was able to get a job at another hospital. I took a paycut, and took a department that is not my area of expertise nor desire, but it is a job and i am so thankful to have it. Needless to say, a lot of my willpower has went out the window this week. I have found myself eating comfort foods.....and eating too much.... I find myself walking by the table and putting a piece of halloween candy in my mouth....not even realizing what i'm doing until i've done it, and thinking, why did i just do that?? I should not have the candy in the house, but i wanted to have it for the neighborhood kids, and have not even been tempted with it until now... it's all emotional.... How do we stop this crazy cycle of emotional eating?????? YIKES!!!! I have really got to get back on the straight and narrow!!!! Thanks for reading, and any advice is always welcomed!!!! Julie
  17. Thanks :) Your new pic is awesome :)

  18. Hey Fairy!! Your new picture on your signature is absolutely breathtaking!! You are so beautiful :thumbup: I wish i had the relationship with Dr. Mailapur that you have with Dr. Freeman. Dr. Freeman seems so nice and understanding. Dr. Mailapur is nice to me, but i just feel like he doesn't wan't to participate so much in helping me make this band successful. He will say, "i've done my part, now the ball is in your court, it's up to you.". I knew he wasn't a big supporter of the band going in, so i can't complain there, but i didn't know he was going to be hesitant and weird about fills. I feel like if i tell him i need another fill, he is going to think i'm crazy. Oh well. I'm just going to keep on doing what i'm supposed to. I'm stuck again. Not gaining, but stuck. I know i need to be exercising, but just been so busy lately with all this house stuff. We close Sept 30, so maybe things will get back to normal then. But i really think i need a little fill. But not like he did last time! Not 2cc at one time!!! I tried to tell him just a little, but he didn't listen to me. I just think that is too much at one time. I think it is better little by little. I couldn't even get grits or mashed potatoes down when he did that. Oh well. Talk to you later, Julie
  19. Hey! Just wanted to say hi. I'm still new to the website, but i am loving it so far! It's great knowing there is a huge support system and that others are going through the same things and there is so much helpful advice!! I was banded June 2, 2008 by Dr. Ravindra Mailapur in Huntsville, Alabama. I live in Decatur. I get filled for the first time on August 19th! I am looking forward to this, because i have a lot of hunger right now. This surgeon is excellent, but he doesn't do the first fill until 12 weeks after surgery. I eat about every 3 hours, i just make sure i stick to my low carb, low fat, high protein!!! I've lost 47 pounds so far, and still have a LONG way to go!! Hope to talk to you all more! :thumbup:
  20. Hey Sunnylilme! I hate that you have had to spend all that money and go through all that with Dr. Foreman!! That is horrible. I just really don't know what to tell you. I would not reccomend Dr. Facundus because of what i have heard other people say, and as you know, Dr. Mailapur is my surgeon, and you know how he feels about the band. I feel kind of trapped. I picked him because he was nice, despite his disbelief in the band (and in me), and he is an excellent surgeon in the operating room. So, i can't complain i guess, because i knew how he felt going in, however, i did not realize how he would be about fills. He puts a little saline in the band during surgery, so he doesn't fill you for the first time until 12 weeks post op!!! Did not know this either untill after surgery and until my first fill. when he finally did my first fill, he put too much and i couldn't eat for 7 days. Then he took some out, and now, i know i need some more, but i feel like he is going to think i'm crazy so i'm just waiting it out. I feel like i am suffereing because he is not passionate about the band. I have friends that go to him who have had the bypass, and he is very caring with them. He is very sweet to me, but still says all the work is up to me...he has done his part, and the ball is in my court... It's just kind of discouraging... I haven't lost any weight in several weeks...not gaining, just stuck and i'm eating exactly what i'm supposed to..high protein, low carb, low fat.. I'm sure i need a fill, or maybe i'm not eating enough calories, but i feel like i don't have that great relationship with my surgeon that we all need with the band and our surgeon. I do need to be exercising, but we are in the process of buying a house so things are crazy right now..lol Well, i'm sorry that i wasn't much help to you, and I just rambled on...lol I would look in to Dr. Freeman as Fairy suggested. Apparently he is really nice and she really likes him and a good relationship makes all the difference. They need to be willing to work with you and fill and unfill you as needed so you get the most success out of your band. I unfortunately do not have this relationship. Since Dr. Mailapur did my surgery and is nice to me, i would feel bad if i betrayed him, so i'm going to stick it out. Good luck to you! I wish i had better advice for you. Keep us updated! Julie
  21. Hey Gone 4 ever and Choosie!!! How are ya'll doing? Just wanted to say hi back to ya'll. And choosie, you know anytime you are homesick, you can get some good comfort from here Julie
  22. Hey Queen, Feel free to message me anytime you want. I will answer all your questions about Dr. Mailapur honestly. People have different views about him. I like him, but at the same time, it can feel that he is not very supportive of the band sometimes. Good luck honey, and keep me posted and like i said, you can private message me anytime if you want more info Take care, Julie
  23. Hey girl!! Just wanted to stop in and say hi and see how you were doing.. Hope all is going well. We are in the process of buying a house. I have been so busy lately. Well, talk to you later!!

  24. How are you doing honey? Was thinking of you and wanted to say hi :)

  25. Hey Tonya!!! Nice to meet you!!! I am so sorry you had such a bad experience with Dr. Mailapur. I too had some trouble with him, but I'm a nurse and from a nurse standpoint and having nurse friends at Huntsville hospital, Dr. Mailapur seemed like the best in the operating room. He is a perfectionist and is a really good surgeon. But as far as the band, he is NOT fond of the band.. He told me that most of his patients do not lose much weight and that i would not lose all the weight i needed to. He encouraged me to get the gastric bypass , but respected my decision for the band. In fact, he told me that i would probably only lose 40 pounds. But, i've already proved him wrong..haha.. He hurt my feelings, but there was still something about him that i liked. And now, i use his lack of faith in me to keep going and prove him wrong. Maybe i'm crazy. He just did the RYN for a friend of mine and she is doing great. She is also a nurse. I just didn't want to do the bypass. I got my first fill a few weeks ago. It was too much. I couldn't eat for 7 days. Then he took some saline out, and it was better for a few days, but now i could eat too much if i allowed myself, but i don't. I measure everything out, but i'm not full when i stop. But because of how he is, i haven't told him, just decided to wait until my next visit in a couple of months. He is an excellent surgeon, but as far as the band, i think he doesn't want to deal with them and now i feel like i'm kind of cheated out of a good relationship with my surgeon. Because the band fills are trial and error, and i feel like he doesn't want the trial and error with the band, so therefore, i suffer until the next fill. Oh well. I still find him sweet, and he has been proud of me for what i have accomplished so far. I just hate he made you cry. That breaks my heart. I haven't heard anything either way about Foreman. I can definately see what i can find out. I have however heard NOT NICE things about Facundus. A friend i met on this website, and other people i know have said that he is NOT GOOD. Good luck to you girl and you will have to keep me updated!!! Please keep in touch. Take care, Julie

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