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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Juliana

  1. Hi vsnowrn. Welcome. I am a nurse also. I was banded june 2. I didn't have hunger until about 9 days post op. I just stuck to the diet and knew it would get better. I have a lot of hunger now, and get my first fill on thursday. I just continue to eat what i am supposed to and eat small amounts. I just remind myself that i didn't go through this surgery for nothing, and i want my life back and to be able to have children. That keeps me going and that helps me fight my cravings... You can do it! It is not easy all the time, or a bed of roses, but it will not be as hard as you think. And just think about your goals and why you are doing this, and you will be able to have control. I love my band and have no regrets. I would do it again anyday. Good Luck :tongue2: Keep us updated :cool2:
  2. I get my first fill on thursday. It was supposed to be today, but at my appt, he told me he no longer does it in the office, that he does it in the hospital now so that he can use flouroscope to help find the port so that it is less painful for the patient and he only has to stick once. So, we will see how it goes thursday!!

    Hope you are having a good week :)

  3. Hey memommie!!! Don't give up!! It will happen. My whole process took one year....it's a long story..... 6 month supervised diet, then my doctor had not charted correctly, then i had to have my gallbladder taken out in the meantime.. (so many other things kept happening) but anyway, it finally happened. And it was worth the wait. Just stay on them about the papaerwork!! I will say a prayer for you!! Hang in there honey. Keep me updated!!! Talk to you soon Julie
  4. Hey! You are doing great!! I'm still learning how to use this site too..:) I just got home from working a 15 hour shift, so my brain is really mush right now. Supposed to work 12 hours, but the world of nursing is never how it is supposed to be..lol Anyway, keep up the good work girl, you are doing great!!! And we will encourage each other!! And yes, keep our mind on our wishes...that keeps me going.. Just think this time next year!!!! We will not even have time to be on the computer cause we are gonna be outdoors having fun :) Well, talk to you later ! I'm going to bed. Have a good weekend. Julie

  5. Juliana

    Post lap-band Aug. 6 YAY!

    Welcome Lory!!! I'm still new on here too.. I was banded June 2, 2008 and it was the best thing i have ever done for myself. I wish i had done it years ago. I have dieted most of my life..up and down, in control, out of control, and was more out of control than ever before i got my band. I'm already feeling better.. And you and i have some of the same interests.. :thumbup: I can't wait until i can water ski again, go to water parks, fit on the roller coaster rides, and go horseback riding...and my number one, is i can't wait to be able to have children!!!! We have so much to look forward to! Good luck and keep us updated!
  6. Juliana

    New to the Neighborhood

    Good luck to you honey!! I was banded on June 2. I'm just a little further out than you. This is a great place for information. I'm still new on here too. I too have dieted almost my entire life, been up and down, in control, out of control, and before i got the band, i was more out of control than ever. I have a long way to go, but it has helped me so much so far and i already feel so much better. We are all in this together! We are on our journey of getting healthy. I'm ready for the next part of my life and hopefully being able to have children. I wish i had done this sooner. It is the best thing i have ever done for myself! You can message me whenever you want! I wish you the best! Julie
  7. Juliana

    Greetings from South Jersey!

    Welcome Jeff! No one can make your decision for you but you, but i will tell you that getting the lap band is the best thing i have ever done for myself. I am only 2 months out, but it has helped me so much already. I have dieted most of my life and been up and down, in control, and out of control and the past few years of my life, i too had become a fast food junkie. And i loved the euphoric feeling i got while eating. I hated what it did to my body, but i loved the way it felt to eat until i was almost sick and then crash. ( i know that sounds crazy, but i think we all understand) I do miss food, but it is getting easier. My body is changing, and i'm feeling better, so it is worth it to me to give up my chinese food buffets, my cheeseburgers, my taco bell. And i think it will get easier and easier as time goes by. Especially as someone else said, when i am able to do things again that i haven't been able to do in so long, i really think it will be worth it and i won't care that i can't eat much anymore. I want to be able to water ski again, and go horseback riding. And to go hiking with my friends. I am 32, (which is a lot older than you), but i am too young to feel this old. I also want children with my husband, so that keeps me going. And i know that with every pound i lose, i am that much closer to becoming a mommy. I also agree with poodlecamper, i wish i had done this a long time ago!! I have a long way to go, but i feel like i can do it this time. The band is the tool that is going to help me get healthy and keep the weight off. I'm ready for the rest of my life to start!! Good luck to you. You seem like such a good guy, with a great sense of humor! Keep us updated!!
  8. Congratulations Michelle!!! You are doing great!! I was banded on June 2 and I too am already feeling better. I was also suffering from infertility due to the obesity. I am 32 years old, and i want children so bad. I can't wait to be a mommy. So with each pound i lose, i am closer to getting healthy and to hopefully getting a baby...(After i reach my goal weight of course). Good luck with everything and keep us update!!!
  9. Hey memommie and slimkim!! I'm from decatur, alabama and was banded 2 months ago in Huntsville, Alabama. Just wanted to say hi to my fellow alabamians!! Good luck on your journeys. We are all in this together
  10. Hi Wendye!! Good luck with your surgery!!! Keep us updated!!
  11. Juliana


    I'm so excited for you!! I think the band is going to help you. It has really helped me so far and i love it!!! We have struggled long enough and now we are getting help!!! woo hoo!!! Keep me updated :frown:
  12. Thanks for sharing!!! I get my first fill next tuesday... i'm excited and nervous at the same time..I'm a nurse, and you know nurses make the worst patients...lol I'm excited hoping that it will help my hungry tummy. My surgeon doesn't do the first fill until 12 weeks post op. So believe me, i am ready!!! I've been steadily losing, but have a lot of hunger!!! Good luck girl!! Keep up the good work :frown:
  13. Juliana

    Starting a new life

    jessica....you are such a beautiful girl and you don't let anyone tell you differently. I too have suffered with self esteem issues my entire life. I was always the fat and ugly kid according to my elementary classmates... i grew into myself as a teenager but out of control during my adulthood and have yo yo dieted for years. I was banded on June 2, 2008. I have a long way to go, but this was the best thing i have ever done for myself!! I feel so much better already. It has helped me so much. It is a tool, not a magic wand, but it is helping me be able to eat right and be in control! And just remember....we are beautiful!!!! and one day soon, our bodies are gonna be healthy!!! Good luck honey and keep us updated!!!
  14. YAY!!! That is awesome!!! I cannot wait until i get down to 200 pounds!!! I am 269 and counting down :frown:
  15. Juliana

    Happy 10 month Band Anniversary to me

    YAY!!! Congratulations on your 10 month anniversary!!! You should be so proud of yourself for your accomplishment!! That is awesome. Keep up the good work girl. :frown:
  16. Juliana

    The best thing I have ever done for myself......

    You are so right missinkkie!!!! One day, it's going to be about ourselves!!! and not about food and not about being fat!!!! I can't wait :frown: Good luck girl!!! Keep me updated after your surgery, and if you need anything, let me know!!
  17. Well, this is my first blog and I’m not good at this…so here it goes…. Like most of us, my weight had gotten out of control. I was 320 pounds… I squeezed into a size 26/28 and my scrubs were size 5x. I was miserable. I was so embarrassed of myself, and so physically exhausted from hauling all that weight around. I was 31 years old and felt about 90 years old. I physically could not do anything fun with my friends and i no longer could fit in the seats at the movies. I had given up so many things that i used to love doing because i didn't want anyone staring at me with disgust anymore...( i think everyone here knows what i am talking about).. I pretty much became a hermit except for going to work.. I had depression, I had trouble breathing, joint pain, back pain, high blood pressure, and had just been diagnosed with diabetes type II. :thumbup: I knew I needed to do something. I had been off and on diets since I was about 10 years old. I remember being made fun of for the first time at 6 years old. I had things under control for a few years as an adult (so I thought), then after a divorce, things got out of control. The next thing I knew, I was over 100 pounds overweight. I did a lot of yo yo dieting, and then finally lost 110 pounds between 2001-2002. By 2003, the weight began creeping back. I got married, went through nursing school, and began working night shift …By 2006, things were out of control again. I began researching the band and the bypass options. In 2007, myself and a co-worker went to a seminar given by Dr. Ravindra Mailapur. I knew at this point, surgery was what I needed to do. I never had peace about gastric bypass and felt the band was right for me. May 2007, my process started. After many hurdles (this will be a whole other blog) to get through (taking over one year), May 1, 2008, I was finally given a surgery date!!!!:thumbup: I lost 15 pounds on my 2 week pre-op diet. June 2, 2008 was the first day of the rest of my life!!! I got my band!!!!! YAY This was by far the best thing that I have ever done and I really feel that now i have a tool to help me get the weight off and KEEP it off!! I only wish i had done it years ago...But, it's all in God's timing... Surgery went perfect and I went home the same day. I had a lot of trapped gas pain, as most banders experience post op, but no big deal. I returned to work as a nurse in 10 days. I am a little over 2 months out and I feel great! I have lost 50 pounds (including my preop weight loss). I’m breathing better, my knees feel better and I no longer have to take my medication for high blood pressure or diabetes! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!! I’m seeing a nutritionist and learning how to eat healthy. I do miss food, and still have the blah’s from time to time, but I know this will get better in the future. I will get my first fill on August 19, 2008. I’m excited because I know this is going to help my hungry tummy. My surgeon doesn’t fill anyone until 12 weeks out..not sure why…but I trust his decisions.. I have a long way to go, but I’m on my way…. I want to get healthy and to be able to have children!! I’m excited about this journey and so glad that I have beautiful people to share it and experience it with and so thankful that there is so much support and advice here!! :thumbup:
  18. Hey! The support group......to be honest, no, I don't really like it so i'm sure you wouldn't like it either. I go with my coworker who just had the bypass..(we both used Dr. Mailapur). But like i said, I am the only bandster who shows up. So I feel out of place most of the time. I have only been to 3...one before surgery, and 2 since surgery. My first one after surgery, we were all giving our testimonials and almost all the bypass patients were talking about how they don't have any cravings for the bad food and no hunger and i was sitting there wanting to leave...I was in a big "blah" stage with LOTS of HUNGER and cravings and anger from missing food. Even though we are all supposed to follow the same diet plan, bypassers and banders have separate issues and we go through different things. I wish we had a band support group, but until then, i guess you and this site will be mine. :) Have a good weekend!!!

  19. Juliana

    The best thing I have ever done for myself......

    Well, this is my first blog and I’m not good at this…so here it goes…. Like most of us, my weight had gotten out of control. I was 320 pounds… I squeezed into a size 26/28 and my scrubs were size 5x. I was miserable. I was so embarrassed of myself, and so physically exhausted from hauling all that weight around. I was 31 years old and felt about 90 years old. I physically could not do anything fun with my friends and i no longer could fit in the seats at the movies. I had given up so many things that i used to love doing because i didn't want anyone staring at me with disgust anymore...( i think everyone here knows what i am talking about).. I pretty much became a hermit except for going to work.. I had depression, I had trouble breathing, joint pain, back pain, high blood pressure, and had just been diagnosed with diabetes type II. :frown: I knew I needed to do something. I had been off and on diets since I was about 10 years old. I remember being made fun of for the first time at 6 years old. I had things under control for a few years as an adult (so I thought), then after a divorce, things got out of control. The next thing I knew, I was over 100 pounds overweight. I did a lot of yo yo dieting, and then finally lost 110 pounds between 2001-2002. By 2003, the weight began creeping back. I got married, went through nursing school, and began working night shift …By 2006, things were out of control again. I began researching the band and the bypass options. In 2007, myself and a co-worker went to a seminar given by Dr. Ravindra Mailapur. I knew at this point, surgery was what I needed to do. I never had peace about gastric bypass and felt the band was right for me. May 2007, my process started. After many hurdles (this will be a whole other blog) to get through (taking over one year), May 1, 2008, I was finally given a surgery date!!!! I lost 15 pounds on my 2 week pre-op diet. June 2, 2008 was the first day of the rest of my life!!! I got my band!!!!! YAY This was by far the best thing that I have ever done and I really feel that now i have a tool to help me get the weight off and KEEP it off!! I only wish i had done it years ago...But, it's all in God's timing... Surgery went perfect and I went home the same day. I had a lot of trapped gas pain, as most banders experience post op, but no big deal. I returned to work as a nurse in 10 days. I am a little over 2 months out and I feel great! I have lost 50 pounds (including my preop weight loss). I’m breathing better, my knees feel better and I no longer have to take my medication for high blood pressure or diabetes! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!! I’m seeing a nutritionist and learning how to eat healthy. I do miss food, and still have the blah’s from time to time, but I know this will get better in the future. I will get my first fill on August 19, 2008. I’m excited because I know this is going to help my hungry tummy. My surgeon doesn’t fill anyone until 12 weeks out..not sure why…but I trust his decisions.. I have a long way to go, but I’m on my way…. I want to get healthy and to be able to have children!! I’m excited about this journey and so glad that I have beautiful people to share it and experience it with and so thankful that there is so much support and advice here!! :ohmy:
  20. Hey girl! Did you get my response about the support group? They say if enough banders ever come, we will have our own separate group, but so far, i'm the only bander who shows up. Maybe you and I should start our own group out here!! haha I'm going to join the Shrinking Violets if that is ok!! Ya'll are all so inspirational and so nice. Talk to you later!!

  21. Hi!! Well, it depends on what type of insurance you have, what they require you to do and what the surgeon requires you to do. All cases are different. It took me just a little over a year from start until surgery....ughhhh, i know , it's a long story and i'm going to make a blog about it... My case is not the norm, so don't base it on what i went through... But, i am 2 months post op, and it was worth the wait and i would do it all over again in a heartbeat!! Hang in there and hopefully it will not take you so long!! Hope this was helpful! Good Luck!!
  22. I just read one of your responses on the board! Just wanted to say that you are doing great!! congratulations!! keep up the good work girl :)

  23. hi and welcome!! Everyone gave you such good advice i really don't know what else to add. I knew i wanted the band, i didn't have peace about the bypass. My sister and friends of mine had the bypass about 5 years ago. What i see with my friends and family is they didn't change their mindset about food because they lost in the beginning no matter what they ate. Now, they are struggling with their weight. With the band, you are forced to change what you put in your mouth or you will still have a problem. It is not an easy magical fix, but it is a tool that helps you better control what goes in because of not being so hungry. I love my band and i would do it again in a heartbeat!! I'm learning to eat healthy and make good choices. I'm 2 months out and feeling great. Congratulations for starting your journey. keep us updated on what you decide!!! Good Luck :whatchutalkingabout
  24. Thanks girl!! 15 pounds of that was lost in the 2 weeks before surgery, but i just add it into my total because it was still a loss :) I get my first fill next week..i'm nervous and excited. I hope it will help my hungry tummy not be so hungry!! My surgeon doesn't fill for the first time until 12 weeks post op.. I don't know why, but i trust him, so i;m hanging in there and just eating the right things.. I'm counting down the days :)

  25. Just wanted to say hi and congratulations...on your weight loss and non smoking!!!! I have been smoke free since 8/1/07. I miss food more than smoking...we just take it one day at a time :) Keep up the good work!! Talk to you later :)

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