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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Juliana

  1. THANKS :)

    Have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!

  2. Hope you have a GREAT WEEKEND :) I had my first fill last week, but it was too much. Couldn't eat for a week, but had 1cc taken out thurs, and all is wonderfull again :) I can eat again, and i'm getting full quick!! PERFECT YAY!!! ahh, life is good again :) How are ya? Talk to you soon :)

  3. Hope you have a fantastic weekend :)

  4. Hope you are doing well and hope you have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!! :)

  5. Hope you have a GREAT WEEKEND!!!! Thanks for all the great advice you give me :)

  6. Hey girl!!! Sorry i haven't been in touch with you sooner. i work night shift and have been working. I went to the doc thursday before coming to work. I got an unfill!!! He took out 1cc. Ahhh, life is good again. I can eat now without feeling like i'm going to die. I can eat and i am getting full quicker :) PERFECT :) I have a 9cc band, he put 3.5cc in during surgery (did not know this until last week), he put 2cc in last week, then took out 1cc thurs. Everything is wonderful again. :) So glad we are feeling better :) Well, i hope you have a good weekend. Keep me updated on you:) Talk to you soon :) Julie

  7. Hi Chic28!!!! Everyone has given you such excellent input, but i completely understand what you are going through.. My primary care physician was against me having the surgery. She is against WLS in general. She says if i don't change my brain, it doesn't matter what we do to my stomach. I love her, respected her opinion, and she supported me, just was against it. She now tells me how great i am doing and she has recommended this to a couple of her patients now...I changed her mind about this :tt2: Now, my surgeon, ....i respect him also, but he told me from the beginning that he thought i needed the bypass and most of his band patients don't do well. He did not do bands until a few years ago. He prefers his patients have the bypass. He did not think i would succeed with the band and i would have to be very disciplined. I just use his words to prove him wrong :thumbup: I am doing well with my band and i keep his words in my head and can't wait until next year when i really have proved him wrong... He is very happy with my weight loss and does tell me this in the office. I think they tell us this to keep us on the right track sometimes.. It's not nice, and not encouraging, but I know i can do this and be successful. Just hang in there honey, and prove your doctor wrong!!! You can do it.. Just don't get discouraged. We are all in this together!!
  8. Juliana

    Hello....New to the Group

    YAY!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you feel better!!!! That's great!!! I leave in 1 hour to go to my appointment for my unfill. I hope that is what i need! I'm ready to feel better. Talk to you soon girl :tt2: Julie
  9. Hey Shannon!!! I am so glad you are feeling better!!! Woo hoo!! I leave in an hour to go to my appointment for my unfill. I hope that's all i need too. I have been so miserable the past week and had no problems before my first fill. i will definately let you know. I go to work tonight so i may not be back on the computer until tomorrow.

    And i'm the same way.... i don't like body pictures. i have taken a couple since surgery to mark my progress, but i don't even have a complete body photo of myself before surgery because i was so embarrassed.

    But you look great and one day, we will not be so afraid of full body pics :)

    Have a good day girl and i'm so glad you are feeling better :)

    Talk to you soon, Julie

  10. Juliana

    Hi from alabama!!

    Hey Alabamagirl!! we are neighbors too!!! I hope you get your surgery date soon!!!
  11. Juliana

    Hi from alabama!!

    Hey Michelle!!! I live in Decatur, had my surgery done at Huntsville. I'm a nurse. I was banded on 6/2/08!! Nice to meet you neighbor!!! This is a great place for information and friends!!! We are gonna get skinny together!!! woo hoo :tt2: This is gonna be the best journey we have ever been on!!!! Keep in touch and talk to you soon. Julie
  12. Awww, thanks girl!!! You are such an inspiration!! You have done awesome and you look awesome!!! Keep up the good work :) See ya on the boards!! And, i'm gonna put some money back for when i'm ready to go crazy buying clothes to go with all my purses, shoes, and sunglasses...lol

  13. Juliana

    Average weight loss

    Everyone is different. You are still healing and learning during this time, so don't get discouraged if you are not losing much weight. I was not in the normal in this phase as i lost 18 pounds in the first 2 weeks after surgery. But you have to keep in mind that i was over 300 pounds. I think my body was in shock that it was not getting any food. At least on the preop diet, we were allowed one healthy meal per day. And, yes, usually the heavier you are, the more you might lose at first. After those 2 weeks, my weight loss subsided for a few weeks, then picked back up. Just remember that everyone is different and you WILL Lose!!! Good luck!! :cursing:
  14. Juliana

    Addicted to op shopping now and you?

    Leslie, you should toot your own horn girl, you look great!!! And Hollie, way to go girl!! And Heather!!!! (love the chair.) And All of ya'll, ...wow!! I can't wait until i get there. I can't wait until i can wear misses again :cursing: Until then, it's purses, shoes and make up for me...lol Oh, and yep, Kohl's is awesome!!! Keep up the good work everybody !!
  15. Juliana

    Hello....New to the Group

    Shannon, you do look so beautiful in your pictures!!! Definately let me know what you find out. I go tomorrow for my unfill and i will let you know what happens. When is your appoinment?? Talk to you soon
  16. Shannon, you look so beautiful in your pics!!! Before and After!!! You keep up the good work girl! And i hope you and i will get our unfills and get back to feeling better!! I'm like you, i haven't felt good since last week because i just can't eat. Keep me updated. I go tomorrow and i will let you know what happens with me. Talk to you soon :)

  17. Juliana

    Hello....New to the Group

    wow, you are doing great!!! I have just started exercising as well, and it helps me to feel better :cursing: I am also going for an unfill tomorrow. I got my first fill just last week, but i haven't been able to eat since then. I hope i feel better after tomorrow! Good luck to you :huh2: Keep up the good work!
  18. Good luck!! You will be in my prayers!!! Keep us updated. Hope to see you on here soon
  19. Juliana

    50 pounds!

    YAY!!! You should do something nice for yourself!!! When i made it to the 50 pound mark, i went and got a manicure and a pedicure.. I'm trying to reward myself with something other than food these days :tongue2: Congratulations!!!
  20. Juliana

    Hi from Boston (Metrowest)

    Congratulations and good luck!!!! This is such a great place for information and friends going through the same thing. Keep us updated :cursing:
  21. Juliana

    Addicted to op shopping now and you?

    I think this must be normal....lol I have only gone down a couple of sizes in clothes....i'm only a few months into my journey, so i'm still not wanting to buy clothes, but i have a purse and shoe problem.. I keep buying purses and shoes like there is no tomorrow. I guess this is addiction transferrence... Just know that you are not alone... :cursing: And i'm sure that when i get down to a good size and like what my body looks like, i will go crazy buying clothes :huh2:
  22. Juliana

    How do I help my dad understand?

    I would definately tell him!!! I completely understand what you are going through. I am a daddy's girl, and my dad was completely against this. He was so scared and it didn't matter how much i explained the procedure, he thought i would be better off doing it on my own....even though i have been up and down, lost and gained and never able to keep it off by myself. We had to agree to disagree about the surgery and he did try and talk me out of it several times. My dad was against it and never changed his mind, but he loved me and was right there with me on the day of surgery along with my mom and my husband, and my sister. Our relationship has not changed and he is so proud of me. Your dad may not understand, and may not approve, but he is your dad, and he will still love you and he will get passed his feelings about it. I think he would be more hurt in the future if he found out that you didn't tell him. Hope all goes well. Keep us updated! Julie
  23. Juliana

    Last Minutes Questions

    Hi! Good luck on your journey :cursing: This is a great place for advice:) I take chewable vitamins. I take chewable calcium and multivitamins. I buy mine at the wellness center where my nutritionist is located. I used slim fast during my preop diet, but make sure it is the slim fast LOW CARB DIET!!! , otherwise, it is loaded in sugar and carbs. Now, i use the Body Fortress Chocolate powder and i mix it in the blender with "Hood", low fat, low cal, low carb chocolate milk. It is yummy, and low carb and low calorie. Makes a great chocolate protein shake. I love this chocolate milk and it is not bad for you. Hope this helps :huh2: Keep us updated Take care, Julie
  24. Hi Birdie!!! You are not alone honey!! I wouldn't worry too much about what is happening. I think it is nerves. During my 6 month supervised diet (was required by my inursance), i kept gaining weight. My doctor did some blood work, and i was positive for diabetes. No wonder i couldn't lose!! From the time i had my first consultation with the surgeon until my preop visit, i had gained 40 pounds!! On my 2 week preop diet, i lost 15 pounds and have been losing ever since surgery!! So, you can do it. The band will help you. If we could do it on our own, we wouldn't need the band would we?? lol .. The band is a great tool if we use it the right way :cursing: Welcome to this site. There are great people and great information on here. Keep us updated :huh2: Talk to you soon Julie
  25. Well, I got my first fill and everything went fine. He did have to stick me a few times, but he had sprayed my skin with a topical anesthetic and i didn't feel anything. Then with xray and fluoroscope, i drank some contrast dye, and we could see my band and the liquid as it passed. It was cool. He took some saline out after a few sips because he thought it was too tight. So, now i'm on clear liquids for a couple of days and then pureed for 3 days, and then back to normal.

    Hope you are having a good week :)

    Talk to you soon!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
