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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tinkerbull

  1. Tinkerbull

    OMG!!! I feel....

    Congratulations on your success..... I get banded on Tuesday (8-26-08) and I'm so excited to be on this journey to a healthier and happier me. Thanks for your post - it's great to hear about the "Winners" in this battle.
  2. Tinkerbull

    what is causing this pain

    I'm so glad you're feeling better. My surgery is scheduled for Tuesday - 8/26 and I've been reading a lot about the gas pain. It sounds like what I went through after a hernia repair. Nobody warned me about it and I thought I was having a heart attack the first time I stood up. Pretty scarry but it passed within a couple of hours. I'm having Dr. Lopez Corvala at Hospital Angeles in TJ. Ishi is my facilitator - she's so encouraging. I'll be back in a few days.........
  3. Tinkerbull


    Hello Everyone. I'm going to be banded on August 18th. Excited and nervous at the same time. Has anyone had an experience with Dr. Juan Corvala at the Hospital Angeles in TJ, Mexico. Yes, it sounds crazy....go to Mexico for surgery....But the cost and references have been very convincing. I'm only 3 hours away from TJ and they have several doctors in our area who perform the follow-up and fills. let me know what you think Tinker:rolleyes2:

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