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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ladyd

  1. ladyd


  2. ladyd

    Diane B4

    From the album: STILL WORKING ON IT

  3. ladyd


    From the album: STILL WORKING ON IT

  4. ladyd

    Has anyone else been told this?

    Good for you!!!since my surgery date on 2/3/09 I have lost a total of 96lbs. Now the doctors are looking shocked.If you want something bad enough you can do anything with a little help...
  5. ladyd

    Has anyone else been told this?

    Hi, My doctor wanted me to have GB due to my size but I knew what I wanted and wouldn't give in. I had my LB surgery on Feb. 3, 2009 and have lost 51 pound as of today and I really feel great. I watch what I eat and walk daily. I have a long way to go but I don't feel like I'm fighting a losing battle anymore.
  6. Thanks Tam Good luck to you also, I pray that all goes well and that you do well with the pre-op diet. I must admit that I am a little worried and have been trying to introuduce the liquids slowly so that when I must only have them it won't be such a shock to my system:scared2: Please keep me informed of your progress. Ladyd
  7. Hi, I will be having my LB surgery on Feb. 3, 2009 I am so excited. Good Luck!!!!!!!
  8. Hi TaraBell, I can feel what you are saying. I am scheduled to have surgery on 2/3 I have been worried about the pre-diet that I was given also.I pray that I can make it thru. I have been trying to ease into it so that when the full 10 days start it wont be such a shock to my system. This has been such a long journey to get to this point that I don't want to fail like always. So I'll pray for you as well as for myself that we both have the determination to make it.
  9. Hey April just wanted to say hello,I haven't been on in a while. I'm glad to see that you have been banded and that all is going well. How has your family(mom) excepted the new you? I'm still waiting for my file to be completed so that I can get a date. Everytime I feel that everything they need has been submitted I get a call for something else.

  10. ladyd

    Has anyone else been told this?

    That is your body and you should be the one to decide what you want to do with it. He works for you.
  11. ladyd

    Has anyone else been told this?

    when I went to the seminar I was told by one doc. I was a great candidate for this procedure.(which by the way is the one that i feel more comfortable with) When I made my appointment and saw a doc in the practice, that particular doc. felt that the lapband was not for me. That I should consider the bypass because I would benefit more from it than the LB. I told him that it has taken me a very long time to make this decision and that I felt that the LB was best for me no matter how the results where for others. This is what I want to do and I Know that I can do it!!!!
  12. ladyd

    Do you have a secret crush?

    Hey ladies, I don't really don't say much but I think that Timberland is the one that really has it going on. I would Love to ride his elevator!:tongue_smilie:
  13. Hi, nice to meet you. congrats on being banded

    I'm not banded yet but everytime I read a little

    more about everyone else I get so excited and it

    makes me more aware of what to expect and not to

    get discouraged.

  14. ladyd

    LADY D.

    Looking 4 the new Me!!!!!!!!!
  15. ladyd

    No caption

    From the album: LADY D.

  16. ladyd

    No caption

    From the album: LADY D.

  17. ladyd

    Where Are My G.R.I.T.S

    Hi, smsmithart I was just sitting here reading the threads and saw that you are from mobile ala..I'm from Fairhope Ala. (across the bay) I'm really glad to see that someone from my area is in this forum.
  18. ladyd

    I'm banded Ya'll

    Hey Yettia, I'm new but have have been keeping up with your progress I'm glad all is well and hope that you have a speedy recovery. May God continue to Bless You! p.s. someone told me years ago that it's more room out than in, so go on and blow girl.:wink2:
  19. ladyd

    Emotional Eating

    Hi ladies, Im very new to this site but every thing that I've read so far is something that I can relate to. Last week @ my monthly visit with my doc. I discussed the fact that once I did the (LB) I didn't want to be like some of the people that I have heard about that does not lose any weight. I told him that I was afraid that I might not accomplish my goal and that I was afraid of that fact. He told me that I was addicted to food and that I was an emotional eater; and that is why I was feeling the way that I was. I didn't want to believe him, but when I came home and thought about what he said I realized that he was right. Because I never thought of myself like that before an "Addict" especially to food. That was like adding insult to injury. (Mind you he wasn't being mean or anything we were just having general conversation. He is a wonderful doctor.) Can you guess what I wanted to do when I came home and thought about what he said. (1.) Cried (2. )wanted to eat.:wink2:
  20. Hi aprilapple, I am so exicted to have someone to talk too. Dr. Ringold @ Mobile Infir. will be doing my surgery. I am so excited. I've been heavy all my life, but never like this. My family is fine with me the way that I am. my mother wont even talk about it with me.(LBS) When I mention it to her, it's like "oh yeah that." I get depressed and discouraged then and feel like maybe I shouldn't do it. so then I have to remind myself that I know what is best for me. Thats when I decided to try to find people that were going through the same thing as I was online for support.At least you guys understand.


    Thanks so much aprilapple for listening and girl for creating this site.

  21. hey yall, i have just completed my 6 months but have been advised that it would be better to go an extra month to be on the safe side. BC/BS of Ala. apparently wont approve if not exactly 183 days under doctor supervision. I'm so glad that I found this site. It is good to be able to talk to people who are going through the same thing and really understand how I feel.:smile2: I hope that I will get a chance to talk with some of you soon.
  22. Hello, I am so glad that I found this site.I'm very excited now that I finally have people I can talk with and understand what I'm going through. I Just completed my 6 mon. with pcp yesterday and ready to move forward. Although, there are days when I get so emotional and wonder if I should really go through with this. Yall I need encouragement BAD. I really want this for myself and children.:smile2:
  23. Hi, I'm also a GRITS girl from Alabama. I'm very excited about this site and look forward to talking with everyone. I just completed my 6months with my pcp. I'm excited and nervous at the same time.

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