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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jess

  1. Jess

    office bad cam phone June 08 (269)

    You look great partner. Was it worth it? You looked like the same body build I am and hope to look as good as you bro . Any regrets?
  2. Jess

    My son, the band, and me...help?

    Question...how do you tell your kids to watch what there eating if you can't? It's a serious question that I haven't heard many people talk about. Once the surgery is done (I expect to have surgery Feb/Mar) what do I tell my son when he tells me he's upset with himself because of the habits he's engaged in. He's already had people make fun of him and will not take his shirt off at the pool. This is exactly how it started with me. I was 160 lbs in 6th grade, 300 in 9th grade, and now 350lbs at age 34. Although, I have lost 100lbs twice in my life it's never stayed off and my Doctor thinks I'm an ideal Candidate for this type of Surgery. As you can tell, I'm a bit twisted. Can I get some thoughts on this....Anyone?:smile:
  3. Jess

    My son, the band, and me...help?

    Question...how do you tell your kids to watch what there eating if you can't? It's a serious question that I haven't heard many people talk about. Once the surgery is done (I expect to have surgery Feb/Mar) what do I tell my son when he tells me he's upset with himself because of the habits he's engaged in. He's already had people make fun of him and will not take his shirt off at the pool. This is exactly how it started with me. I was 160 lbs in 6th grade, 300 in 9th grade, and now 350lbs at age 34. Although, I have lost 100lbs twice in my life it's never stayed off and my Doctor thinks I'm an ideal Candidate for this type of Surgery. As you can tell, I'm a bit twisted. Can I get some thoughts on this....Anyone?
  4. Jess

    The Countdown has begun

    I appreciate the posts. I, like you "ScaredtoDeath" am in the process of trying to determine if it's actually something I will do. The Pro's definitely outweigh the Con's, but nevertheless it's surgery and the alteration of the body. My concerns? Leakage,weight gain after the first two years, but more than anything what am I to say to my kids. My son (9) is starting to eat more than his fair share and I see him having problems if I don't intervene. Question...how do you tell your kids to watch what there eating if you can't? It's a serious question that I haven't heard many people talk about. Once the surgery is done (I expect to have surgery Feb/Mar) what do I tel my son when he tells me he's upset with himself because of the habits he's engaged in. He's already had people make fun of him and will not take his shirt off at the pool. This is exactly how it started with me. I was 160 lbs in 6th grade, 300 in 9th grade, and now 350lbs at age 34. Although, I have lost 100lbs twice in my life it's never stayed off and my Doctor thinks I'm an ideal Candidate for this type of Surgery. As you can tell, I'm a bit twisted...

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