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Posts posted by Surgery4me

  1. hi all, hope you are all well and not to nervous.

    is there anyone who is not allowed pain killers for 2 weeks pre op? as i am in that catergiory and joy of joys i got my period this morning so have been in agony all day. atleast it took my mind off friday, but i really did not want to e in surgery when i have my period :) o well, cant control it.

    moan over!!!

    Hi Keisha,

    I think that is the rule for everyone. Nothing with NSAID pain reliever. I just met with the surgeon yesterday and he said Tylenol was ok...but you may want to check with your Doc just to make certain.

    Best of luck, I hope the pain goes away soon!

    Good Luck on Friday...make sure to fill us all in!

  2. Surgery4me great job. I am so looking forward to my date of the 7th. good luck.

    I got a call from the surgeon's office this afternoon and they asked me to sign a permission slip so they can film the surgery and take photos of it for possible internet posting for the hospital. Hey I said sure. As long as you can't really recognize me LOL.

    Anything to help others understand the surgery.

    Hi Shamrockgirl! Looks like we are just a day apart. So, you are going to be famous eh?? That sounds like fun! It's crazy that we are just a week out from our date! It's going to be such a long 7 days! This is like being a kid and waiting for Santa to come! It's KILLING me! I'm still sticking to the pre-op diet pretty closely...even though I've already lost enough to satisfy the Doc. I figure if I have it in me to stick with it, why not? My goal is to be 15 puonds down by surgery. I'm hoping we can all start to share our successes and post how easy the surgery was for everyone!

  3. I had my pre-op appointment today. All of my blood work is good and I am full speed ahead. Talking to everyone involved and doing my pre-registration at the hospital really made it seem REAL! I'm a tad more nervous and WAY more excited! 8 more days till I'm a Band member!!! I've lost 9 pound on the pre-op diet and the doc was very happy about that. I still have time to shed a few more. Woo Hoo! I'm ready to rock and roll!

  4. That really is a good question. I'm getting banded in 10 days and that same thing is running through my mind. Today...like an IDIOT, I watched this show on the discovery channel about weight loss surgery and the removal of the excess skin, wholy moly! That seemed way worse than the surgery we are heading into. I'm looking to lose 75 pounds and could possibly lose up to 100, so I'm concerned. I think I'll keep up the exercise and hope that does the trick. I'll keep my fingers crossed for all of us!

    thats a good question im also worried about saggy skin i have to lose over a 100 pounds i asked my Dr. and she said due to my age and the way my skin is i shouldn't have to much problem with saggy skin but i really think it is based on the person also how active they were b4 surgery because that also helps i doubt that a person that has to lose as much as i do will not have some sort of sag but i do plan to exercise as much as i can to try to diminish it but who know's im more interested in getting healthy and ill worry about the skin later lol Good luck

  5. I'm 12 days away from my band day...I just find myself reading and reading and reading what everyone says. I'm so glad to hear you are doing well. I'm very excited, but have some of the same fears as everyone else. I can tell you this...I KNOW it's going to be worth it! Keep us informed on how you do! I hope the gas pains go away soon!

  6. Hi All,

    There are so many ways to communicate with people on this site, I'm still learning all of it! I am scheduled for my "office day" on the 29th and getting banded on August 6th. I started my pre-op diet on Monday and then realized I didn't have my farewell to cheesecake, so I did that lastnight and I suppose I have re-started the pre-op diet today. (what a knucklehead!!) I'm doing the Low Carb Slim fast for 2 meals and eating dinner and fruit for Snacks. It's no fun...for sure. Looking forward to the band taking this hunger away!

    Can't wait to share the journey with all of you!


  7. Hi Everyone...I had my pre-op yesterday!

    I got my test results back from my blood work and I'm so happy that I'm still in good health. I been worried that maybe because of my weight I was borderline pre-diabetic or something....but I'm not!!!:thumbup:

    I hope everyone's doing better than I am on your pre-op diets...thank god my doctor only wants be to lose 3 more pds!

    It's so great to hear that all your tests came back clean. I am having all sorts of horrible thoughts that something is going to screw this up for me. I think I'm pretty healthy...aside from having too much junk in the trunk. I'm just afraid that some funky thing will get noticed through all these pre-op tests. I guess I'm just not used to things going my way. Keep your fingers crossed that my August 6th date remains the same when MY test results come in!

  8. Hello all of my August friends! My surgery date is set for August 6th! I'm really excited to have everyone here to compare notes with. I just signed up on the site and need to learn how to get all those cute little ticker thingy's you all have! Can't wait to start seeing our successes!

    I was told to lose 5-10 pounds pre-op, so I'm just doing the Slim Fast thing. 2 shakes and a small dinner...plus one sugar free fudgecicle. They are a saving grace!!


    Let's do this! :thumbup:

  9. I'm getting banded on August 6th. I can hardly wait to start my new life. I'm not really nervous, just eager to learn as much as possible. Still trying to learn how to use this site...so much learning! :confused2:Thanks for any information you'd like to share!

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