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Status Updates posted by Surgery4me

  1. I had a couple of weeks where NOTHING happend at all, so I'm still only at about 25 total pounds lost. I think I'm going to kick into gear now that we are getting fills. Funny you mention Halloween...my personal goal is to be in the 100's by then. I think I can do it for sure! Have you tried eating salad yet? I REALLY want some salad but I'm afraid it will be hard to chew and digest.

  2. Hi Marty!


    I saw your posting on Cutie's page so I thought I'd stop by and say hi! I met you the same day as I was on my way out. I'm glad to hear all went well. Keep us informed!

  3. Good Luck today! I am definately feeling restriction. I am 100% satisfied after 1 cup each meal. I still get the head hunger and want to munch in between...but I think that will take forever to overcome. The scale FINALLY started showing some changes! It's my "special time" so I'm sure I have some water weight, but I did go down a couple pounds since the fill. It's getting easier....I believe it's going to work, my friend!! YAHOO!!! Let me know how it goes for you!

  4. You are doing AWESOME!!!!

  5. So...I'm done with the dreaded first fill. It's WAY easy! Alli did it. She does a numbing shot first and that is just a tiny prick (not trying to sound foul ) Anyway...once that is done, you can't feel anything else. I left with 4 cc's in my 10 cc band. I lost 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks...AAArrrggg! I'm hoping this fill will get me over the hump and start me losing again. My next appointment is Sept. 18 at 4:20...exactly 2 weeks, so even if this doesn't give me tons of restriction...only 2 weeks till the next fill! I say Fill 'er up! You'll do great. If you can have 3 kids, you can handle the fill!

  6. Well...It's done and it was EASY!!! The Dr. did one shot to numb the area and that really didn't hurt too much at all...just a quick little poke. Then when it came time for the fill, I couldn't fill a thing...NOTHING. I now have 4 cc's in a 10 cc band. I'm on liquids till dinner tomorrow, so I don't really know if I have restriction. So far...I'm not hungry, so I guess tht's a good sign. We made an appointment for 2 weeks to get another fill if I need one. I'm sure I will!!! Good luck with your fill. I hope it goes as smoothly for you!

  7. Thanks so much! I am really hoping to get some good restriction. I know many people need 3-4 before it happens, but I'm hoping for the best! I'll keep you informed on how it goes!

  8. Tomorrow is the big Fill day...YAHOO! I'm not scared about the pain, but I am scared that I won't feel the difference in restriction. Gosh, I really hope I do. I was so full feeling after surgery...I'd give anything to have that lack of hunger back! I'll let you know how it goes! You are right behind me!

  9. Awe MAN...they cancelled my appointment! It was supposed to be today, but I got a call on Friday saying that Dr. O would "not be available"...I assume he made a long weekend even longer! How DARE he...doesn't he know I'm starving and not losing any weight???? Anyway...I go in on Thursday now at 4:20. When is yours?? I NEEEEED that fill. I'm really hungry and have not lost a pound in like 2 weeks! WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!?!?!?!

  10. Howdee! I refuse to weigh myself. I'm just going to wait till Tuesday when I get my fill...there better be a couple pounds missing by then! I'm losing my patience. :eek:

  11. Howdee! I refuse to weigh myself. I'm just going to wait till Tuesday when I get my fill...there better be a couple pounds missing by then! I'm losing my patience.

  12. Here I am!!! I was on vacation for a while and forgot to let everyone know. Oooops! It's nice to know you misse me, though! I haven't had anything come up and I'm still feeling like I could eat more than I am, but I'm not...even on vacations, I think I did pretty well. I haven't lost one single pound since going on solids. It's sort of pissing me off! I've been stuck at 19 since FOREVER!!! Hopefully getting my fill next week will fix that. How have you been doing?

  13. Half a cup is NOT enough food....NOR is a cup! I'm a hungry girl! I'm not eating more than a cup, and I'm eating well...but I WANT restriction and I want it NOW!!! How are you holding up?

  14. I can't believe we were late today! Such bad bandsters we are. It was really fun to see you...you made me crack up during that whole class! When I got back to work, I had FOOD! I don't think it was the perfect choice, but it went down good and I feel pretty full. I ate about half of a Weight Watchers meal...turkey and about a tablespoon of mashed potatoes. Carbs...I know, but it was all that was available. I wouldn't say that I'm totally FULL, but I'm not starving like I was and I think I'm satisfied enough to make it to dinner! I'm getting my fill on Tuesday, September 2! WOO HOO! I'm really looking forward to that! When's your next appointment?

  15. OMG...I'm so damn hungry! I was great for a while, but now I feel like I could eat my arm off. My poor belly gives off these horrible "feeeeed meeee" growls all day long. I can't wait till tomorrow so we can transition to mushie foods. I think we should be scheduling our fill appointment tomorrow...I hope so! I'm just not sure that a cup of food per meal is going to do the trick at this point. How are you doing? Is your hunger killing you like it is me? I'm still losing...at 19 pounds total, including pre-op! I hope I can keep it up with this viscious hunger!

  16. Hey there! I'm slackin on my posts now that I'm back to work. I'm feeling great. Almost back to normal. I feel like my port site is a little lump, too. It's certainly not flat. It's probably still a bit swollen...I'm sure we are ok. I'm down a total of 17 pounds as of today. 9 from pre-op diet and 8 since surgery. YAHOO! I'm starting get a little more hungry than in the beginning, but the shakes are still keeping me satisfied. I sure do look forward to some real food that I can CHEW though. I'm looking forward to seeing you next week at our class. I can't wait to hear what foods we'll be able to add to our diet now! I think we should get our first fill at 4 weeks. I think that is going to REALLY make a difference in our hunger. I long for the days that we can eat of few bites and call it quits and be HAPPY with that! AAaahhhh, this is going to be AMAZING!!!!

  17. I was thinking the same thing. I feel like it's just right there on top. I'm really bumpy all around that area and I hope that is just bloating. I wasn't told anything really on how to take care or what not to do...hopefully we aren't jacking anything up!

  18. They told me to go to the Tuesday (12th) Nutrition class at 9:30 and then they would do a quick check up right after that. I'm hoping to be down a full 10 from my surgery date by then, so I've got 7 more to go...I hope I can make it! How hungry are you? I'm not really hungry at all. I made a smoothie this morning with the protien powder and then had like 1/4 cup of runny cream of potato soup and I'm stuffed. I've heard of people that have had really big hunger issues by now...I think I got lucky for a change! How are your incisions? Mine are healing nicely. They are pretty ugly and purpley/yellow...SO SEXY!!!

  19. How are you doing since surgery?

  20. Hope you had a GREAT Birthday! The scale finally started going down! I was up 2 pounds when I got home and now I'm down 6 from there...whew! I am down 12 in total if you count the pre-op diet. I still feel like I have a brick in my belly though! I'm back at work and feeling good...aside from the gas. I'll probably call to set my appointment on my lunch. I'll send you a text to let you know I made the appointment. I got my protien powder yesterday and I really like that so much better than the Slim Fast..I'm WAY over those damn shakes! I hope you are continuing to feel better!

  21. So glad you are feeling better! I'm starting to sleep good in bed and getting a bit more strength every day. I'll tell you what, though...I've never been so happy to pass gas in my life! That pain is worse than anything! I feel like a blimp...but I know it's temporary. Are you planning to do the 2 week follow up class and check-up, or do you think you will go sooner?

  22. WE DID IT!!! I was so happy to have you as a roomie yesterday. It made the experience that much better. I hope you are feeling better than when I left! So far, I'm feeling pretty good. Still not much hunger or desire to take in anything...but I'm forcing myself to get that protien in! I'll talk with you soon! Happy recovery!

  23. Tomorrow is the big day!!! WOO HOO! I just saw your message and laughed at your comment. Those pics are pretty recent. Notice there are none that show below the chest...that's where I hold all my "junk." I've got PLENTY lose...promise :)


    See you tomorrow! I'll tell Dr. Oliak to be good to you!!!

  24. All liquids...YIKES! I was told to lose 5-10 pounds but I wasn't given any specifics on how they wanted me to do it, so I'm just doing my own thing. Hang in there. Just keep picturing why we are putting ourselves through this!

  25. Hope your trip is GREAT! Thanks for the well wishes for Tuesday. I'll feel much better with the pre-op out of the way! Only 12 days left!!!!

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