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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Surgery4me

  1. I finally saw some movement this week. I'm down 3 pounds. I was hoping for more, but I had my monthyl visitor...so I guess 3 pounds is good enough. I had my first fill last week and get my next one next week. I think I need a bit more restriction to cut out the munchies and desire to eat more than I should.

    I'm walking 5-6 days a week for 30 minutes. I have to work on getting up early enough to add my toning video!

    Next week is going to be the best week EVER! I can feel it!

    Good job to ALL of us!:unsure:

  2. Well, I had been staying away from the scale since it wasn't moving much lately! I went for my first fill yesterday and learned that I have lost 2 pounds since my last appointment TWO WEEKS AGO!! Aaarrgg....

    Anyway, I have a brand new attitude after my fill. I have noticed that less than a cup of food is filling me up and keeps me satisfied till my next meal. I'll take that!

    So, I'm hoping to post a nice lass for next Friday!

    I've been walking 5-6 times a week for 3 miles at a brisk pace. I plan to add a few days of my toning video. I'm ready to kick this band into high gear!

    Let's keep Rockin' August Bandsters!

    See you all next week!:lol:

  3. Well...I did it! I had my first fill. It was a very quick and painless process. I got a numbing shot that I could barely feel and then I felt ZERO from then on. It was like she was just rubbing around on my belly. They added 1 cc and put me to 4 cc's total in a 10 cc band. I had NO idea that I already had 3 cc's in there! So...I can't really say if it's giving me any restriction, as I'm on liquids and can't tell. I can say that I'm not too hungry. I've been getting a bit down since my loss has slowed so much the past few weeks. I have started the thinking that TODAY is the beginning of this journey. I would say that we are all putting a lot of pressure on ourselves to lose. We all know it will happen...I guess we just have to get used to the fact that it's going to take some time! I have another appointmetn in 2 weeks, so if this fill doesn't do the trick...I'll be ready for more at that point. This is going to work for all of us...I KNOW it!! Keep up the hard work ladies!

  4. Michelle, I know how you feel. Have you tried exercising or if you ARE doing exercise, have you shaken up your routine? And if you eat the same things every day, maybe change up your diet a little. If you only eat about 700 calories a day, maybe have 1200 one day and then go back to the 700. That's what happened to me this weekend. I was sitting on the same weight for a week and eating only 6-7 hundred calories. So, I switched it up a bit, ate something different, got back on my treadmill, and I'm down since yesterday. Try it. Good luck!

    Thanks for the words of wisdom, Vegas Girl! I have been walking quite a bit and I think I need to shake things up and do something different. I guess that means getting up at the crack of dawn to do a video or something. I gave up on the 1/2 cup of food and started eating a little bit more...I think that will change again after my fill. I haven't visted the scale for a couple of days and I plan to stay away until my appointment...hopefully I'll have a suprize waiting for me when I look down! Thanks for the support. I'll keep you informed!:)

  5. Hi gang!

    So, I've had my band since August 6th. I lost 19 pounds REALLY FAST! Since then, I haven't lost ANYTHING! I go for my first fill on Thursday and I really hope that starts me back on the losing streak...I'm starting to get bummed out! My body ALWAYS sticks right here at my current weight and I was sort of hoping the band would get me past this point that no other diets had been able to. I think my body loves weighing 220! Anyone out there in band land that can tell me it's going to start falling off again??? I didn't pay out the nose for this surgery to lose 19 stinken pounds! HELP ME......:)

  6. I started on food this week and have not lost much since. I'm eating about a cup of food per sitting (FAR less than a normal meal in the past.) I am sceduled for my first fill in just under 2 weeks. I can't WAIT for the restriction. I'm hoping it will nix the hunger I am feeling. I am down 19 total pounds from pre-op. 9 prior to surgery and 10 more since 8/6. I know it will be slow until the first fill...I just want to be skinny TODAY! I'm walking 30 minutes daily and just started my 20 minute toning DVD in the mornings! Hopefully that will help too!

    Congrats to everyone...we are making it happen one day at a time!:wink2:

  7. I was banded July 31st...And am getting my first fill August 21. My 3 week mark. Has anyone else been filled so soon??? Just wondering.

    I had my follow up today and made the appointment for my first fill. It will be 4 weeks post op. I asked if I could have it at theend of week 3 since I'm on vacation and wouldn't have to miss work and they said that was too soon. She actually said that they never used to do fill prior to week 6, so I'm surprised to hear you will have it 3 weeks post-op. I'm sure your doc wouldn't do it if it weren't safe. Let us know how it goes. I can't wait to see what "restriction" feels like!!!

  8. I had my follow up appointment today and sat in the class to learn how to transition to real food. I have been so hungry these past couple of days as I wrapped up my liquid diet...I couldn't wait to eat FOOD!!! So, I heated up one of those Smart Ones Weight Watchers meals and ate a little bit of mashed potatoes and turkey tenderloins. I probably ate about half of it, or 6 ounces. I had a hard time believing that 6-8 ounces of food would fill me up, but it really did. I'm not feeling FULL...but I'm satisfied and pretty sure I can make it till dinner before I want anything. I think I'll be good with half a cup of food after my first fill...I HOPE! We'll know in 2 weeks!!!

    Good luck to everyone who is waiting for thier surgery or just had it...I am 2 weeks post op and feeling very well. It gets better every day!:thumbup:

  9. Just got back from the Doctor and he won't budge on the diet. He told me to puree everything to the point of liquid. Because I am on liquids. Hot ceral like Malt-O-Meal and even eggs ----so I will accept that. I can't wait to go home and make an EGG. This is the hard part for me.

    Everything went great at the doctor. He said I was Textbook. I have lost weight. My goal is gradual. I don't want plastic surgery. He said Exercise is the key and lose about 2 pounds a week. He stressed Strength Training. CAN"T WAIT TO EAT MY liquid EGG.:wink2:

    Well...You'll have to tell me how the liquid egg goes down. I'm wierd about consistency and I think a liquid egg might freak me out too much...though I really would LOVE an egg right now! I think I'll get the go-ahead to have soft scrambles eggs tomorrow....WOO HOO!!!

  10. Holy Cow...I'm hungry! I am 12 days post op and starting to feel WAY hungry. I'm still on liquids and go for my follow up appointment tomorrow to transition to mushie stuff. I can't wait to see what's on that list! I'm telling you what...I'm SO OVER the protien shakes and soup! I had a bite of peas last night and I thought I was in heaven! I'm looking forward to the first fill and feeling the restricting that everyone keeps talking about!

    Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the journey!!!

  11. I lost 16 pounds before my banding on August 6. I have now lost a total of 25 pounds. When I lose 5 more pounds, I will have lost the same 30 pounds that I have lost and gained a dozen times or more. :thumbup:

    I won't really feel success until I get below those 30 pounds. That's practically uncharted territory!!!

    Wow Mary, All's I can say is...I HEAR YA!! I've lost the same 30 pounds DOZENS of times. I remember a couple of years back celebrating the 199 mark...but it was short lived. When I make it there again...THEN the real journey will begin! I plan to enjoy every step of the way!

    I'm ready!!!!

  12. Thanks Cutie for telling me about this thread. Congrats to everyone...loss or no loss, this is quite a journey for all of us and we should just be proud of ourselves for doing something for our health!! I am 9 days post-op and have lost 9 pounds since surgery. I'm still doing liquids and will probably slow down on the loss once I get to eat some real food! I'm walking 2 miles a day and plan to start my toning/weights after I get the go-ahead from the doc next week.

    Keep up the good work everyone!

  13. Hi to all my soon to be new thin bandster's!! I just got banded on 8/13/08 and everything went well, PRAISE GOD! I see a lot of weight loss ticker's that show weight loss pre op and i'm jut assuming that's because some of you were on a liquid diet prior to your surgery? I would like to know how much weight loss for those of you that have been banded for a few weeks now? I know it's bonus weight but, it's still weight coming off

    and very motivating to read the success stories! I'm thrilled that i've taken charge of my life and that i found this wonderful support group! Many blessings and looking forward to getting to know and share this journey!

    Hello Jenecye! Congrats on your band! I'm only 9 days post op, but I can report my weight loss. I lost 9 pounds on the pre-op diet and have lost another 9 since surgery for a total of 18. I'm sure it will slow down once I go on mushies...but it's nice to see the numbers go down :thumbup:. I'm glad you asked the question. It will be encouraging to hear how everyone is doing!

    Here's to ALL of us!!!

  14. I am Vicodin and Darvocet make me vomit. So my surgeon said I will just have to take Tylenol. I'm really nervous about that. Anybody else not have prescription pain meds post op?

    Hi Gina, I was banded on the 6th. When I got home on the 7th, I took one dose of the liquid Vicodin and thought I was going to vomit. Since then, I've taken NOTHING! The pain has been pretty bearable for the surgery area...and for the gas pain, I'm just using the gas strips. It can be done...don't worry. You'll do fine. No pain...no LOSS...right??

  15. Glad to see you are feeling better Cutie! I'm doing pretty well. I actually did the whole shower,make-up and hair thing for the first time this morning. I can't wait till tomorrow to get out of the house. I'm not hungry AT ALL. It takes all I have to get a shake down and I drink one through the course of the day. I'm planning to hit the GNC and get some of these protien things everyone is talking about. I'd like something I can throw in Soup and I'll try the fruit punch idea that I've seen others talk about. I've been off the meds since day 2. It seems that is what is causing most of the misery for others. I'm a tad sore, but not getting nausueas like the liquid vicodin was making me. I'm feeling really gassy too. Not the painful chest stuff, but bloaty and gassy. I feel like I've GAINED 10 pounds because I feel so heavy. I assume it's some Water retention and swelling, too. I want to get on the scale...but I don't want to rush it. I tink I'll give myself a full week. I am heading back to work on Monday! I think I'll be fine. It will do me some good to get back in the swing of things. I partially think my fatigue is just from sitting home all this time! Anyway...that's my update. I'm glad everyone is doing well! I'm looking forward to seeing all of our success as time rolls on!

  16. Krtock-Do your best to get your Protein in! It's so very important!!!

    PJ - That's what I'm taking now. The only side affects it has is really sleepiness, did you used to drink coffee?

    Hey Cutie...it's your roomie! How are you doing now? I was feeling great for most of the day yesterday and then I wound up feeling nauseas. I think it's from the liquid Vicodin and very little in my belly. I'm not too terribly sore, so I think I'm going to go med free and see if that helps. I'm just having a teenie bit of the gas pain every now and then. I feel that restriction in my chest that I see others writing about...sorta like I want to burp really bad, but can't. That is probably the worst thing I'm dealing with. Still not hungry at all. I'm going to make myself drink as much of the shake this morning as possible I am weak and I know I need the protien.

    Hang in there everyone. This time next month we'll all be comparing notes on the pounds we've lost! WOO HOO!

  17. Surgery4me - Good luck on your surgery tomorrow!

    My surgery is on Monday and I'm getting a little nervous. :)

    Hello All,

    I am home from surgery. I went in yesterday morning and came home about 11:00 am today. I have to say...I feel pretty good. Once they put the mask on you and you start breathing in the happy juice...it's all downhill. The next thing I remember was waking up! There is some soreness and last night was tough with learning how to get in and out of bed, but all in all...it's been a great experience. I have ZERO hunger at the moment, but I know once the swelling goes down, that will likely change. So, to those of you with nervousness...you'll be fine. The doctors and nurses take very good care of you and so far, the pain is minimal. Make sure to take it easy and move slow...but move. I haven't had too much of the gas pain we hear of and I think it's becasue I'm up and moving. I'll keep you informed as the days go by! Best of luck to all the upcoming bandsters...this is going to be SOOOO worth it!

  18. Hi all! So my surgery date is set, but unfortunately my husband will be out of town for work that week. His trip was set prior to my surgery date, but once I got the date I didn't want to give it up because I'm hoping to be well on the way to recovery before classes start again at the end of August. Anyway, my mom will be there to take me home - and I doubt she'll just drop me off and leave, but I assume I'll be home by myself that evening, and the rest of the week.

    I know everyone's recovery is different, but after some of the things I've been reading I'm concerned it may not be a good idea to be alone the first few nights.

    Does anyone think this will be a problem? I just hate to overdo it, or have difficult getting out of a chair and/or bed and cause issues with the healing process, or flip my port or something.

    Sorry for the rambling... Appreciate any feedback! :thumbdown:

    I'm glad you asked this question. I am in a similar situation. I'll have my husband the day of and the day after and then he goes back to work and I have a 7 and 10 year old to help or hurt the situation. It sounds like many people have been up and around quite quickly, so I feel much better! Good luck with everything!

  19. My Date is Aug 6th too...In Orange County. I'm a mix of nervous and excited. I don't have the diabetic issue to deal with, but everything I read says the lap band should help your situation. I also have the concern about failing. I think we just need to put the determination in our head that we will NOT fail this time. Once we find the right fill level and have our hunger squashed by the band, I know it will be a breeze...as long as you keep your head right! Seeing the pounds fall off will help me stay on track and I'm sure that is the same for many of us. Hang in there! We've got 6.5 days to go and mentally prepare. I just keep reading and reading and reading some more. There is very little negative information to find about what we are doing. This is a GREAT thing we are doing for ourselves and our families! We can do it!:thumbdown:

  20. i wish id known about the tylenol, as ive not got any of that! might have to go look for that tommorrow, even though i will be sent home with both pain killers and antibiotics for a week. the pain has mostly gone now (it hits me for 6 hours and then im fine, but its evil). hope the pain from the op is no where near as bd, i hope it is going to be more like a dull ache. but will have to wait and see.

    is everyone with their op on the 1st packed? im packing tomorrow afternoon i think, before going to a leaving party of someone from work.

    As for the pain...I had my gall bladder taken out a few years back and it was done laproscopically (no clue if I spelled that right!) I think it will be similar. It wasn't horrible, but I do remember that it felt like you did a zillion sit ups. Getting up and out of bed, or anything where you use your core is tough for a few days. I think the pain might be a little worse with the port site, but I'm still hoping that it's not intollerable. No matter what...it will be worth it! A few days of pain to rid ourselves of the years we've spent being overweight is WAY worth it!:)

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