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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Surgery4me

  1. Surgery4me

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Glad to see you are feeling better Cutie! I'm doing pretty well. I actually did the whole shower,make-up and hair thing for the first time this morning. I can't wait till tomorrow to get out of the house. I'm not hungry AT ALL. It takes all I have to get a shake down and I drink one through the course of the day. I'm planning to hit the GNC and get some of these protien things everyone is talking about. I'd like something I can throw in soup and I'll try the fruit punch idea that I've seen others talk about. I've been off the meds since day 2. It seems that is what is causing most of the misery for others. I'm a tad sore, but not getting nausueas like the liquid vicodin was making me. I'm feeling really gassy too. Not the painful chest stuff, but bloaty and gassy. I feel like I've GAINED 10 pounds because I feel so heavy. I assume it's some water retention and swelling, too. I want to get on the scale...but I don't want to rush it. I tink I'll give myself a full week. I am heading back to work on Monday! I think I'll be fine. It will do me some good to get back in the swing of things. I partially think my fatigue is just from sitting home all this time! Anyway...that's my update. I'm glad everyone is doing well! I'm looking forward to seeing all of our success as time rolls on!
  2. Surgery4me

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Hey Cutie...it's your roomie! How are you doing now? I was feeling great for most of the day yesterday and then I wound up feeling nauseas. I think it's from the liquid Vicodin and very little in my belly. I'm not too terribly sore, so I think I'm going to go med free and see if that helps. I'm just having a teenie bit of the gas pain every now and then. I feel that restriction in my chest that I see others writing about...sorta like I want to burp really bad, but can't. That is probably the worst thing I'm dealing with. Still not hungry at all. I'm going to make myself drink as much of the shake this morning as possible I am weak and I know I need the protien. Hang in there everyone. This time next month we'll all be comparing notes on the pounds we've lost! WOO HOO!
  3. WE DID IT!!! I was so happy to have you as a roomie yesterday. It made the experience that much better. I hope you are feeling better than when I left! So far, I'm feeling pretty good. Still not much hunger or desire to take in anything...but I'm forcing myself to get that protien in! I'll talk with you soon! Happy recovery!

  4. Hello All, I am home from surgery. I went in yesterday morning and came home about 11:00 am today. I have to say...I feel pretty good. Once they put the mask on you and you start breathing in the happy juice...it's all downhill. The next thing I remember was waking up! There is some soreness and last night was tough with learning how to get in and out of bed, but all in all...it's been a great experience. I have ZERO hunger at the moment, but I know once the swelling goes down, that will likely change. So, to those of you with nervousness...you'll be fine. The doctors and nurses take very good care of you and so far, the pain is minimal. Make sure to take it easy and move slow...but move. I haven't had too much of the gas pain we hear of and I think it's becasue I'm up and moving. I'll keep you informed as the days go by! Best of luck to all the upcoming bandsters...this is going to be SOOOO worth it!
  5. Here I am the night before surgery! I go in tomorow at 730 and have surgery at 9:30...I can hardly wait. The nerves are gone and I'm ready to Rock and Roll! I can't wait to come home and post how easy it was to ease everyones mind! May the Band with with you!!!
  6. Tomorrow is the big day!!! WOO HOO! I just saw your message and laughed at your comment. Those pics are pretty recent. Notice there are none that show below the chest...that's where I hold all my "junk." I've got PLENTY lose...promise :)


    See you tomorrow! I'll tell Dr. Oliak to be good to you!!!

  7. I need help! My surgery is 6 days away and I came down with a cold. I've got to get rid of it so they don't send me away on surgery day...anyone have some good remedies?
  8. My Doc allows full liquids right away also. It seems a little strange that you can't have protien shakes. The protien will help you heal. I would call for sure! Good Luck!
  9. I'm glad you asked this question. I am in a similar situation. I'll have my husband the day of and the day after and then he goes back to work and I have a 7 and 10 year old to help or hurt the situation. It sounds like many people have been up and around quite quickly, so I feel much better! Good luck with everything!
  10. Surgery4me


    My Date is Aug 6th too...In Orange County. I'm a mix of nervous and excited. I don't have the diabetic issue to deal with, but everything I read says the lap band should help your situation. I also have the concern about failing. I think we just need to put the determination in our head that we will NOT fail this time. Once we find the right fill level and have our hunger squashed by the band, I know it will be a breeze...as long as you keep your head right! Seeing the pounds fall off will help me stay on track and I'm sure that is the same for many of us. Hang in there! We've got 6.5 days to go and mentally prepare. I just keep reading and reading and reading some more. There is very little negative information to find about what we are doing. This is a GREAT thing we are doing for ourselves and our families! We can do it!:thumbdown:
  11. As for the pain...I had my gall bladder taken out a few years back and it was done laproscopically (no clue if I spelled that right!) I think it will be similar. It wasn't horrible, but I do remember that it felt like you did a zillion sit ups. Getting up and out of bed, or anything where you use your core is tough for a few days. I think the pain might be a little worse with the port site, but I'm still hoping that it's not intollerable. No matter what...it will be worth it! A few days of pain to rid ourselves of the years we've spent being overweight is WAY worth it!
  12. Hi Keisha, I think that is the rule for everyone. Nothing with NSAID pain reliever. I just met with the surgeon yesterday and he said Tylenol was ok...but you may want to check with your Doc just to make certain. Best of luck, I hope the pain goes away soon! Good Luck on Friday...make sure to fill us all in!
  13. Hi Shamrockgirl! Looks like we are just a day apart. So, you are going to be famous eh?? That sounds like fun! It's crazy that we are just a week out from our date! It's going to be such a long 7 days! This is like being a kid and waiting for Santa to come! It's KILLING me! I'm still sticking to the pre-op diet pretty closely...even though I've already lost enough to satisfy the Doc. I figure if I have it in me to stick with it, why not? My goal is to be 15 puonds down by surgery. I'm hoping we can all start to share our successes and post how easy the surgery was for everyone!
  14. I had my pre-op appointment today. All of my blood work is good and I am full speed ahead. Talking to everyone involved and doing my pre-registration at the hospital really made it seem REAL! I'm a tad more nervous and WAY more excited! 8 more days till I'm a Band member!!! I've lost 9 pound on the pre-op diet and the doc was very happy about that. I still have time to shed a few more. Woo Hoo! I'm ready to rock and roll!
  15. Surgery4me

    Who got thru losing a lot of weight without much saggy skin?

    That really is a good question. I'm getting banded in 10 days and that same thing is running through my mind. Today...like an IDIOT, I watched this show on the discovery channel about weight loss surgery and the removal of the excess skin, wholy moly! That seemed way worse than the surgery we are heading into. I'm looking to lose 75 pounds and could possibly lose up to 100, so I'm concerned. I think I'll keep up the exercise and hope that does the trick. I'll keep my fingers crossed for all of us!
  16. Surgery4me

    Me and my family before surgery....

    Here are some random pictures to share with the group. You may notice that most of them are from the chest up...It's about the only way I will offer to take a picture! But soon there will be full body shots all over!!!
  17. Surgery4me

    Its almost here! EEEEK!

    I'm 12 days away from my band day...I just find myself reading and reading and reading what everyone says. I'm so glad to hear you are doing well. I'm very excited, but have some of the same fears as everyone else. I can tell you this...I KNOW it's going to be worth it! Keep us informed on how you do! I hope the gas pains go away soon!
  18. All liquids...YIKES! I was told to lose 5-10 pounds but I wasn't given any specifics on how they wanted me to do it, so I'm just doing my own thing. Hang in there. Just keep picturing why we are putting ourselves through this!

  19. Hope your trip is GREAT! Thanks for the well wishes for Tuesday. I'll feel much better with the pre-op out of the way! Only 12 days left!!!!

  20. Surgery4me

    Let's Get This Party Started!

    Hi All, There are so many ways to communicate with people on this site, I'm still learning all of it! I am scheduled for my "office day" on the 29th and getting banded on August 6th. I started my pre-op diet on Monday and then realized I didn't have my farewell to cheesecake, so I did that lastnight and I suppose I have re-started the pre-op diet today. (what a knucklehead!!) I'm doing the Low Carb Slim fast for 2 meals and eating dinner and fruit for Snacks. It's no fun...for sure. Looking forward to the band taking this hunger away! Can't wait to share the journey with all of you! ~Michelle

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