I was Dx with sleep apnea when I was 21yo. I had throat and nose surgery then, but I still had enough sleep apnea that i needed a cpap although it was not nearly as bad. I used the cpap for about 4-5 years and then just quit and snored but I was told it was not that bad. I was also alot more active and about 60 pounds lighter.
About 5 years ago I started having depression and way high blood pressure So i got restarted on my CPAP. I found the Nasal Pillows were the most comfortable and did not cover my face so much so not so many face creases and removing the mask in my sleep.
Now, over the last month, I have lost about 25pounds:drool:. When my cpap is not available, my wife says my snoring is not so bad. She also says I have not been having the gasping in the sleep that is associated with sleep apnea. I have had more energy and less of that foggy feeling that is associated with build up of CO2 from not being able to breath. No Migrains either.
As the Liturature always says... weight loss is good treatment for sleep apnea....joint pain....depression.....high blood pressure....bla, bla, bla
nuff said:thumbup: keep up the good work, I'll catch up with your soon.